How To Make An Upsherin

This past Lag B'Omer, we were blessed to make our first upsherin, where we celebrate our son’s first hair cut. It’s a wonderful milestone that mimics the three years that we refrain from plucking a tree’s first fruits and symbolizes the entry of the child into the world of Torah learning. It’s a clear sign to everyone; this boy is no longer a baby.

Bereshit: The Triple Birth of Woman

In this week's Torah portion, within the majesty and mystery of creation, the woman emerges in three successive stages.

Laurie Cardoza Moore: A Call For Justice

“I want to turn the faucet on and drip the truth to the people,” she says.

Shir Hajaj, Yael Yekutiel, Shira Tzur: Victims of Arab Terror

As this column focuses on the impact women have made on Jewish life and history, we will be discussing the three female cadets who were murdred.

Chava: The Mother Sets The Tone

How many of us realize that it was through this act that woman attained motherhood? Her punishment of pain and anguish turned into the blessing of bearing children.

Coming Out Of Our Shells

We want the women who wear our clothes to feel that they are still adhering to the rules of modesty while still being fashionable.

Chavka Folman-Raban: A True Jewish Heroine

The environment of the “Gymnasia” inspired Chavka to join the Zydowska Organizacja Bojowa, (ZOB), the Jewish Fighting Organization, and volunteer for a most precarious, critical task.

Esther Pollard: A True Woman of Valor

Esther called their marriage "an oasis of unconditional love in a sea of lies and corruption.

Ruchama Cabilo: Motherhood

Each year International Women’s Day (IWD) is celebrated on March 8. Thousands of events occur, not only on this day but also throughout March to mark the social, economic and political accomplishments of women.

Asenath Barzani: Remarkable Hebrew Scholar

I never left the entrance to my house or went outside; I was like a princess of Israel ...

Agnes Keleti: The Foundation Stone Of Gymnastics In Israel

"I felt here that I was at home," remarks Agnes Keleti about her arrival in Israel in 1957. An Israeli emissary had invited this leading Hungarian Jewish female athlete to participate in the fifth Maccabiah Games that year, and that’s when she discovered that Israel was “home.”

Invisible Women: Censorship By Some Orthodox Publications

I think most people in society are able to look at modest pictures of women without it eliciting impure thoughts, said Rabbi Steven Pruzansky of Congregation Bnai Yeshurun in Teaneck, New Jersey.

Did She Cry Because Of You?

One of my favorite teachings from the Talmud is a marriage-related lesson.

A Significant Place; A Significant Race

You signed up for a cause, and you can figure it out. Keep the image of that beautiful boy in your head and remember why you signed up. Remember the cause.

A Look At Education For Jewish Women Throughout The Ages (Part I): Medieval Jewry...

There is evidence that learned women were educated by tutors as well, as long as standards of modesty were upheld.

Liberation From Women’s Lib

Women naturally understand and accept the will of Hashem much more easily than men.

Lucy Cohn Korech: Endurance with Dignity

What gives her the strength to carry on, to endure the barely endurable with dignity?

Grace Aguilar: The Spirit of Judaism

Was it the impact of her family history that made this young woman dedicate her life to defending Judaism and extolling the values of its teachings?

Miriam Peretz: 2018 Israel Prize Recipient

Rather than being paralyzed by bereavement, she has devoted her life to lifting the spirit of others.

Belda Kaufman Lindenbaum: Visionary Champion of Women

The visionary champion of women’s rights in Judaism was first and foremost a devoted wife and mother.

A Woman of Valor

She wrote about everything in a woman's world, from kids to husbands, and feelings including pain and grief. Writing her book, at least in my opinion, was an incredibly brave statement, one that exposed a truth that must be told.

Can A Headscarf Make You Happy?

I’ll be very honest and vulnerable: When we started, we were young and we felt very threatened when there was a trend in accessories and everyone and their mothers were involved in a headband company.

Feminine Soul

Dear Mrs. Weisberg, The present era is particularly harsh, especially for the families in Israel.

Poopa Dweck: Aromas of Aleppo

I recently attended a very interesting lecture at Netanya's Laniado Hospital. The venue for the lecture may give you an erroneous impression: it had nothing to do with disease; on the contrary, it had much to do with the delights of good health.

Professional And Social Networking Sites: ‘To Tweet Or Not To Tweet?’

How important is social media to my job search? The Internet has revolutionized the job search process. As recently as 10 years ago, a job search entailed looking through newspaper ads and phonebooks to find appropriate organizations and employers, producing dozens of copies of a resume and cover letter on professional resume paper, stuffing those documents in matching envelopes and paying for postage. It is safe to say that it cost at least $1 for every resume sent, not to mention the investment in time.

Ayelet Shaked: A True Jewish Minister of Justice

She’s seen as a poster child for The Jewish Home’s efforts to reach beyond its Orthodox base.

Two New Cookbooks To Liven Up Your Holiday Meals

There is nothing like three sets of three-day yomim tovim to strike terror in the hearts of meal planners everywhere as they struggle to plan a staggering quantity of delicious, varied and attractive meals for potentially large numbers of people.

Does G-d Like Playing Games with Us?

She rolls the dice. Her face is serious, concentrating on the outcome.

Changing Lanes

I am driving along in my small silver sports car. The pace of the cars around me has suddenly become frenzied; the flow of traffic has thickened considerably; I have hit morning rush hour on Toronto's busy thoroughfares. I need to merge into traffic on a very busy main road. But I am stopped, stuck, as the cars whiz past me.


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