Photo Credit: courtesy, Chabad of Dead Sea
Dead Sea Chabad emissary Rabbi Shimon Elharar, Arad Mayor Nisan Ben Hamo, associate emissary Rabbi Tzachi Francis at 2016 International Tourism Expo in Tel Aviv.

Two completely different people, albeit both “Aradniks,” both turned up at the International Tourism Expo in Tel Aviv last week.

Arad Mayor Nisan Ben Hamo personally led a team at the Arad booth in promoting his city as an attractive tourist destination with “magic in the air,” as the city slogan says. Arad has long been renowned for its excellent air quality; it’s the place where doctors in Israel have always sent children and adults with asthma and other breathing difficulties.


The city is located on a ridge overlooking the southernmost tip of the Dead Sea at approximately the same elevation as Jerusalem, so its air is crisp, but dry with a Negev breeze. Because it is farther south, however, the temperature is warmer. Tourists often have to be reminded to drink due to the breeze and the dry heat, which does not register as much.

Also at the Expo were Dead Sea Chabad emissary Rabbi Shimon Elharar and Associate emissary Rabbi Tzachi Francis, promoting their project, the Masada Experience.

For several years Elharar has performed Bar and Bat Mitzvah ceremonies atop the windswept fortress of Masada. Francis – who has also been a professional actor – also participates as “The Ancient Rabbi of Masada” for the young honoree and family.

“It’s amazing that the mayor would be so dedicated that he would come to an expo to answer questions and advocate for his city,” Elharar told “I was impressed. He came to our booth and it really added to our traffic!

“People came by to make a “l’chaim” with Mayor Ben Hamo in honor of Rosh Hodesh Adar (the first day of the Hebrew month of Adar) – it really created a festive atmosphere, and set the stage for the upcoming holiday of Purim,” he said.

More than 25,000 people turned out for the Expo, held Feb. 9-10.

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.