Photo Credit: Screenshot
Police arrest a wedding guest in Givat Ze'ev, October 14, 2020

Difficult to watch: violent images from a wedding that took place Wednesday in the neighborhood of Givat Zeev near Jerusalem. Videos from the wedding show police leading one of the detainees, the groom’s brother, bleeding from his face, during the raid, while family members are heard in the background, crying out for help.


The police, for their part, uploaded a video from the body camera of one of the policemen in which one of the participants is seen shouting at the policeman and allegedly attacking him. The entire video is blurry to the point of obscuring what’s actually going on.

The police tried to explain Wednesday’s events claiming that the policewoman who documented the raid asked for the identification of a woman who owns the house, and was attacked by her. The officers then inform her that she was being detained, and asked her several times to accompany them into the police car.

Later, according to police, the rest of the guests began to riot and obstruct the officers, and some threw glass bottles of oil at them, which were shattered as they landed.

The police arrested one of the suspects who resisted arrest and attacked them, and then he slipped on the puddle of oil, and both he and an officer were hit by the glass shards.

Guests who attended the wedding claim that the police used a lot of unnecessary force against the wedding guests whom they attacked violently for no reason.

Members of the groom’s family hired the services of attorney Itamar Ben-Gvir, who issued a statement saying “the police is not behaving even as they did at Hamas weddings in eastern Jerusalem.”

Ben Gvir added that “spilling the blood of the Haredi public is now permitted.”

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu requested there be a review of the violent incident.

“[Public Security Minister Amir] Ohana promised a thorough and swift inquiry into the matter, and to report the findings to the public as soon as possible,” Netanyahu said in a statement.

Ohana, on his part, wrote on Twitter that he had watched the images of the incident “with great pain,” adding that “they are indeed serious and regrettable.” However, he said he would not pass judgment until “all of the details are before me.”

Content by Hanan Greenwood/Israel Hayom via JNS was used in this report.

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