Shabbos: A Day With Hashem – A Meal For Eternity

Not only is eating melavah malkah a great mitzvah, there are "instant rewards"!

Singles And The Need To Get Beyond ‘Chemistry’

Since our faith teaches that every person has a soul mate – bashert – designated by Heaven, how is it that so many cannot find their partners?

Donating Money For Aliyot

Question: Is it proper for a synagogue to establish a policy that no one is to donate money for receiving an aliyah to the Torah?

Jewish Blood Is Not Cheap

Although the Torah often points out the infinite value of every human life, this week's parshah gives a clear message about the value of Jewish life. We are told that no one will be permitted to murder Jews with impunity.

Vayigash: Kindness Amid Suffering

Hashem’s kindness is limitless, and even when He administers judgment, it is tempered with kindness.

Benefiting From A Non-Jew’s Work On Shabbat

If you yourself may not perform a melachah, you may not ask a non-Jew to perform it for you. This is true both for biblically prohibited acts, melachot de’oreita, and rabinically prohibited acts, melachot de’rabbanan. This applies even if the non-Jew was instructed before Shabbat to perform the melachah on Shabbat.

Redemption Of A Heritage Field During Yovel

At the time of Megillas Rus, the Yovel – Jubilee year – was in force, replied Rabbi Dayan. If a person sold a field that was his sedei achuza – ancestral heritage from when the Land of Israel was first divided – it would return to him in Yovel.

Are Candles In The Sukkah A Fire Hazard?

Some people make the blessing over the candles in the sukkah and then bring the candles into the house to avoid the danger of fire. This is a non-kosher practice, however.

The Refusal To Be Comforted

The deception has taken place. Joseph has been sold into slavery. His brothers have dipped his coat in blood. They bring it back to their father, saying: “Look what we have found. Do you recognize it? Is this your son’s robe or not?” Jacob recognized it and replied, “It is my son’s robe. A wild beast has devoured him. Joseph has been torn to pieces.”

Seize The Moment

Sometimes you are having a bad day. Nothing seems to be going as you expected. And then you see someone at work or school who needs help with something and you help them out.

Parshat V’et’hanan: The Power of Tefillah

As characters participating in one of history’s most incredible chapters, we focus our efforts on the specific challenges facing our generation.

Baked Falafel Latkes With Tahini

Because it is a tried and true favorite, I decided to shake up the recipe a bit to create a healthier and more festive Chanukah feel.

Where And Why We Light

It is clear that Tosafos maintains that only someone who lives in a house must light Chanukah candles.

Kohanim: The Challenge of Educational Dissent

Children need a strong environment, conducive to their development as Jews, while at the same time their Jewish education must provide them with so much pride that later in life they will be able to deal with the outside world as well and still be fully committed Jews.

Lechem Hapanim And Amalek

Bilam’s advice was that Amalek stood no chance against the spiritually strong in Am Yisrael, but they did have a faint possibility to inflict damage on those in Am Yisrael who were spiritually weak.

Daf Yomi

K’vod Ha’brios ‘Excluding Where He Was Preoccupied’ (Shavuos 18b-19a)

The Rubashkin Saga – V

These PETA people are not Orthodox Jews. So, why would they so strongly criticize a kosher packing plant for what they believe to be violations of kosher practice? They are using tactics similar to the Nazis.

Can You Replace A Bottle In A Hotel Mini-Bar?

Rabbi Dayan said, To replace the juice from the mini-bar with a bottle from the store would be cheating the hotel.

Why Do Insane People Remain Insane?

We should not need gifts from flesh and blood or their loans, unless we realize that they are really coming from Hashem’s hand which is full, open, holy and bountiful.

Who Is Haman Today? Who Is Mordechai?

Many of the so-called Western world leaders can also stand in for the false and power-hungry king who had no scruples about participating in the annihilation of millions of Jews.

Q & A: Should I Wear Tefillin On Chol HaMoed?

Question: My custom is not to don tefillin on Chol HaMoed. What should I do if I go to a shul that has the opposite custom? M. Jakobowitz

Shabbos – A Day With Hashem: Three Zones

Friday night corresponds to Shabbos Bereishis – therefore we discuss the creation. Shabbos morning corresponds to the Shabbos when we received the Torah, so in Shachris we mention that. And finally, Shabbos afternoon corresponds to the Shabbos of the World to Come, so in Mincha we talk about the Oneness of Hashem, which will be clearly revealed at that time.

Toldot: a Conversation for the Ages

What does the parsha teach us about the nature of heritage?

Does Beis Din Have The Authority?

Mr. Chovel interjected, "But beis din is not halachically authorized nowadays to adjudicate cases of bodily injury!"

Firing Line

Mrs. Simon had been teaching for seven years at a girls’ elementary school. The school had expanded rapidly during the previous decade as the local Jewish community grew. Each grade boasted four parallel classes.

Bitachon And Effort: Finding The Balance

Hashem appeared to Noach and told him the world had turned to wicked ways and was to be destroyed by a deluge. Hashem commanded Noach to build a teivah, an ark, so that he and his family would be saved.

Parshat Shemini

Based on my historical research of leadership I believe there is what I refer to as the leadership paradox. In essence it claims that we should have more confidence in leaders who possess self-doubt.

Superstition Or… ? (Part I)

Dear Rebbetzin Jungreis: I discovered your book, The Committed Life and I must tell you that it changed my own life. I come from an atheistic background and never gave Judaism a second thought until a Christian friend bought me your book as a gift. Since reading it, I have embarked on a quest to find out more. I guess I'm still not totally observant, but I am definitely heading in that direction. Most recently, I read your new book, The Committed Marriage, and that was an amazing experience. I only wish that I lived in New York City so that I could come to your classes and study with you. In any event, thank you for writing and sharing so much wisdom with us.

What We Run To

Rabbeinu Yonah explains that, in addition to our own conditioning (goreret), when we perform a mitzvah, Hashem rewards us (gives sechar) by strengthening our efforts.


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