Photo Credit: Unknown photographer
Anne Frank's passport photo, May 1942.

A retired FBI special agent and a team of investigators believe they’ve solved the mystery of who betrayed Anne Frank and her family to the Nazis. CBS’ 60 Minutes on Sunday interviewed Vince Pankoke, who in 2016 was two years into his retirement from the Bureau when he received a phone call from a colleague in the Netherlands who said, “If you—if you’re done laying on the beach, we have a case for you.”

Dutch filmmaker and documentarian Thijs Bayens was looking for an experienced investigator to help him discover “what makes us give up on each other.”


Bayens told 60 Minutes: “The area where Anne Frank lived is very normal. And it’s a very warm area with the butcher and the doctor and the policeman. They worked together. They loved each other. They lived together. And suddenly people start to betray each other. How could that happen?”

Betraying fellow Dutch to the Nazis was a criminal offense in the Netherlands, and yet somebody turned in the Franks to the Nazis. Watch the full report:

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