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Tag: religious

Abusing Clout

When Chassidim make a request to a government official, he pays attention.

Kosher Slaughter Ban Shows Poland Has a Jewish Problem

Thirty-eight Sejm members representing Tusk’s ruling Civic Platform party joined with the opposition in voting to outlaw ritual slaughter.

Haredi Settlers Push Back: Rebbe’s Dad Was Pro-Settlements

When it came to comparisons with the Third Reich, it appears the first Klausenburger Rebbe had his priorities straight.

When Good Children Go OTD

I know families with an OTD child that are very right wing, moderate Charedi, and right wing Modern Orthodox.

What Does It Mean to Be Jewish?

Divine affirmation is the foundation of Judaism. Everything else comes after.

Guilty: Rabbi Motti Elon Convicted of Sexual Assault

"Any attempt to argue as if I ever admitted such an act is a despicable lie," was Rabbi Elon's initial response to the allegations.

Will Observant Judaism of the Future Look Like Satmar?

They live in a world apart from the rest of observant Jewry.

Chief Rabbis & Politics

But surely, you will say, Judaism requires one to respect one’s religious leaders. In theory this is so.

Two Arabs Caught Vandalizing Tomb of the Patriarchs

The two were recorded on security cameras as they were ripping a Mezuzah off the wall

R. Lau to Submit Conversion Rulings to Haredi Review in Backroom Deal

Rabbi David Lau committed to consulting with "giur breaker" Rabbi Sherman before any consultation on conversions.

Two Religious Girls Box-Kick Their Way to World Champions (video)

The IDF gets a new weapon next year. Meet Baltimore-born Nili Block and Mumbai convert Sarah Avraham, both of them religious and the new world champs in Thailand-style kick-boxing.

Is Hatred for Haredim Due to Media Bias?

The record number of kipa-wearing Jews in the new Knesset surely shows that secular Jews do not really hate religious Jews.

A Soldier Remembered in His ‘Letters to Talia’

Everything Dov Indig, killed in action during the Yom Kippur War, said about the secular kibbutz movement has happened.

Lapid Concedes: Haredim Have Won (Video)

Lapid is a patriot who is both honest and who has a clear vision for the future. A vision that is inclusive of all!

Inspiring Our Youth and the Search for Meaning

Among the many things Judaism can do for you is to give meaning to your life.

Does the Very Air in Israel Make One Wise?

I don’t know what is in the air in Israel that makes some people think that they are doing the right thing by God in sticking knives into the heads of their opponents.

“You Killed Jesus” Scrawled on Miami Menorah

A large menorah covered in seashells and used to spread the light of Hanukkah at Miami Beach was vandalized on Sunday, scrawled with black graffiti stating “You Killed Jesus”.

Touching the Opposite Sex

'Shomer negiah,' the halachic bar on physical contact with the opposite sex, is wrongly treated by many as a Chumra that many do not observe.

Two Years Ago – Two Very Special People

I have not done this before. I have never memorialized two of the closest people to me in one article. I gave it a lot of thought, and it is not just because they died within hours of each other two years ago that I decided to do this. It is also because there was a tremendous connection between them, and as I thought of each one I was overwhelmed by the similarities.

Gaza Imam: Breaking Ceasefire Would Be A Sin

A Muslim imam in Gaza has issued a religious edict, or fatwa, that says it is a sin to violate the cease-fire between Israel and Hamas in Gaza.

Happy Thanksgiving – 2012

I see nothing wrong with our participating with all American citizens in observing Thanksgiving.

Abbas, ya Bahai, Get Lost!!

Muhammad As’ad Bayoudh al-Tamimi is a Palestinian columnist living in Jordan. In the past he has often clearly expressed the opinions of the man...

On the Guardian’s Opinion Section: Hamas Propoganda

IDF strikes on Nov. 18 knocked out the Hamas television stations Al Aqsa and Al Quds in Gaza, but Hamas leaders were likely not too concerned, and knew they could always count on Plan B: Propagandizing at the Guardian.

I Love Tel Aviv

Strolling around Tel Aviv and seeing how the words of our Prophets have come to pass in our generation, is as much of a spiritual experience as spending a day in the holy city of Tzfat.

On Politicians and Grunt Work

The Knesset members who “take care of things” for us deserve to be praised, not insulted: people like Uri Ariel and Zevulun Orlev, whose offices are filled day and night with the representatives of organizations and institutions, religious and secular. And they “take care” of these people. It’s true that Ariel and Orlev received popularity ratings of only three percent in a recent poll of the national-religious community, but this isn’t their problem—it’s the respondents’ problem. Orlev and Ariel are too busy for self-promotion.

50 Reasons to Make Aliyah

A few readers have written me lately, saying that my blogs are too hard-hitting, and that I would have better results with honey than with smashing people over the head with a sledgehammer. I am not totally convinced

Israeli Civil Rights Group Slams Modi’in on Anti-Haredi Policies

The Israeli city of Modi'in is slammed from an unlikely direction - Israel's civil right's organization, the Association for Civil rights in Israel (ACRI). Granted ACRI doesn't have the most objective agenda, and their voice was loudly missing when it came the Disengagement in 2005, but they are to be praised for doing the right thing when it comes to Modi'in.

Rachel is Weeping Over You!

The yartzeit of our Matriarch, Rachel, falls this year on Shabbat. Every year, more and more people gather at Rachel’s Tomb to pay respects to the Matriarch who is known as Rachel Emanu - Rachel Our Mother. Thousands of pilgrims will travel there today and tomorrow from all over the country, and perhaps 200,000 more will make the annual pilgrimage the day after Shabbat, every type of Jew there is, religious and non-religious, Haredim, Hasidim, and Dati Leumi, men, women, and children, busload after busload after busload, from far and near, waiting long hours for their turn to enter the small but beautifully renovated tomb near Betlechem on the way to Efrata .

The Rabbi’s Daughter

Several prominent Religious Zionist rabbis in Israel have fallen victim to the OTD (Off the Derech) phenomenon. Rav Shlomo Aviner, Rav David Bigman, and Rav Yoram Tzohar each have a daughter that has departed from the observant ways of their parents. So for those parents who have OTD children, you are not alone. There are some very prominent people who join you. One may ask: How can I publicize something like this about such prominent leaders in Klal Yisroel, since it might be embarrassing to them? The answer is that they do not hide it. They willingly participated in a film that tells their story.

An Open Letter to Religious Zionist Rabbis

Dear Rabbi: With elections approaching in Israel, I am searching for a religious political party for which to vote. When I think about voting for Shas, I remember their support for Oslo, the surrender of parts of Eretz Yisrael, giving rifles to our enemies, and the terrible sea of Jewish blood that was spilled after the Oslo Accords were signed. That is not the Torah I am searching to find.


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