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A Heavenly ‘Shidduch’ In Shushan: A Purim Shpiel

"Another day another dinar," sighed Esther as she prepared her daily infusion of Turkish coffee before leaving for her job as an assistant editor at her Uncle Mordy's business, Megillah Publishing. As usual, she turned to the classified/singles section of her favorite newspaper, The Persian Press, the largest independent Anglo-Persian weekly in the world - distributed in all 127 provinces. "Sounds interesting," she thought to herself as she glanced at an ad announcing a singles shabbaton taking place in the much buzzed about B'nai Benyamin shul that recently opened (at the cost of a million dinar) in the suburban sand dunes outside of the city. There would be tent hospitality for the guests since there was no hotel in the vicinity.

Sixty-Five Years And Four Generations

Sixty-five years is a long time. Indeed, it was not until about 1947 that a person born in that year could expect to live to at least age 65. So when one encounters a couple who have been married for sixty-five years, it is certainly worth noting.

My Welcome To Israel

Bear with me, if you will, for a bit of nostalgia. A few weeks ago - Jan. 19, to be precise - I celebrated the 30th anniversary of my becoming an Israeli.I thought readers might enjoy the telling of that tale.

Husband Spending Too Much Time With Business Partner Of The Opposite Sex

Question: I trust my husband implicitly. He has never given me reason to suspect him of wrongdoing. So, why am I writing? Three years ago he began a new job. He works very closely with a frum woman. They make a very good team – she is the salesperson and crucial to the business. A few months ago they started to train together to run in a half marathon for tzedakah. Then I found out that she and her husband had separated. I did not hear this from my husband – it was a friend who told me. When I asked my husband why he didn’t tell me, he said that she asked him not to tell anyone and he respected her privacy. Then I found out that they skipped a workout because of the rain and instead had lunch together. This I heard from a friend who saw them together. Please understand I don't want to think he's doing anything wrong. Surely he wouldn't be in a restaurant for all to see if he was up to no good. He says I'm being overly sensitive. Is he right?

Never Beyond Reach

Dear Rabbi Schonbuch, My husband drinks every night. He starts with a few glasses of wine with dinner and always ends with whisky. Some nights it's just one or two large ones and other nights it can be half a bottle. I know that we believe that drinking at a Farbrengen or a Kiddush is allowed, but when does it begin to become a problem?

Connect To Love

Dear Gary, I'm very upset with the younger generation today and the way they treat their marriages. I've been married for 56 years and admit that it hasn't always been easy. If I thought about getting divorced each time my husband upset or annoyed me, we wouldn't have gotten past the week of sheva brachos. It seems to me that today’s newlyweds don't want to make any sacrifices and think only of themselves. My grandson, the father of two beautiful young children, is getting divorced. He says its because he didn't make his wife happy enough and spent too much time working at his new job. This is outrageous. Do you think this younger generation is too selfish?

Connect To Love

Question: A few years ago I was forced to go back to work when my husband lost his job. Baruch Hashem I have become very successful in my field, one that is largely male. While my husband is now working as well, it has become clear that my job is the priority - I make almost triple his salary and there's potential for much more. I never intended to be away from my kids, but am not upset that I had to go to work.

‘Torah Live’

Rabbi Dan Roth's very first day teaching in yeshiva did not at all go as planned. After learning in kollel for many years in some of the best yeshivos in Israel, Rabbi Roth got his first job teaching in a program for teens-at-risk. A short time before taking the job, he wrote a sefer on modern-day lessons gleaned from the teachings of Pirkei Avos. In the process of writing the book, he realized that he had a talent for making Torah concepts relevant and down-to-earth.

Moshe Drops Out of School

A few years ago, a couple, Sarah and Joseph, came to see me about their son Moshe, sixteen, who was experiencing extreme difficulty in school. Moshe did not have any serious learning problems. In fact, he was exceptionally bright and capable of succeeding in school. His problem was that he was frequently missing class. Recently he had started leaving school and spending time in an unknown location. Moshe's parents were naturally concerned for his future.

Wonder Detergent

Last week, I bought a new brand of detergent. It promises to remove all stains, even those stubborn, impossible to remove ones--or your money back. Guaranteed.

Wonder Detergent

Last week, I bought a new brand of detergent. It promises to remove all stains, even those stubborn, impossible to remove ones--or your money back. Guaranteed.

Does Your Resume Make the Grade?

The scenario repeats itself over and over. You read a job listing and with each qualification they desire you become increasingly more excited - this one is in the bag. So you send off your resume and wait with hopeful anticipation that quickly morphs into self-doubting anxiety when that response fails to come. At times it may feel like your resume just sinks to the bottom of a never-ending pile, regardless of how perfect you are for the position. In actuality, however, your resume might not have even made it through the computerized screening process employers utilize, never reaching human eyes. And if it has, it may be one wrong word that landed yours in the recycle bin.

Are You ‘Linked In?’

Have you ever Googled your own name? That may not be a question you hear often, but when you take the time to do so, you may be surprised by what you find. Believe it or not, most employers Google the names of perspective employment candidates to see what they can find, and you do not want them to find your Purim pictures on Facebook.

Dilemma (Conclusion)

In last week's column I published a letter from a 76-year-old widow concerned about her future. She wanted to know whether she should sell her house in Brooklyn and move in with her daughter in Queens. She felt lonely living alone, but was concerned about being a burden to her children, although both her daughter and son-in-law assured her that would not be the case.

When Health Care Comes Home

A parent or spouse suddenly suffers a debilitating stroke or heart attack and requires home health care. Where should the family turn? Many families thankfully are never forced to consider such questions. Others, though, are not as lucky and feel overwhelmed by the new situation thrust upon them, not knowing where or to whom to turn for advice.

Reflections Of You And Me

I had to catch the 6:13 a.m. train from Petach Tikva to Modiin. Otherwise, I would be late for the bar mitzvah. I showed up at the train station at 5:45. It was locked. I asked the guard when they would be opening. He said, "Soon."

Success Is In The Trying

With Chanukah - the Festival of Lights quickly approaching, Jews the world over are busy planning get-togethers, preparing or buying latkes and donuts, shopping for gifts for children and adults alike and generally looking forward to having fun and a much welcome break from the daily grind of life.

The Man Who Won’t Let Nazis Die In Peace: An Interview With Efraim Zuroff

Nazi hunting. Sounds like a glamorous job, but judging from Operation Last Chance, a new book by Nazi hunter Efraim Zuroff, catching Nazis is more grit than glamour.

Quick Takes: News You May Have Missed

      Note to readers: I believe there is a major lack of independent investigative reporting in the U.S. news media, particularly regarding the White...

A Response To Dr. G. (Part II)

In Part I, I responded to some of what Dr. G. had said about our role as caregivers. I reiterated that without legal documentation, you, as the spouse might have little input into the treatment plan for your partner. Whether by design or oversight, not being appointed the Health Proxy may totally cut you out of the care plan and even bar you from receiving treatment information. This week, I'd like to address what Dr. G. said about what being a caregiver requires of us.

New Autism Theory Inspires Hope For Future Cure

Distant mothers. MMR vaccines. Genetic mutations. Contaminated drinking water. These are just a few of the many factors that scientists and doctors have attributed to the cause of autism throughout the last 50 years, since autism was first established as a separate diagnosis in the late 1960's. In recent years the prevalence of autism spectrum disorders in American children has risen to one in every one 150. Yet, despite these attempts none have proved successful in isolating a definite cause. In fact, from diagnosis to treatments, autism research is rife with uncertainties and trial-and-error theories, many of which have thus far been disproved and fallen to the proverbial wayside.

Look Out – Real Life Ahead!

After returning from a year of studying in seminary in Eretz Yisrael, Feigi was ready to join the "real world." Seminary had been a wonderful, spiritually uplifting experience, but now it was time to settle down, find a job, and think about what she wanted to do with the rest of her life. Feigi started job hunting. She had excellent credentials and was perfectly qualified to start a career in any of a variety of fields. Yet despite her intelligence and willingness to work, she was unable to focus on a clear sense of direction.

A Doctor’s Perspective

Dear Ann, I have been re-reading one of your columns (Dealing with the System, December 19, 2008), and I think a number of the points you made need clarification, and others I feel are misleading.

Gemara In The Morning, Cancer Research In The Afternoon

Not too many rabbis spend their day trying to cure cancer. Fewer still own three dogs and a killer fish named Shalom on the side. But Rabbi Dr. Robert Shorr does and sees no inherent conflict or tension between his various activities.


He sat in his prison cell sulking. I'll call him Steven. Time was playing tricks on him. It seemed like only yesterday, but at the same time like a lifetime ago, that he was married to a wonderful woman and had children who were the joy of his life. He had a high-powered job on Wall Street and luxuries that the average person couldn't imagine.

Image And Preparation: Two Critical Keys To Success

Now that you know how to research companies before an interview, the next step in the process is to present the proper image and be fully prepared for the face-to-face meeting.

Mazel Tov To My Baby On Her Marriage!

Avigail took the plunge into marriage, and we are so proud of her! My walk down the aisle with Avigail by my side was a visceral reminder of the days when she was by my side in another place and another time. Let me share the story with you.

Title: The Preparing for Pesach Companion: You really CAN make Pesach with a SMILE

Wouldn't it be wonderful to have your own personal helper in the sometimes ominous task of making Pesach? Your own friendly advice source and assistant guiding you each step of the way toward successful Pesach preparation?

Becoming A Successful Job Interviewee

Before you begin preparing for an interview - a word of caution. If you went through this process easily in the past, don't expect a repeat performance. Moreover, if you're still following the advice of gurus like John Crystal and Jeff Allen; don't. Their advice is obsolete. In 2009 there is a new reality, and unless you are mentally and emotionally prepared for it, you're in for a rude awakening.


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/sections/magazine/on-our-own/a-heavenly-shidduch-in-shushan-a-purim-shpiel-2/2011/03/16/

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