Photo Credit: Hadas Parush / Flash 90
French President Emmanuel Macron in Israel, January 22, 2020.

Protests supporting the Palestinian Authority “cause” will no longer be allowed in France, French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin announced Thursday.

The move follows international horror over the atrocities perpetrated by Iranian-backed Hamas operatives in a surprise attack on southern Israeli villages this past Shabbat, also the joyous Jewish holiday of Simchat Torah.


Thirteen French citizens were slaughtered by the Hamas operatives during their murderous rampage. Many were attending a weekend music festival dedicated to peace being held at Kibbutz Re’em near the Gaza border. Seventeen French nationals, including four children, have been reported missing since the attack.

Stabbing by Islamic Terrorist in France
Darmanin has also confirmed that a teacher has also been killed by an Islamic terrorist at the Gambetta high school in the northern city of Arras. Police told AFP that the attacker yelled “Allah Hu Akbar!” — the Islamic Jihadist war cry — during the rampage.

Two additional people were seriously wounded in the stabbing attack, including a sports teacher, the BBC reported. The attacker was a former student at the school, police said.

The killer was Chechen and listed on the national security register, police added. He was arrested and taken into custody.

Violence Likely in Response to Global Jihad ‘Day of Rage’
“Strict instructions” were issued, banning “pro-Palestinian demonstrations because they are likely to generate public order disturbances,” in a document seen by AFP and reported in other media, according to Politico.

“The organization of these prohibited demonstrations should lead to arrests,” Darmanin said. “Organizers and troublemakers” are to be arrested in the future, the ministry told AFP.

More than 100 antisemitic incidents have been reported in France in the five days since Gaza’s Iranian proxy, Hamas, launched its war against the State of Israel with unspeakable atrocities perpetrated in Jewish villages along the Gaza border.

French President Emmanuel Macron called on the French people to remain united in an address Thursday, amid fears the war could spill over into France, home to Europe’s largest Muslim and Jewish communities.

Jordan Bans Protests on Border with Israel
The Jordanian Interior Ministry likewise warned Thursday that Amman will not allow anti-Israel protesters to approach the border zone adjacent to the Jordan Valley, Judea, and Samaria.

The Jordanian military has declared the area a closed military zone.

The Hashemite Kingdom is concerned about the possibility its Palestinian Arab population, which comprises most of the Jordan’s population, could spiral into unrest as the war between Hamas and Israel continues to unfold.

Hamas’ Qatar-based international representative Khaled Masha’al called on the global Islamic community to protest in support of the Palestinian Authority – by proxy, Hamas – and join the fight against Israel.

“[We must] head to the squares and streets of the Arab and Islamic world on Friday,” Masha’al said in a recorded statement received by Reuters.

“Tribes of Jordan, Sons of Jordan, Brothers and Sisters of Jordan … This is a moment of truth and the borders are close to you. You all know your responsibility,” he declared, urging Jordanians to join the Hamas war and attack Israel.

Increased Protection for Jews in Britain
The situation is just as bad – in fact, worse – in Britain, where the government announced Thursday that additional funds were being released to secure the Jewish community there.

At least three — and possibly four — Jewish schools in Britain have closed until Monday due to the risk to their students presented by the global call for jihad by Khaled Masha’al, an international representative of Hamas, hosted in comfortable quarters by Qatar.

Menorah High School in Brent, Torah Vodaas Primary School in Barnet, and Ateres Bais Yaakov, all in northern London, closed in response to the rise in antisemitic incidents in the city.

At least 139 antisemitic incidents were recorded in Britain in just four days’ time this week since Hamas’ surprise attack on Israel, five times more than in the same period in 2022.

“We must do everything in our power to protect Jewish people everywhere in our country,” Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said. “You have our full support.”

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.