Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore
Chaya Raichik (R) vs. Jonathan Greenblatt

Meet Chaya Raichik, an Orthodox Jewish woman who founded the unabashedly right-wing account Libs of TikTok. Raichik uses her social network accounts to repost left-wing, LGBT, and trans content, accompanied by derogatory commentary. Her X (Twitter) account alone has more than 2 million followers. Naturally, her accounts have been suspended temporarily many times, and TikTok banned her altogether.

On March 8, Raichik shared an unexpected tweet from a former president of the United States (her only comment was OMG):


In contrast, here’s what the Anti-Defamation League had to say about Libs of TikTok (Chaya Raichik):

Libs of TikTok is a popular anti-LGBTQ+ Twitter account operated by former real estate agent Chaya Raichik. The account, which has over 1.3 million followers as of August 2022, attempts to generate outrage and stoke anti-LGBTQ+ hostility by reposting selected out-of-context social media content created by LGBTQ+ people and liberals. The individuals, events, and organizations targeted by the account are frequent targets of harassment, threats, and violence.

We checked out the ADL’s mission statement. It opens with a single, succinct line: “To stop the defamation of the Jewish people, and to secure justice and fair treatment to all…”

The mission statement ends with these seemingly hopeful lines: “We want an ever-more just society. We continually develop new programs, policies, and skills to expose and combat whatever holds us back. We are focused on what brings us closer to this ideal. Ours is a shared journey.”

Now, contrast the above with what X owner Elon Musk revealed late Monday night:

“ADL has pushed hard for us to shut down accounts like Chaya’s, even though it has nothing to do with anti-Semitism, which is their supposed charter!”

How did ADL go from fighting antisemitism to fighting Jews? It was a long journey that involved, probably more than anything else, the replacement in July 2015 of CEO Abraham Foxman, who had led the organization since 1987, with Jonathan Greenblatt. Foxman was a feisty Jew who was born in the Soviet Union and attended the Yeshiva of Flatbush. Greenblatt was born in Trumbull, Connecticut, and went to Tuft. Before taking over the ADL, Greenblatt served in President Obama’s White House team as Special Assistant to the President and Director of the Office of Social Innovation and Civic Participation in the United States Domestic Policy Council.

With that field combat experience, it makes perfect sense for Greenblatt’s ADL to have turned, in nine years, from a group that hunts antisemites to a group that hunts Jews.

Musk’s revelation was spurred on by Raichik’s tweet: “Elon, would you consider releasing some of the communications between X and the ADL so we can all see their true intentions? I’m definitely interested in seeing their requests to ban my account!”

In an article Raichik published in Human Events, she added: “I’d like to know what lies they are spreading about me, especially since this is not the first time they have slandered my name and my business.”

She continued:

In September 2022, the ADL added me to their “Glossary of Extremism” after I exposed the efforts of children’s hospitals in the US to medically sex change children and minors. I shared the promotional videos put out by the Boston Children’s Hospital, and others, where doctors explained the measures they would take to “affirm” a minor’s delusion that they were born in the wrong body.
These included double mastectomies for girls under 17, vaginoplasties for boys aged 17, and hysterectomies and phalloplasty for girls aged 18 and over. This was confirmed by the materials published by Boston Children’s Hospital. Boston Children’s Hospital launched the first pediatric gender clinic in the US and routinely provides puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones. They advertise this to families seeking this treatment for their children, and I simply pointed that out.

By the way, the Libs of TikTok Wikipedia page has been raided by anti-Raichik editors who made the anarchist demonstrations on Kaplan Street look like a birthday party. It is possibly the most vicious Wiki edit job I have seen. So, the war goes on.

Greenblatt, for his part, tweeted on Sunday: “A lot of work goes into combatting #antisemitism and hate, so let’s take today to gather our strength for the fight ahead. Wishing everyone a Happy #LaborDay.”

He received this astute response:

Response to Greenblatt on X / Twitter screenshot

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