“How Do You Like Your Eggs?”

One of my favorite movies to watch growing up was Runaway Bride with Julia Roberts and Richard Gere. On a whim, I decided to watch it this past weekend, taking a break from intensive LSAT studying. Julia Roberts plays a woman who works at her family's small-town hardware store. She has earned a notorious reputation for ditching her fiancée on her wedding day.

Blessings Of A “B”

It took me years to be able to say this (and a lot of painful bouts of insomnia, ulcers and ice cream cravings) but grades aren’t everything.

Kashrut – More Than Just A Symbol On A Box

When I walk in to the grocery store it is second nature for me to just check to make sure that that bag of chips or that cookie has an OU or other kosher symbol on it. To many Jews, it is just something that they do, and it usually is like that for me. But when this question was asked, I thought deeper. I began to think about how this label gives me a sense of community; and as I made that connection, I thought of our rich heritage, and once that relationship was made I thought about our homeland – Israel.


The voyage is going peacefully A salty tang in the air, But when the storm decides to strike The sailors are unprepared.

While The Rabbi Slept

Every moment was a gift. I held each one, savoring.

Your Own Kind Of Beauty

“Beauty is not always seen, but felt by the heart, ” said Hellen Keller.

Tefillah On The Train

We aren't at a platform; we are underground, just sitting there.


I am mad. I am mad at America.

Broomsticks And Tears

Shining faces and broad smiles surrounded me and I knew my own face had a silly grin plastered on it all evening.

Who Am I?

Somewhere along the way, my own mantra got lost and fell to the wayside. Now, that certainty has been replaced by doubt. By comparing. By looking over my shoulder at others and seeing that they do more, they have more, they know more, they have more than me.

The Mirror Mission: Power To Stand After The Fall

The eyes crawl down my spine. The eyes examine the bumps and ghost-like skin. Proceeding to turn around, our eyes meet. The stranger looks down.

The One Who Stopped

Everyone knows the feeling you get when you want to do something you can’t do. There is always that temptation to do - especially because you know you can’t. Or sometimes it’s because you want to prove you can. Sometimes it’s because people expect it of you. Sometimes it’s a combination.

Be A Savior

A child, who can’t swim, jumps into the deep end of the swimming pool. A man chokes on his food while eating in a restaurant. A friend goes into shock. A woman faints. All of these scenarios share common ground. They all include a victim who is lacking oxygen. People need to know what to do in these emergency situations.

The Match That Set The World Ablaze

Watching people a few hundred feet up in the air, walking or bicycling on a string has always astonished me. Regardless of the science behind it (using a long pole as a means of forcing one's center of gravity onto the string) does nothing to subtract from the magnificence of the act.

Distraction On A Board

Picture this; Mr. Smith is driving down on the Brooklyn Bridge, eager to get to work on time. At the corner of his eye, something flashes. He turns to look at an electric billboard. BOOM…CRASH…BANG… he’s been hit. That billboard took more than his attention - it took his life.

From Galut To Redemption

I realized that I am an integral part of that man who wished to win – I am also a part of a nation; I felt like I was standing there and shouting, “I won.”

As A Friend

Beads of sweat were forming on my hand as I held the warm phone and listened to the rings one by one. RING… I tried staying calm as I waiting for the answer. RING… I looked down at the phone. My finger makes its way to the red button on the right. Should I just press end? RING…

It All Comes Out In The Wash

This past Friday it was finally almost official. It was going to happen. Be’ezras Hashem.


Branches, in many ways, are like people. A tree has one trunk, and extending out from it are many branches, which are all beautiful in their own unique way.

90 Seconds – A Summer Never to Forget

This past summer was a powerful one for the Jewish people. I will always remember where I was on June 12th when I found...

Come Sit With Me

At first I thought I wouldn’t be able to use it at all. I had thought the concept was perfect. A rose-colored background, surrounding black encroaching from all sides. It would be a cave of warmth, a hiding place within the darkness.

The Intruder

My sister went to take a shower. I really didn’t appreciate being alone. As I waited for my turn to shower, I suddenly heard voices coming from my parents' bedroom, down the dark hallway.

Guardian Angel

I walked into the trap he set, And there a terrible fate I met.

Turning Toward Teshuva

Is a missed opportunity to do a mitzvah considered a sin?

To Be Jewish

Growing up, I remember my father’s Rosh Hashana ritual. He read the story of Rabi Amnon of Mainz, who had his tongue, hands and legs cut off for refusing to convert to Christianity – for choosing to remain a Jews. I would run away from the table sobbing in terror. Even at the tender age of six, I knew that being Jewish made oneself a member of an endangered species.

Am I different from you?

Just like you I too have a soul A soul that is G-dly Just like you. Now my friend I ask you, Am I different from you?

Let’s Have A Conversation

Have you thought about this? We will be tomorrow’s leaders, parents of the next generation. What will we do differently to ensure a more prosperous, accepting tomorrow? What are we doing today to prepare ourselves for tomorrow’s new responsibilities?

‘Living in De Nile’

I love Pesach. Really, I do. Even with the stress and preparation associated with March Madness (I still have no idea why my father thinks it has anything to do with basketball), I enjoy it. Maybe it's because of my mother's spinach kugel, or the way I still love actively searching for the afikoman.

Looking Up

In the hustle and bustle of New York City, it’s nearly impossible to stop and slow down - even for a second. The gulps of coffee, swish of a lipstick, and the tying of your shoelaces need to be accomplished in a matter of minutes. The clock is ticking. Everyone is perpetually on the go, not appreciating the present because the future is waiting impatiently. Though I am a New Yorker through and through, I’ve never stopped to ponder this hasty way of living.

Reign Of Silence

There’s so much he could do Resources are not few He refuses to end all His SILENCE.


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/sections/magazine/teens-twenties/how-do-you-like-your-eggs/2013/03/22/

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