Pesach’s Dusty Windows (Part Four)

Yet the windows of Pesach are crucial. Through them we can see our bitter exile.

Dust Off The Windows (Part Three)

The tendency to rely on human beings rather than G-d has been our curse throughout the centuries.

Dust Off Your Windows (Part Two)

We have windows of history, of Yom Tovim, but the dust continues to obscure our vision.

Dust Off Your Windows

On Shabbos Zachor the Torah commands us to “Remember what Amalek did to you."

The Other Side Of The Mechitzah (Continued)

We should invite divorced people into our homes for Shabbas and Yom tov.

The Other Side Of The Mechitzah

I attended the recent Shabboton for frum divorced people and listened to your talk. You gave me hope to go on. I was very despondent when I came and went home considerably more upbeat. It was all due to your focus on “being a blessing.”

Reaching Out To The Brokenhearted

One can sigh with relief when the divorce is finalized but the heart is full and it aches with pain. Yes, there were conflicts. Yes, there was a cold war that made for a frigid atmosphere in the home. But loneliness is a very difficult thing to bear.

Painful Scars

My ex despises me and is bent on destroying me. He has done everything to torture me.

Turning Pain Into Blessings

The Torah tells us that ancient Egypt had 49 levels of contaminating impurities and Hashem wanted us out before the fiftieth would become viral.

Mending Broken Hearts

The young man could not go through with the marriage.

Broken Hearts

In biblical times the Jewish people never had a prison system.

Second Chances

Hearing that someone has been divorced nowadays doesn't have the same connotations it used to.

Can We Ever Trust Again?

With every word he spoke, I became more and more anxious.

A Society Obsessed with Toys (Cont.)

The link between iPod, iPads and smartphones and increased chutzpah and disintegration of families.

A Society Obsessed with Toys

In a nutshell, I am intolerant of today’s addictions.

Only in Jerusalem

Of course, you don’t need an excuse to go to Yerushalayim.

Just One Voice

When our ancestor Yosef found himself alone and abandoned in Egypt, the image of his father that kept him anchored.

Responding to the Yahrzeit Columns

Reader response to my two-part column on yahrzeit was overwhelming.

Yahrzeit: a Time to Remember (2)

Whatever pain or challenge assails us, the parshah of the week will always guide and comfort us.

Yahrzeit – a Time to Remember

My tatte had a magnificent voice that had the power to pierce the most hardened heart.

When Observance Creates Conflict (II)

When your parents come to visit, do you rush to the door and welcome them with a loving heart?

When Observance Creates Conflict

One day, my father met one of my classmate’s parents and came home livid.

The Cat from Jerusalem

"In New York I partied almost every night and the next day I didn’t feel good about myself. But here, after spending the night at the Wall, I feel an exhilaration."

Dashed Expectations and Single Daughters (2)

The first thing you need to do is bring your burden to our loving Father. Speak to Hashem from the heart.

Dashed Expectations And Single Daughters

I’m also a rebbetzin but as yet I do not have married children; it’s an experience I’m looking forward to and the reason I am writing to you now.

Putting Ideals Into Action (II)

If you are a blessing to others, life takes on a different meaning.

Putting Ideals Into Action

It really hit home when you pointed out that on Yom Kippur G-d forgives us with a smile and loving embrace.

Looking Back II

When we give to others we are only returning that which He gave us.

Looking Back

We really are a bunch of schnorrers.

Miracles and Blessings II

When I started a conversation with the young man his responses were rather cynical but I wouldn't give in.


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