Photo Credit: Berale Crombie
Police officer restraining Homesh student, Jan. 10, 2022.

Civil Administration personnel have arrived at the Homesh outpost in northern Samaria Monday afternoon and began confiscating equipment belonging to the local yeshiva while using harsh violence against yeshiva students who were sitting passively on the road. The angels of ruin came to Homesh having earlier destroyed Givat Oz Zion in Binyamin (Bennett Govt. Demolishes Jewish Homes Surrounded by Vast Illegal Arab Construction).

One yeshiva student was sprayed with gas by Border Police officers and was treated by paramedics using oxygen. His condition is not good, he is suffering from severe breathing difficulties. Four other students were slightly injured by the Border Police violence and the use of gas against them. Some were hit in the head.


Meanwhile, an administrative vehicle involved in the confiscation of yeshiva-owned equipment accidentally ran over an IDF officer’s leg. MDA teams are making their way to the outpost to treat all the injured.

The yeshiva rabbis spoke to IDF officers, calmed the situation down, and the clashes stopped. The Civil Administration forces eventually left the outpost.

The head of the Samaria Regional Council, Yossi Dagan, who is currently protesting the government’s violence in Homesh—in a tent in front of Prime Minister Naftali Bennett’s office in Jerusalem—responded to the violence perpetrated against the yeshiva students, saying: “This government is acting like a pyromaniac to deliberately ignite the area. We’re returning here to the sights of the uprooting and disengagement (of Gosh Katif in 2005 – DI), we send our brothers the soldiers to carry out policing operations and using severe violence.”

Samaria Regional Council Head Yossi Dagan (C) in protesting front of PM Bennett’s office with Homesh Roshe Yeshiva Rabbi Elishama HaCohen (L) and Rabbi Mordechai Dimentman, Jan. 6, 2022. / Homesh Yeshiva

“I call on Bennett – recover, stop the destruction machine that has been operating since the day of the murder (of Yehuda Dimentman on Dec. 16, 2021 – DI) and is doing everything to expel the Homesh community again,” Dagan said, and asked, “Do not reward terrorism, do not send brother against brother.”

Hundreds demonstrated in front of the PM’s office during Sunday’s cabinet meeting, as part of the struggle against the evacuation of Homesh and the damage to the young settlement. The demonstration was attended by rabbis, public figures, and heads of councils in Judea and Samaria, including the head of the Beit El Council Shai Alon, head of Kedumim council, Hananel Durani, head of Kiryat Arba council, Eliyahu Libman, and head of Samaria Regional Council, Yossi Dagan. MKs Orit Strock (Religious Zionism) and Kathrin Shitrit (Likud) also attended.

Civil Administration personnel arrived at the Homesh outpost in northern Samaria, Jan. 10, 2022. / Berale Crombie

The Homesh yeshiva issued a statement saying, “Once again, the government launched a test balloon to see the public’s response to the eradication of 15 years of study at the site. The Israeli government has decided to renew the Disengagement Law and implement it in Homesh. Thanks to the tremendous public support, this did not happen at the end of the Shiva days for our student Yehuda Dimentman H’yd. But from the deployment of forces on the ground and the violent events, we understand that the Bennett and Gantz government is preparing to launch the plan immediately after the end of the 30 days of mourning.”

Arabs from the village of Burqah harass mourners in Homesh, December 23, 2021. /Nasser Ishtayeh/Flash90

“Any construction material that’s being confiscated today is another bullet in Yehuda Dimentman’s chest,” the yeshiva said, adding, “We call on the government to stop the plan and not carry out the disengagement a second time.”

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