Photo Credit: Courtesy
The Arabs and their attack dog.

A Hebron resident and her sister were assaulted by an attack dog that was sicced at them by a group of local Arabs. Despite the security cameras at the scene and the description of the suspects the women gave the police, there is no word yet about an arrest, according to the Honenu group.

Honenu attorney Haim Bleicher who represents the Hebron woman sent a letter to the Hebron police chief asking that the suspects be arrested and prosecuted.


The letter describes the incident, which took place two weeks ago, when a young woman, resident of Hebron, and her sister went for a jog on King David Street near the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron. They were running loops on the road, and when the young women passed the suspects for the fourth time, “My client noticed the suspects freeing their dog from its leash to run towards them. My client and her sister were terrified, and tried to turn around and escape the dog, at which point my client slipped on the pavement, fell on her head and broke one of her front teeth.”

Attorney Bleicher’s letter states that the entire area is networked with security cameras. In addition, the young woman filed a complaint with the police and handed them photos of the suspects she managed to take. Despite this, no arrest of the suspects has been carried out.

Attorney Bleicher said: “We expect the police to enforce and stop the perpetrators, even when it comes to Arabs who harm Jews as a matter of routine.”

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