Photo Credit: US State Dept. via Flickr
Yael Lempert with Secretary of State John Kerry

National Security Council official Yael Lempert, 43, who brokered the $38 billion military aid package to Israel on behalf of the Obama Administration, and who did her best to sabotage President Donald Trump’s envoy to the peace neg

otiations Jason Greenblatt’s meetings with pro-settlements Israelis – is no more, Ha’aretz reported Thursday.


A former senior NSC staffer told Haaretz that Lempert wasn’t being pushed out.

The pro-Palestinian advisor who managed to convince the White House that the Jewish settlements are the one thing keeping Arabs and Jews from falling into each other’s arms while feeding one another humus and gefilte fish respectively will be leaving at the end of her extended three-month tenure. The question now is, how much poison has Lempert managed to sow in the Oval Office while she had the president’s ear.

Ha’aretz speculated that Lempert is planning to leave after Palestinian Authority Charmian Mahmoud Abbas’ May 3 meeting with Trump. She will likely return to the State Dept., where she will share her experience from her tenure in the Bush and Obama Administration at a time when they were busy devastating the US involvement in Middle East, particularly Egypt, Iraq, and Israel and the PA.

But Lempert remaining in a position of influence in the State Dept. is not the worst thing about the Obama holdovers in the Trump Administration. There’s Michael Ratney, Obama’s consul in Jerusalem who was in charge of financing OneVoice, the leftist NGO Obama and John Kerry used to try to unseat Benjamin Netanyahu in Israel’s 2015 election.

Then there’s Sahar Nowrouzzadeh, the Iran director for Obama’s National Security Council, a key player in pushing the Iran deal through who has ties to the Islamic Republic, who has been awarded the Persian Gulf region policy planning portfolio at the State Department.

And over at Defense, Anne Patterson has been promoted to the Pentagon’s no. 3 position, having served as Obama’s and Kerry’s ambassador to Egypt, complete with Muslim Brotherhood connections.

Yes, apparently, just like in Israel, in the US, inevitably, when you vote right, in the end you get left.

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