Photo Credit: Kobi Gideon / GPO / Flash 90
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (L) meets with Jordan's King Abdullah II, at the Royal Palace in Amman, Jordan.

Jordan’s King Abdullah II has stepped up to intervene in the groundswell of Arab terror aimed at Jews that if not halted, could become a tsunami to drown Arab-Israeli relations for decades.

In a response to a statement made by Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over the weekend, the Hashemite monarch “welcomed” the initiative and said he believed it would help end the violence.


“I heard the statements made by Prime Minister Netanyahu and his affirmation of his commitment to uphold the status quo. This is a commitment that we welcome very much here and we hope to see that those commitments are implemented on the ground,” the monarch said.

“I believe that this would allow the violence to end, to decrease the tension and I hope will allow a resumption of efforts to readdress the core issues through negotiations because this is an issue that has to be dealt with as quickly as possible,” he added.

Netanyahu said in his statement on Saturday night that Israel would install security cameras at the Temple Mount. At the Sunday morning cabinet meeting, the prime minister reiterated Israel would continue to maintain the status quo at the Temple Mount, and “welcomes coordination” at the site with Jordan.

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry added his own stamp of approval, supporting the installation of CCTV cameras to record events at the Temple Mount 24/7. The idea did not make local Israeli Arab leaders happy.

King Abdullah’s intervention is a positive contribution to a very complicated picture, one in which local Arabs are once again digging themselves into a great big pit of self-destruction.

Moreover, not only is Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas not doing anything to stop the incitement and terror himself: he is, in fact, ahead of the pack and leading the terrorists.

The unbridled, undisciplined “makeshift kitchen cabinet attacks” by the inspired, unthinking and passionate Arab teens and young adults are the culmination of decades of careful planning and methodical brainwashing curricula formulated by Abbas.

It was Abbas, with a PhD doctorate, who carefully directed the creation of television and radio programs for children, teens and adults; and photos and articles via print and digital media; to further craft and reinforce the message of hatred and purging the land of Jews.

Abbas, who approved and applauded public ceremonies to name important landmarks after those who murdered Israelis and carried out deadly terror attacks.

Abbas, who made sure the schools reinforced that message from the youngest grades through university, in textbooks and in the classrooms and in every extra-curricular activity.

Abbas blessed “every drop of blood, clean blood, pure blood, spilled in Jerusalem.” Abbas, who would like to survive the next assassination attempt by Hamas. He knows a good offense is the best defense.

The Hashemite monarch, meanwhile, has every reason in the world to invest his energies in quelling the current unrest across his border.

Jordan can ill afford unrest in Israel with a savage Da’esh (ISIS) sitting on three of its four borders, and the Jewish State the only local ally close enough to help fend off the barbarians, save Egypt and the U.S.

Unlike Israel, the U.S. is unlikely to put boots on the ground to meet that challenge, and Egypt is already at capacity fighting ISIS itself.

Israel, however, is willing and able to deal with the threat of radical Islamic terror in whatever form it must, in order to end it, for the most important reason of all: The threat of radical Islam that faces Jordan, faces Israel as well.

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.