The Status Of A Fetus In Halacha (Part IV)
The obvious question arises: what changes once the fetus leaves the womb? Why is it permitted to sacrifice the fetus to save the mother while the fetus is in utero, but the moment the fetus leaves the womb, we can't choose one life over another?
Do We Create Our Own Enemies?
Let us assume for a moment that the Avot knew for certain what the repercussions of rejecting Timna would be and that they were faced with a dilemma. If they accept her as a convert, it would conflict with the halacha, because she had an agenda.
Q & A: The Prayer Of Tal u’Matar On December 4 Or 5 In...
Question: Will you please explain why we begin to say the prayer of Tal u’Matar on the evening of December 4 or 5 – that is, based on the secular calendar? Also, if one traveled to Eretz Israel, where they start to say it earlier, what is he to do when he is there, and when he returns, if he returns before the time we normally commence to say in the Diaspora?
Zelig Aronson
Via Email
Ari Fuld on the Passing On of Leadership – Parshat Vayelech
We're going to talk about something that is probably one of the most practical pieces of advice for today. We're talking about handing over leadership.
Do You Know What to Answer?
Just like the antagonists and disputants who came before, Dan Bilzerian, Candace Owens and the raging antisemites of our time will not be effective and will not be remembered, but our sacred Torah and our timeless Talmud will continue to be learned around the world.
Aleph Beta: “Your Children Will Come Home” – The Hope Beyond the Tears of...
How is it that Rachel’s tears evoke such a powerful response from God? If we can make sense of this passage, it may be able to shed light on our process of mourning on Tisha B’Av, and help our tears and grief become a catalyst for action.
17th of Tammuz
17th of Tammuz: Beginning 3 weeks of mourning for the destruction of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem.
What are the Three Weeks & Tisha B’Av?
The Jewish national period of mourning.
Online Chat Staffed by Rabbis Becomes Lifeline for Jews Facing Antisemitism Abroad
Since October 7th, the once "helpful" online outreach effort has become a lifeline.
Ari Fuld on Shavuot: On the Indigenous People of Israel and Why There is...
Ari talks about the holidays of Shavuot and Yom Kippur, the Shofar that connects the two holidays, and the indigenous people of the Land of Israel.
Is It Proper To Attend A Non-Jewish university?
As with every question, the proper answer begins with "it depends."
Are Yom Ha’atzmaut And Yom Yerushalayim ‘Halachic’ Holidays?
The Chatam Sofer concludes that establishing a festival to mark a miraculous event is a biblical requirement, and one who does not do so is in violation of not performing a positive commandment (Teshuvot Chatam Sofer, YD 233).
Ari Fuld on the Holidays | Passover: Freedom vs. Responsibility – 5778 (2018)
Ari Fuld discusses: What are we celebrating on Passover and what are the lessons to be learned?
The Machine Matzah Controversy: A History – Rabbis, Matzah, and Invention
The Ksav Sofer also dismissed the square matzah concern by stating, In the merit of the four-cornered matzos, may Hashem redeem us from the four corners of the earth.
Finishing The Job: Purim’s Secret Hidden in Jerusalem & Gaza
If you want to learn a mind blowing short & powerful class on Purim before the Holiday, Tehila delivers again!
Such A Thing Will Not Be Done
The Torah is ambiguous regarding who, exactly, is right in this story. Did, indeed, the brothers go too far? Did Yaakov face a battle shortly thereafter, as one midrash indicates? Were they both right on some level?
Acheinu – How To Be Whole
You may be a wonderful, accomplished, and successful individual, but as long as you are not on speaking terms with your own sibling, you will not be whole. As long as a family is torn by mistrust and conflict, none of its members can be whole.
Parshat Korach and the ‘Just Not Bibi’ Protesters
Parshat Korach reminds us to remain vigilant against those who manipulate democratic ideals for personal gain.
A Chanukah Carol
A Tribute in 5 Parts to 8 Days and 1 Great Victorian Novelist
Ari Fuld on the Real Miracle of Chanukah
Ari Fuld uncovers and explores the real miracle and lessons of Chanukah.
New Platform Allows Users To Rate Their Beit Din Experience
The idea is to slowly create an operating standard: approved batei din are ones which are transparent, which don’t allow for shady deals, and which recognize abusive behaviors when they present themselves.
Is It Proper To Own A Gun?
Obviously, the question is not only in regard to owning a gun, but having it in one’s possession and if necessary, using it.
Modern Orthodoxy’s Moral Failure
The fate of our children’s children rests with us – with whether we surrender the legacy of our forefathers for a little temporary convenience, or whether we stand proud and strong in the face of the storms to come.
A Sukkah Allegory
Reb Yisrael and his sons erected their sukkah adjacent to the kitchen door of their palatial home in one of the Five Towns, as they had done for many years in the past...
Ari Fuld on the Passing On of Leadership – Parshat Vayelech
We're going to talk about something that is probably one of the most practical pieces of advice for today. We're talking about handing over leadership.
Parshat Mas’ei – The ‘Palestinian’ Question
While Israel was obligated to drive the British from our soil, the Torah's approach to the "Palestinian" question might actually be more complicated.
What are the Three Weeks & Tisha B’Av?
The Jewish national period of mourning.
Eruv Tavshilin
When Yom Tov begins on Wednesday night (in Galus), the eruv tavshilin ceremony is performed on Wednesday and when Yom Tov begins on Thursday night it is performed on Thursday, in each case by the head of the household.