The War for Peace and Democracy

Over the past four years, other free nations have risen in the broader Middle East. Across that region, the political dialogue has been transformed - and politicians, scholars, students, and men and women from every walk of life are talking about freedom, equal rights, and accountable institutions of government.

Obsession With Tuition Hurts Jewish Education

There is constant talk of a tuition crisis, of the growing number of yeshiva and day school parents – and potential parents – who say that full tuition or anything close to it is beyond their financial reach.

Modern Orthodoxy In A Changing World

Many defenders of Modern Orthodoxy decry the apparent rejection of a college education in favor of yeshiva.

The Bernice Chronicles: East Coast Adventures

For Jews in the United States, the 1950s were years of opportunity and challenge.

The Painful Path To Destruction

For breaking his oath of allegiance, Tzidkiyahu was forced to witness the death of his sons before he himself was blinded and exiled to Babylon.

The Holocaust’s Most Vicious Killers

During the Holocaust, one group of killers stood out as more vicious, murderous, and bloodthirsty than all others.

Anti-Semitism’s Return

In attempting to account for these developments I have reached a set of conclusions about why events are unfolding as they are.

Lawyers For Yeshiva University Assert Court’s Decision Is Wrong

Formal recognition of a student group does not equate to endorsement of that group’s message, wrote the judge.

Shield of Abraham

One night, a man was shot as he tried to break into the settlement from a nearby Arab city. His family did not say, "We are so sorry that our son tried to break into your community and commit violence." Quite the opposite. There was a prolonged, noisy demonstration in his city against the Israel Defense Forces.

‘Apartheid,’ You Say?

It is late at night. There are four of us on the hospital ward. Two are young men, a religious Ethiopian Jew and a young Arab computer "techie" who spends his days working on his laptop. I am one of the two elders in the room. The other is an Arab from a village in the Galilee. The two younger men complain about the horrific snoring coming from us geezers, but they're not sure who is the worst offender. The nurses offer them sympathy and sleeping pills, to no avail.

The Jewish Aviator Who Almost Beat Lindbergh

Levine offered the Columbia to Lindbergh for $15,000, but insisted that, as a non-negotiable condition of the sale, he retain the right to designate the crew for what would surely be a historic flight.

Why Batman Matters

It’s important to acknowledge this right from the beginning: I love Batman. In fact, no one loves him more than I do. He and I have a history that goes back over four decades.

Return To Zion Reflections On My Aliyah

The first component began taking shape more than sixty-eight years ago when, as was my custom, I joined my father at Shabbat morning services in his synagogue on New York’s Lower East Side.

Numbers: Then And Now

There are accounts of battles, rebellions, and collective failures of nerve, and a strange story about a pagan prophet and a talking donkey.

Leftists For A Second Holocaust

In his visit to Lebanon earlier this year, Noam Chomsky justified Hizbullah's military arsenal as a "deterrent to potential aggression."

Palestinian Lies, Western Duplicity

Partition arbitrarily deprived the Jews of their internationally sanctioned legal rights to all of Palestine, including what is now the kingdom of Jordan. Nevertheless, Israel accepted it.

Stories of Yeshiva College

While I like to flatter myself in thinking that this article was written in response to mine, it more likely took months of painstaking research and had nothing to do with me.

The Making Of The Freida Sima Series

The desire to keep my grandmother's memory and voice alive inspired me to write an article about her for The Jewish Press.

Monument To Life

In a macabre sort of way, this photo is an old friend. Having seen it so many times before, I am "comfortable" with the imagery.

The Secret Of The Fifteenth Day

In fact, all the Yomim Tovim that fall on the fifteenth of the month represent instances of t’chias hamaisim.

Shavuos: Torah, Shabbos and the Jews

Shavuos. How unremarkable a name for a Yom Tov that celebrates the very foundation of our existence. Actually, Shavuos is one of five names designated for this holiday, the others being Atzeres, Yom HaBikurim, Chag HaKatzir and Z’man Mattan Toraseinu.

Remembering My Friend Yuval Ne’eman

One day in the summer of 1981, when I was still living in Brooklyn, I received a call from Dassie Marcus, a fervent supporter of Israel, the settlement movement, and Gush Emunim.

The Disposable Student

An educator must not be satisfied until that soul he refuses to handle, love, nourish and develop is registered in another school, one more caring and embracing.

Nazis, Commies & Bad Haircuts

The systematic amalgamation of anti-Semitism, theories of the superiority of the German people, and the geopolitical movement to acquire Lebensraum was a product of the intellectual environment of Ludwig Maximilian University in the 1920's.

He Walked With Kings And Rulers: Remembering David Horowitz

That beautiful smile, warm and sincere, which proceeded from a transcendent mastery of pain and loss, both personal and that of his people, first beamed at the beginning of the 20th century.

Letters From Israel – Left And Right

This is not to say the Palestinians are blameless or justified in the ongoing conflict – far from it – but we are the ones with the power and our government has managed to destroy any hope on either side for a solution.

Sefiras HaOmer: Measurements And Holiness

Jews thank Hashem at every step. We thank Him for our most basic physical existence. We thank Hashem for every step, for every breath, for every aspect of our elevation from the dust.

Back To Basics In Fighting Terror

It has become vogue in many circles to represent Middle East savagery as part of some sort of "war of civilizations."

Fractured Man, Whole Man

A fisherman living near the banks of a river was making his way home one evening, exhausted from his long labors. As he trudged along the path, he dreamed of what his life might be like if he were suddenly rich. Just then, his foot brushed against a leather pouch. He picked it up only to discover it filled with small stones. Falling back into his reverie, he absent-mindedly began throwing the pebbles into the water.

Sin Of The Grasshoppers

With Israel surrounded, as ever, by implacable enemies and forced to endure withering assaults of negative international opinion, we can take needed comfort and learn an important lesson from the Torah context of some key phrases in the Yom Kippur liturgy we recited just days ago.


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