A report of the Ministry of Strategic Affairs is being presented Sunday by Minister Gilad Erdan to the cabinet, revealing a disturbing radicalization of incitement in the Palestinian Authority’s schools and social networks. The worrisome trend is reflected in PA textbooks that include texts like “I will remove the robber from my country, destroy the remnants of the foreigners,” and “We love death.”

“The report I am presenting proves that Mahmoud Abbas is conveying a narrative of denying Israel’s right to exist,” said Minister Erdan.


The Ministry of Strategic Affairs points to the sowing of messages of incitement to terrorism and murder against Israel in the new textbooks of the Palestinian Authority, starting with grades 2 and 3. The message conveyed to children at young ages relates mainly to the State of Israel’s remaining time and the suggestion that “the State of Israel has no right to exist.”

“The incitement is multidimensional,” the ministry points out. “This is not just about calling for terrorism and murder ‘here and now,’ but also deep-rooted, long-term work.”

The textbooks the ministry is presenting Sunday include inciting messages calling for the destruction of the State of Israel. One example, from a textbook for the third grade, goes: “I swore, I will sacrifice my blood to saturate the noble land / I’ll remove the robber from my country and destroy the remnants of the foreigners / Patience, patience, for victory is ours, the dawn will emerge from the darkness.”

A textbook for second graders reader: “I am a lion’s cub, a flower, we gave our soul to the revolution / Our forefathers built houses for us in our free land / I am a lion’s cub, a flower, we carry the embers of the revolution to Haifa, to Jaffa, to the al-Aqsa Mosque, to the Dome of the Rock.”

Minister Erdan said in a statement: “The report I present proves that Mahmoud Abbas has decided to conclude his tenure by giving the next generation of Palestinians a narrative of denying the State of Israel’s right to exist. Under the patronage of the head of the PA, the State of Israel was wiped off the map in textbooks and children at the age of 8 memorize songs calling for the annihilation of the Jews.”

Ardan stressed that Abbas is not a partner in promoting negotiations for peace: “Today it should be clear to everyone that as long as Abbas educates for hatred, legitimizes terrorism and boycotts and pays salaries to terrorists, it will not be possible to advance any diplomatic process with the Palestinians.”


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David writes news at JewishPress.com.