Rabbi David Eliach: A Profoundly Influential Educator

One of his most lasting educational messages is that the best form of classroom management was a lesson that was intellectually engaging and personally meaningful for the students.

A Personal Tribute To HaRav HaGaon, HaRav HaTamim, Reb Yoel HaKohen Kahan

For 45 years Reb Yoel taught Chassidus in Boro Park to chasidim of Belz, Bobov, Boyan, Klausenburg, Ger, Satmar and Vishnitz. He was highly respectful of their approach and taught them to be more appreciative of their Chassidus.

My Grandson Donny – A True Korban Olah

Everything he intended and needed to do was laid out in advance so that he didn’t miss a beat and accidentally skip over something he wanted to get done – including calling his grandma, my wife, each and every Thursday evening.

My Great Uncle, HaRav HaGaon Rav Dovid Soloveitchik

He wouldn't lean back on a chair so as not to enjoy the comforts of this world.

Rabbi Dr. Norman Lamm: Eloquent Spokesman For Orthodox Judaism

He did not take the easy path of avoiding any controversial topic or promoting only safe and popular stances.

My Friend Ari Fuld, a Hero of Israel

Ari was larger than life. His deeds matched his words. His family, defending the Jewish people, teaching Torah and supporting IDF soldiers – that was his world.

Rabbi Yechezkel Pikus, zt”l: A Humble Man – A Giant Of Community Service

At the heart of that renown, Rabbi Yechezkel Pikus was a quiet, humble man, a man who –wherever he was and whatever he was doing – always had a sefer, a Jewish religious book, at hand to peruse at the first opportunity.

Remembering Rabbi David Halpern, Leading Activist For Soviet Jewry, On His Yahrzeit

With his friendship with YU and loyalty to the cause of Soviet Jewry, it is easy to see why Rabbi Halpern aligned himself with the Triple-S-J even when it was a fledgling organization and advocated for others to participate in its efforts.

Rabbi Dr. Joseph Breuer – On His 40th Yahrzeit

His fatherly manner of receiving, and maintaining a connection with, the many students who came from across Europe left a lifelong impression on them.

The Gifts My Mother – Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis – Gave Me: In Honor of...

As I sit now with my book of Tehillim, my mother's words echo loudly in my head. "Pray! Use your ko'ach tefilah and pray!"

Rabbi Sacks: The Great Man I Knew

He once confided to me that the rhetoric and backlash was so intense at the time that he contemplated resigning.

Passion And Perfection: A Tribute To Pia Aviva Zobel, a”h

It was as a wife and mother that she truly shone. The two focuses of her life were her beloved husband Shmulik and her amazing children.

My Childhood Memories Of Rav Yitzchok Hutner – On His 40th Yahrzeit

Even as close friends grappled with the temptation [to smoke], I was untroubled, having been immunized by this great teacher of our generation who doubled as a surrogate grandfather for the children of his students.

In Memory Of Rabbi Waldman

Even when I was a young girl he cared so much. He would look at me with his blue eyes, and in his calm tone offer warm words of chizuk.

Rabbi Oscar Z. Fasman

The 30th of Cheshvan is the yahrzeit of Rabbi Oscar Z. Fasman (1908-2003).

Rabbi Dr. Zecharia Harvey Senter, Kashrus Pioneer, 84

My father sought out truth and insisted on telling the truth even at the cost of lost accounts. He always did the right thing even if it was not popular.

Esther Pollard: A True Woman of Valor

Esther called their marriage "an oasis of unconditional love in a sea of lies and corruption.

Martin Luther King Jr.: Friend Of The Jewish Community

Today I can’t tell you what his speech was, Frank said, but I can tell you, I was blown away. It was the most erudite speech...

Dayan Chanoch Ehrentreu (1927-2022), Europe’s Greatest Halachic Authority, Passes Away

He upheld a gold standard for conversions to Judaism, withstanding any pressures to recognize the work of rabbis significantly more lenient than him, and opposed the participation of United Synagogue rabbis in popular conferences that in his opinion would compromise their message as rabbanim.

The Ending Of All Endings In memory of my Zeida, Rabbi Dr. Norman Lamm

There was no pressure, no didactics, just a Zeida who was available to share his passion for learning – if we wished.

My Door Is Always Open: HaRav Nissim Karelitz, ZT”L

Tens of thousands of students crowded the streets of Bnei Brak to accompany the man who had been head of the Bnei Brak Beis Din and Rosh Kollel Chazon Ish for many decades.

Rabbi Dr Moshe Dovid Tendler, Pioneered Modern Medical Halacha, 95

Decades ago, the Orthodox got no respect. There was this sense that modern science contradicted the Torah. Rav Tendler made a huge Kiddush Hashem by disproving that notion, said Rabbi Hershel Schachter.

Israel Has Lost A Great Woman: An Appreciation of Helen Freedman, Longtime Executive Director...

Your wonderful smile radiated great happiness for your ability to help, to promote, to lead the vision of clinging to the Land of Israel.

René Slotkin, One Of The Last Surviving Mengele Twins, 84

René believed that Hashem was with him the whole time because the numbers the Nazis engraved on his arm added up to 26 – the gematria of Hashem’s name.

My Mother, Ruth Ballabon, a”h

A surprised friend remarked, “I didn’t know your mother was a shadchan.” She wasn’t. She just instinctively helped everyone she could in the way it was most needed – and sometimes that was a shidduch.

Little-Known Facts About The Chofetz Chaim – On His 86th Yahrzeit

Many do not realize that the Chofetz Chaim's second rebbetzin, Rebbetzin Freida Kagan, died in the United States and is buried in Queens.

A Rav For Life

Rabbi Wallerstein used his experiences as the driving force in taking on projects that would help tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of people.


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