Photo Credit: Asher Schwartz
The "peace process."

There is no “Third Intifada” nor is there “war.” Plain and simple, Jerusalem and Palestinian Authority Arabs are on a murder spree.

The United Nations announced Thursday it will send high-ranking officials to Jerusalem and Ramallah next week to try to dig up the “peace process” and save Israel and the Palestinian Authority from themselves.


Or at least, that is how they see it.

This is an old scene, played hundreds of times. Whenever Israel does not give the Palestinian Authority what it wants, Mahmoud Abbas calls for “peaceful resistance” in English while his Fatah party call for the murder of Jews in Arabic.

For example, the official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida on Wednesday reported on a statement by Fatah Central Committee Member Jamal Muhaisen, according to a translation and posting by the Palestinian Media Watch (PMW):

Muhaisen stated that the Palestinian people has proven that its life and blood have little value [compared] to support for the Al-Aqsa Mosque and achieving freedom and independence… Muhaisen stressed that it is important that the popular uprising) increases, in order to deal with the occupation’s crimes and the settlers. He clarified that the settlers’ presence is illegal, and therefore every measure taken against them is legitimate and legal.

In plain Arabic, Arabs have a license to kill Jews.

But maybe Hamas terrorists and not Fatah terrorists or behind the murders of Rabbi Eitam and Naama Henkin?

A host on official Palestinian Authority TV asked PLO Executive Committee member Mahmoud Ismail, according to PMW:

Are they [killers of the Henkin couple] from the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades (Fatah’s military wing) or from Hamas?

He answered:

There is no need to return to the argument and dispute about who carried out the operation… There is no need to announce it and boast of having done it. One fulfills his national duty voluntarily, as best as one can.

In plain Arabic, that is more than license to kill. It is a “national duty.”

Abbas has the instincts of a hunting dog. He knows exactly when the time is ripe for the “international; community” to step in and save his neck from being slit by his political opponents, which is just about everyone.

He can count on the U.N. delegation to blame Israel for anything and everything at a time when the Obama administration and even most foreign media are having a hard time blaming the “occupation” for attempted murders in Tel Aviv, Petach Tikvah and Kiryat Gat, let alone the “occupied territory.”

Abbas also knows very well that if he breaks off security arrangements with Israel, he has to make sure his will is in order and that a burial plot is ready.

He also knows that Israel always deals from weakness when international leaders get involved.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu does not have many cards to play and that he also cannot make much more concessions.

He may have to promise that no new Jewish outposts will be built, even if it means preventing a new community near the location where the Henkins were murdered.

There are a lot of things the Prime Minister “should” do, such as reinstating roadblocks and checkpoints in Judea and Samaria, but like it or not, he cannot do it. Israel cannot roll back concessions, at least not now.

It has to wait until the Palestinian Authority regime totally disintegrates, and that is not going to happen before the United Nations fulfills Abbas wish and flies to his rescue next week.

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Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu is a graduate in journalism and economics from The George Washington University. He has worked as a cub reporter in rural Virginia and as senior copy editor for major Canadian metropolitan dailies. Tzvi wrote for Arutz Sheva for several years before joining the Jewish Press.