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This is a new pathway for non-Arabs to ascend the Temple Mount but Arabs say it is a cover-up of a grand plan to undermine the foundations of the Al Aqsa mosque.

Israel was prepared for the worst when UNESCO accepted the Palestinian Authority as a member last year, and now the worst has come in the form of an agency resolution condemning Israel for supposedly endangering the holy city, a declared World Heritage Site.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs finally ripped off its polite diplomatic costume on Sunday and harshly reprimanded UNESCO for letting itself be “hijacked” by the Palestinian Authority agenda.


Referring to the latest resolution, the ministry stated, “This is a dark day for UNESCO, a day the organization will want to erase from its history … Exactly as Israel had warned in the recent past, the Palestinians are exploiting their admission to UNESCO as a member state in order to hijack the agenda and drag this important UN agency into the abyss of politicized manipulation.

“The resolution… is nothing but a heap of statements disconnected from reality. There is no linkage between the resolution’s language and the actual situation on the ground, as the text only reflects the clichés of the anti-Israel bubble which the Palestinians cultivate within UNESCO.”

The World Heritage Committee condemned Israel for “recent demolitions and intrusive digging at the Magharbeh Gate pathway” and called on Israel to prevent any further provocative action taken by “Israeli religious extremist groups,” referring to any Jew who dares to ascend the Temple Mount, let alone be charged for the criminal act of trying to pray there.

At least twice a week, Arab media, including those within the Palestinian Authority, publicize stories of Jews “storming” the Temple Mount and planning to build the Third Temple.

The Saudi Gazette, in perfect timing for chairman Mahmoud Abbas’ talks with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry later this week, screamed in a headline on Tuesday, “Israel planning to raze Al-Aqsa to build ‘second temple.”

Of course, the Second Temple was razed nearly 2,000 years ago by the Roman Empire, but if you are going to write fiction, go all the way. Considering the Palestinian Authority’s strategy to deny that the Holy Temples ever existed, it would have more logical for the Saudi Gazette to write that Israel plans to build the “First Temple,” but let’s leave that for its editors.

And keep in mind Kerry was in Saudi Arabia on Tuesday and profusely praised the kingdom for its 2002 Peace Initiative that would bring peace to the Middle East if Israel were simply to accept it, surrender the Old City, surrender, all of Judea and Samaria, surrender a Jewish majority in what would remain of Israel by accepting the immigration of several foreign Arabs and in return win the grand prize of “normalization” of ties with Arab League states. And Israel’s Foreign Ministry would be on a part of the boat carrying the rest of Israel on the Mediterranean Sea.

And how does the Arab world know that Israel is planning to destroy the Al Aqsa mosque?

Excavations, of course. Every time an Israeli archaeologist sticks a shovel into the ground in the Old City, he has one and only objective – undermining the foundations of the mosque and causing its collapse.

Any idiot could figure that out – and only an idiot, including the editors of Arab incitement. Speaking of idiots, the Obama administration has lauded the Palestinian Authority for stopping incitement against Israel.

The idiot at the Saudi Gazette noted, “The Al-Aqsa Foundation for Endowment and Heritage said that the Israeli authorities began the excavations in the southern part of Al-Magharebah Gate, the eastern part of the Umayyad palaces and at the entrance of the Wadi Hilweh neighborhood.…

“It warned that the use of huge machines in the excavation work in the area puts in serious danger the foundations of the Al-Aqsa Mosque. It added that the Israeli will build in the sites several facilities, including synagogue for women, restroom facilities, police station, tourists’ centers, a network of bridges and iron stairs.”

Where are the Women of the Wall? They obviously are part of this plot to destroy the mosque and build the Third Temple. The “new synagogue” for women actually consists of renovations at the Western Wall to allow them to pray in a minyan and pretend they are men. Fine, let it be and blame the women for this ugly plot.

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Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu is a graduate in journalism and economics from The George Washington University. He has worked as a cub reporter in rural Virginia and as senior copy editor for major Canadian metropolitan dailies. Tzvi wrote for Arutz Sheva for several years before joining the Jewish Press.