Peace Now: Israel on the Way to Complete Annexation of Judea and Samaria

They describe violent Arab harassment of Evyatar’s Jews as “a significant security burden on the security forces.”

‘Doctors Without Borders’ Attacks Israel for Killing Jihad Terrorist with Medical Day Job

Later, the IDF spokesman posted the video of the elimination along with the announcement that "an Air Force aircraft eliminated the terrorist Fadi Jihad Muhammad Alwadia.

Ben Gvir Establishes Police Unit to Remove Leftist Provocateurs from Judea and Samaria

Tensions are emerging between Ben Gvir and General Yehuda Fox as both officials claim the right to carry out police actions in Judea and Samaria.

Blinken Meets with Israeli Crypto Fascists in Effort to Americanize the War, Force 2-State...

Beware of Greeks bearing gifts, said the post-traumatized citizens of Troy watching their city burning.

Diaspora Affairs Minister Called J Street ‘a Hostile Organization’

Of course, if Chikli insists he was only stretching his mouth into a smile, why the talk about a Photoshop edit?

Leftist Hooligans Storm Aliyah Event in Paris

Hani Zubida from Reichman University gloated at the attack.

Foreign Governments Manipulate Israel’s Supreme Courts – Here’s How

In the last six years, 758 petitions were submitted to the Supreme Court by 32 organizations funded by foreign political entities.

Anti-Zionist Who Was Suspended from Labour Joins Party’s National Executive Committee

Naomi Wimborne-Idrissi also sought to offer "an alternative to the Jewish Labour Movement (JLM)'s pro-Israel agenda.

Leftist Pundit Peeved at NY Times for Saying Iran Deal Is Dying without Blaming...

For the record, it’s actually disturbing that 33 Democrats supported the removal of the IRGC’s terrorist designation.

She Will Be the Next Squad Congresswoman Unless Pennsylvanians Stop Her

God help us if she makes it in Tuesday’s Democratic primary, and God help us even more intensely should she win the November race.

Non-Zionist Cong. ‘Tzedek Chicago’ Unanimously Votes to be ‘Anti-Zionist’

"The creation of an ethnic Jewish nation state in historic Palestine resulted in an injustice against the Palestinian people – an injustice that continues to this day."

America First Exposing Biden’s State Dept. $1 Million Grant Soliciting Attacks on Israel

“These activities and plans are part of the Biden Administration’s larger strategy to cripple Israel’s ability to defend herself."

Report: NGOs Behind Amnesty Int’l ‘Israeli Apartheid’ Report Received over $100 Million from Foreign...

"Amnesty's report is merely another anti-Israel hit job made possible by foreign governments who employ radical anti-Zionist Israeli NGOs."

Freed Hostage Rabbi Demanded Israel Drop Sovereignty Plans in the Settlements

Before I add a sour note to the discussion, I should probably stipulate that Charlie Cytron-Walker must be a nice guy and well-liked in his community.

ADL Report: Students for Justice in Palestine, Jewish Voice for Peace Top Drivers of...

Seventeen colleges brought BDS measures up for a vote by the student government in 2020-21, and 11 have passed them.

UN Envoy Erdan Explains Exactly Why Israel Designated 6 PFLP Affiliates as Terrorist Groups

"The PFLP operates an organizational and military apparatus, including a network of purported civilian institutions."

ZIM Ship Leaves Oakland Harbor as Longshoremen Refuse to Cross Anti-Israel Picket Line

Stop ZIM ships action will take place in Los Angeles, Vancouver, Houston, Seattle/Tacoma, and New York/New Jersey.

Critics Call HRW Apartheid Report: ‘Culmination of Decades of Obsessive Attacks Against Israel’

HRW’s report is part of a concerted campaign over the past 18 months to interject the term ‘apartheid’ into discourse about Israel.

HRW to Release ‘Apartheid Report’ on Israel

"HRW’s latest contribution consists of the standard mix of shrill propaganda, false allegations, and legal fictions."

Mazal Tov: Left-Wing Anti-Settlement Petition Results in High Court Ratifying New Jewish Neighborhood

Had it not been for the petitions against Tapuach West, the neighborhood would not have been regulated to this day. So thank you, Holland and Norway, your money was well spent.

Israeli Anti-Zionist NGOs Received More than $50 Million from Foreign Governments

Of the 35 NGOs, 22 reported receiving more than 50% of their funding from foreign governments. Of the 35 NGOs, 22 reported receiving more than 50% of their funding from foreign governments.

The 2021 Squad Is Bigger, Posing Real Threat Against the Democratic Establishment

We wish Speaker Pelosi much success in taming her progressive infestation.

With Best Intentions Bipartisan Initiative Pours $250 Million into Anti-Israel NGO Coalition

President Biden, do yourself a big favor, sink the Nita before it reaches the shore. You'll thank us later.

Anti-Israel Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib: IfNotNow Has My Back

I'm waiting for Mr. Farrakhan to be featured in the next fundraising email from our friends at IfNotNow.

Israel Haters, BDS Promoters in Webinar on ‘Dismantling Anti-Semitism’

This JVP webinar with these four participants is a leftist Wannsee Conference or a Monty Python sketch.

Chomsky, Waters, Demand Banning Canadian Jewish Schools’ Salute to IDF Events, Calling Them ‘Recruitment’

The authors of the open letter also launched a formal legal complaint with the Justice Minister, since it's a crime in Canada to recruit anyone for a foreign military.

Report: Breaking the Silence Received NIS 2.5 Million from Pro-Terrorism, BDS Foundation

The funding Breaking the Silence received from NDC is troubling given NDC's demand that its supported groups support Palestinian Right of Return and the BDS campaign.

Jewish Think Tank: This Is Not the Time to Call Out BLM on their...

Engaging with and on Israel and fighting for racial justice are not mutually exclusive, and there is no need to choose between them.


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