Photo Credit: Dov Dafnay, KKL-JNF
Ben Yehuda Street in Jerusalem, Jerusalem Day, 1978

KKL-JNF released these photos offering a glimpse of life in Jerusalem in the 1970s, only a few years after the Six-Day War, in honor of Jerusalem Liberation Day.

Jerusalem Flag Parade, 1975 . Photo Aviv, KL-JNF

The images include prominent buildings and monuments in the city and construction projects.

Soldiers prepare for the Jerusalem Day Parade, 1975 . Photo Aviv, KKL-JNF

Efrat Sinai, director of archives at KKL-JNF, said: “The reunification of Jerusalem is an important Israeli national occasion. Jerusalem Day is celebrated with a colorful parade in the heart of the city, with thousands of participants, with flags and drums. From its early days, more than 120 years ago, KKL-JNF has been documenting the establishment of the state of Israel, its holidays, and celebrations. We are happy to share these joyful photos of Jerusalem Day from the 1970s.”

Jerusalem Day Parade . Photo Aviv, KKL-JNF
Military band in the 1975 Jerusalem Day Parade . Photo Aviv, KKL-JNF

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