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A new Proclaiming Justice to the Nations (PJTN) documentary film exposing the lies behind the anti-Israel BDS movement, titled “Boycott This!” has been selected for screening at the Chandler International Film Festival, the Documentary Short Film Festival in Toronto, and the Hollywood Boulevard Film Festival. “Boycott This!” was recently honored with a 2016 Telly Award, a Gold Award from The Spotlight Documentary Film Awards, and is a Semi-Finalist at the Hollywood Screenings Film Festival.

Boycott THIS! Preview Trailer from Laurie Cardoza-Moore on Vimeo.



Viewers join comedian Brad Stine on a journey in search of truth that takes him across the US and Israel, meeting Ethiopian Jews in Jerusalem and Muslim-Israelis in Haifa, visiting Israeli colleges and high-tech companies to hear about the latest breakthroughs in Israeli innovation, traveling into Judea and Samaria to hear personal stories from local Arabs, learning first-hand how, if successful, the BDS movement would destroy the livelihoods of thousands of Palestinian families.

Laurie Cardoza-Moore, president and founder of PJTN and an award-winning media veteran, noted: “Not only have we been relentless in exposing the BDS movement and its leaders as anti-Semitic, but it is inherently antithetical and deeply damaging to the cause of peace, justice, equality, democracy and human rights for the people of Israel, as well as the impoverished Palestinians whose jobs it threatens.”

“This film holds a mirror up to the anti-Semitic movement to boycott Israel and is the latest weapon in PJTN’s arsenal to combat them,” Cardoza-Moore said.

In the US, Stine met with an array of experts, including former CIA director James R. Woosley, Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz, Jewish comedian Jackie Mason, and an exiled PA Christian Arab. He also learned about the increasingly violent protests and intimidation tactics used against pro-Israel and Jewish students on university campuses. Stine also interviews radio personality Dennis Prager, Pastor Jack Hayford, Isi Liebler, Roger Simon and Mark Schiff and many others on the topic of BDS.

“Boycott This!” was directed by Emmy award-winning director Stan Moore and produced Laurie Cardoza-Moore. Executive Producers include Doctor Bob Shillman, Larry J. Hochberg, Cherna Moskowitz, Evelyn and Dr. Shmuel Katz, Rita and Steve Emerson, Barbara Massey Rogers and Maria and Bernard Pargh.

“Boycott This!” will have its US and Canada theatrical release March 30th, 2017, in more than 100 theaters.


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