Photo Credit: Matpash Spokesperson
The IDF transfers the body of Tiran Fero to his family. Nov. 24, 2022

30 hours after Tiran Fero was murdered in a Jenin hospital and his body stolen by terrorists within the Palestinian Authority controlled city, Fero’s body was returned to his family early Thursday morning. Fero, an 18-year-old Israeli-Druze high school student from Daliat El Carmel was driving in PA controlled Jenin when he was in a car accident. His friend who was with him was taken to an Israeli hospital, but Fero was taken, alive, to a hospital in Jenin.

There, in front of his father, armed terrorists entered the boy’s room, disconnected him from life support, killing him, and took his body. The Palestinian Authority managed to retrieve the body and put it on a Red Crescent ambulance back to the family, but then, armed terrorists stopped the ambulance and stole the body again. They demanded the release of the bodies of dead terrorists from Israel, in exchange.


The enraged Druze community threatened to invade Jenin and do whatever it takes to get him back. Israeli Druze citizens blocked Road 6, the main highway, in protest. There are claims that overnight they kidnapped four Palestinian Authority Arabs from the village of Beni Naim. Members of the community allegedly told the terrorist groups that PA Arabs from Jenin would start dying if the boy’s body was not returned.

Videos were released of PA Arabs who were allegedly kidnapped, including three from the Hebron area. All of them have since been released.

With the return of the body, the IDF reopened the Gilboa (Jalama) and Salem crossings near Jenin, which had been locked down.

Fero’s father thanked a Sheikh from Hebron who he said facilitated the return of his son’s body.

The mayor of Daliat El Carmel said that Qatar, Jordan and Egypt were involved in the negotiations to return the body, as was as MK Ahmed Tibi.

Defense Minister Benny Gantz decided to thank the Palestinian Authority: “I wish to express appreciation to the Palestinian Authority for working to return the body of Tiran Fero to his family. This is a basic humanitarian step after a disgraceful and inhumane action. I wish to thank the security forces and all of the bodies, leaders, and representatives that worked with determination to return it. My sincere condolences go out to his family which displayed magnanimity and leadership during trying times”.

Prime Minister Yair Lapid said, after the return of the body of Tiran Fero, “Sending heartfelt condolences to the Fero family and the entire Druze community on the tragic death of Tiran who was supposed to celebrate his 18th birthday today. Returning his body to his family is the least we could do to bring solace to their home. I thank everyone who worked in the past day to bring about this sad closure.”

Meanwhile, there are plenty of Israeli Jews who have been silently cheering on the threats of actions coming from the Druze community.

The Hamas terrorist organization in Gaza is still holding the bodies of IDF soldiers Oron Shaul and Hadar Goldin hostage, along with two Israeli citizens.

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