Aviv Tsalik: My Champion
She was a voice on the telephone, a pleasant, friendly voice: “How can I help you?”
I had heard this question in the past five weeks more time than I care to remember. As soon as I explained what my quest was the questioner would switch me to another voice on the telephone, then onto another, and another, without any results. This went on daily ever since we moved to a new apartment and wished to have our landline telephone number reinstated, instead of the temporary one arbitrarily assigned by the company.
Zehava Shmueli: Women’s Leadership Awardee
The Women's Leadership Award was created in 2007 by the European Athletics Development Committee to raise awareness of the issues related to women and leadership in athletics.
Cheryl Saban: A Woman With A Jewish Heart
Most of all, she is a role model for her descendants who endeavor to follow her example. And a woman with a Jewish heart.
Shifrah And Puah: The Courage Of Resistance
Shifrah and Puah were on a very high spiritual level – obviously the type of women who would not hesitate to follow the way of the Torah, and to sacrifice their own lives for the sake of other Jews.
Rachel And Leah – Two Destinies, Two Worlds
Rachel and Leah - two sisters, two wives of Yaakov, and two of the Matriarchs of our People;
Empowering Jewish Women
The day after graduating Brandeis University, Sara Yocheved Rigler joined a Vedanta ashram in the woods of eastern Massachusetts. She would never have guessed that the fifteen years she spent there were going to be stepping stones on her path to becoming a world-renowned writer and lecturer on Jewish topics and the initiator behind three programs designed to impact the lives of Jewish women all over the world.
Hadassa Dubrofsky: A True Role Model
Hadassa Dubrofsky, a lovely twelve-year old girl from Toronto, Canada decided to forgo bat-mitzvah presents and replace them with something even more meaningful and exciting – an act of chesed (charitable kindness).
Batsheva Sherman And Yad L’isha
Yad L’isha - Helping Hand for Woman is a Legal Aid Center and Hotline where free legal advice and representation is offered to women locked in marital prisons who would otherwise have nowhere to turn.
Tatiana Edelshtein: The Triumph Of Faith
Now all the pain, fear and struggle were over and they were home. Yuli was safe and free, a hero returned to his land and people.
Early Zionist Pioneers
Ever since those first pioneers expressed their yearning for the Land, many other remarkable women have pioneered pathways to Zion and helped ensure our future inheritance in it.
When It’s Time to Stop Being Nice!
Is there ever a time to say, "Enough! No more Mr. Nice guy for me!"
Hanna Greenfield: The Heroine Of Holocaust History
Hannah believed that one must learn about the evils of the past so that they aren’t repeated.
Everyone Has a Story
When I was invited a few months ago to lecture at a European retreat in Davos, Switzerland, that was hosted in the same luxury venue where the world economic leaders (including former president Bill Clinton) had met for their own economic summit a few years ago, I knew there was no way I'd refuse. The resort weekend was organized by Rabbi Sholom Liberow, director of the European Jewish Study Network (EJSN) and his wonderful wife, Leah.
Bereshit: The Triple Birth of Woman
In this week's Torah portion, within the majesty and mystery of creation, the woman emerges in three successive stages.
Cupcake Flower Bouquet
While all the flowers that grace your Shavuos table will surely be a delight to your eye, these will be a delight for your palette as well. Create them at any level, simple or sophisticated; any way you make them they’re sure to be a sensation.
Invisible Women: Censorship By Some Orthodox Publications
I think most people in society are able to look at modest pictures of women without it eliciting impure thoughts, said Rabbi Steven Pruzansky of Congregation Bnai Yeshurun in Teaneck, New Jersey.
Barren Beauty
Ever since I can remember, my husband's practice has been, like many men, to buy me a lovely bouquet of flowers for Shabbat.
Coming Out Of Our Shells
We want the women who wear our clothes to feel that they are still adhering to the rules of modesty while still being fashionable.
Sivan Rahav Meir: The Rebbetzin Journalist
Amazingly, unlike other teens who have a tendency to focus on trivialities, Sivan turned her attention to Judaism.
Glittering Displays
It's that time of year again. You're sure to be visually bombarded at every turn of your shopping experience.
Women And The Message Of The Sukkah
Besides commemorating Israel’s sojourn in the desert, the mitzvah of sukkah has spiritual and educational significance. We are commanded to leave the comforts of our permanent home and move into a hut without routine luxuries, prompting us to reflect upon the spiritual aspects of existence.
Religion Is Not A Quick Fix
Not only was I raised in a "religious" home, but with my father serving for the last 50 years as the rabbi of our − at first fledging, and now, vibrant − Toronto community, I was given the endearing designation of being "the rabbi's daughter."
G-d’s Treasure Chest
I'm not sure what spurred it, but this morning, during my davening (prayers), my mind wandered.
Daily Deals Provide Some Serious Steals
The world of shopping changed forever three years ago with the launch of Groupon, a website that negotiates discounts with popular local and national businesses and passes the savings along to the consumer via a discounted daily deal emailed directly to members.
Devora Omer: ‘Our Fountainhead Of Culture’
An enormous crowd of admirers turned up at her recent funeral. From members of government to those in the arts and sciences, all came to pay their last respects to the beloved author. Minister of Culture Limor Livnat expressed her deep sorrow, and called her "the greatest writer for children and youth in the history of Hebrew literature,” elaborating: “Devora Omer gave unusual expression to values of Zionism and made them an important part of our lives."
Self Do It!
A little past her second birthday, my toddler has entered into a new phase of independence.
Yehudit And The Miracle Of Chanukah
She approached Holofernes and, with a sword concealed under her robe, severed his head.
Raya Jaglom: The Queen Of Multitasking
A pro at multitasking, she also held many other public offices.
Yael Nitzan: The Museum Of Israeli Women
TV producer and author Yael Nitzan’s decades’ old dream is becoming a reality. Through the generosity of the Haifa municipality, an empty 200-year-old palace, once owned by an Arab sheikh, will be turned into “The Museum of Israeli Women.” Although in other countries there are museums documenting the accomplishments of women, Israel, with the world’s highest ratio of museums per person, has none dedicated to the women who contributed to the founding of the State of Israel and to its development.
A Lesson In Chinuch
Several years ago my husband and I were the directors of a seminary, which girls from all over the world attended.