Antisemitism In The US – The Jay Shapiro Show [audio]

Antisemitism in the US has reached new heights including demonstrations against the Israeli Prime Minister at the US Congress

Antisemitism Continues to Grow – The Jay Shapiro Show [audio]

Antisemitism continues to grow unabated especially on US campuses.

Antisemitism in the West – The Jay Shapiro Show [audio]

Antisemitism is reaching levels in the West not seen since the 1930s

Antisemitism in the West – The Jay Shapiro Show [audio]

Antisemitism in the West, particularly in the United States has reached historical proportions

The End Is Not In Sight – The Jay Shapiro Show [audio]

Israelis have learned to cope with a war whose end is not in sight

American Academia – The Jay Shapiro Show [audio]

Besieged by lies and fabricated narratives, Israel's fights cannot rely on the goodwill of those whom, historically, have thwarted our survival. Forging forward, it is time for singularity of voice, faith, compassion and a unity of vision.

The Jews Will Survive – The Jay Shapiro Show [audio]

The Jewish people will survive the present difficult situation as it has done so for more than 3000 years

Protests Against Israel – The Jay Shapiro Show [audio]

Protests against Israel are also protests against the United States and Western society

American society is in deep trouble – The Jay Shapiro Show [audio]

Anti Jewish and antisemitic activities on dozens of American campuses are a sign that American society is in deep trouble

Fight for Jewish Survival – The Jay Shapiro Show [audio]

US campuses are now the front-line in the fight for Jewish survival in Western society

We Will Survive This War – The Jay Shapiro Show [audio]

The Jewish people will survive the present difficult situation as it has done so for more than 3000 years

Iranian Attack On Israel – The Jay Shapiro Show [audio]

The world and the Middle East will never be the same again after the April 13 Iranian attack on Israel

Demonstrations Against Jews – The Jay Shapiro Show [audio]

Violent demonstrations against Jews on American campuses by both students and faculty do not bode well for the future of academia

Decisive Victory – The Jay Shapiro Show [audio]

Israel has to balance between achieving a decisive victory without acquiring an image of harming an inordinate number of Gazan non-combatants

Palestinian Priorities – The Jay Shapiro Show [audio]

The Palestine Authority does not require revitalization - it requires a deep revision of Palestinian priorities

Antisemitism Went Under Cover After World War 2 – The Jay Shapiro Show [audio]

After six million Jews were murdered in World War 2, antisemitism became anathema but it has returned in full force in the form of anti-Israel-ism

United Nations Treason – The Jay Shapiro Show [audio]

The UN which was supposed to bring peace to the world, has betrayed its mission in Gaza and must be expelled

Jews and Arabs on Israeli College Campuses – The Jay Shapiro Show [audio]

Tension between Jews and Arabs on Israeli college campuses and antisemitism on American campuses are unexpected times of the times

The Downfall of US Higher Education – The Jay Shapiro Show [audio]

The disgraceful performance before the US Congress, the presidents of prestigious American universities is a harbinger of great problems in the future of western society

Alarming Surge In Antisemitism – The Jay Shapiro Show [audio]

Four big lies are driving the alarming surge in antisemitism in the United States particularly on college campuses which must be fought with determination

Antisemitism in the US – The Jay Shapiro Show [audio]

The rapid rise of antisemitism in the US, particularly on college campuses where society's leadership is educated, is a sign that the future of the US as a free society may be in question

American Universities & Antisemitism – The Jay Shapiro Show [audio]

The disgraceful performance of the presidents of three prestigious American universities with regard to antisemitism of their campuses is a warning sign for future of American democracy

Trouble In Washington – The Jay Shapiro Show [audio]

Jay talks about the American universities in Washington, and the shame they bring to all intelligent people. Israel News Talk Radio · Trouble In Washington...


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