Photo Credit: IDF Spokesperson
The 13th and 51st battalions of the Golani Brigade training for the ground invasion of Gaza, October 24, 2023.

Israel Air Force fighter jets attacked military infrastructure and positions for launching mortar bombs of the Syrian army overnight Wednesday, in retaliation for the launches towards Israel Tuesday night, IDF Spokesperson Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari reported.

According to independent reports, eight Syrian soldiers were killed in the attack.


Hagari also reported that during an activity in the Jenin “refugee camp,” armed terrorists shot and threw explosives at IDF forces, and remote-controlled aircraft attacked the terrorists to remove the danger. A few terrorists were hit. There were no casualties to our forces.

According to Hagari, during extensive attacks in the Gaza Strip over the past 24 hours, the IDF, under the direction of the Shin Bet, eliminated Hamas operatives and terrorist infrastructures. Among the targets destroyed were tunnel shafts, military headquarters, ammunition depots, and mortar bomb and anti-tank missile launchers.

Also, on Tuesday night, the IAF attacked Hamas military headquarters and infrastructures that deployed blockades making it difficult for the residents of Gaza to evacuate to the south, thus preventing them from seeking shelter, so they remain human shields around Hamas terrorists. This is in addition to the destruction of compounds and military headquarters of the Hamas security apparatus, which is responsible for the administration of the terrorist organization in the Gaza Strip and the arrest and imprisonment of Hamas opponents.

Hagari devoted a portion of his report to the Golani Brigade’s 13th battalion which was nearly decimated on Shabbat Simchat Torah, October 7, by Hamas terrorists. Remnants of the battalion, alongside Golani battalion 51, fought hard and stubborn battles against hundreds of terrorists in the Kissufim and Nahal Oz sectors.

These days both infantry battalions 13 and 51 are undergoing in-depth, extensive training ahead of the next phase of combat.

13th Battalion commander, Lt. Col. Tomer Greenberg, said on Tuesday: “The heroism of the fallen of the 13th Battalion accompanies us in every step we take. We are preparing for a ground entry into the Strip, with grueling training and individual and group processing to prepare us to fight and win. This time, we are the ones who will do the surprising. We will arrive with intense concentration, with all the advanced capabilities and the high standard of the battalion, and we will be the ones who win!”

Godspeed, we’ll investigate the shameful negligence of the 13th battalion’s readiness on October 7 through the appropriate fact-finding committee.

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