Photo Credit: social media / Facebook / Legida
Two speakers at a rally of the far-right anti-migrant Legida movement in the state of Saxony, Germany. The event is sponsored by the Pegida movement against the Islamization of Europe.

Another eyewitness said the mob was “armed with baseball bats and axes. They broke numerous windows, stormed into a Turkish restaurant and threw tables and benches through the windows into the street.”

The source who spoke with confirmed the report of the goose-stepping neo-Nazis. “I have seen the marches, and I have also seen the coverage,” the source said. “It is all true.”


Police said in the report that dozens of windows were shattered, fireworks ignited, and cars set ablaze. “The destruction was evidently planned,” according to the report. There were 211 arrests.

It was labeled by historian Sascha Lange, an expert on the resistance groups in the Third Reich, as the “biggest attack by right-wing extremists on shops and houses in Leipzig since the November Pogrom of 1938.”

More ominously, the report added that “it cannot be ruled out that [the riots] were carried out with the knowledge of the security forces or were even initiated by them.”

The source warned “Germans are extremely polite and most would never tell a Jew they are not welcome. But if you are blond and blue-eyed and are at a party on a Friday night, then after a few drinks it is a good idea to listen to what they are saying when they feel no Jews are around.”

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.