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Hamas on the Temple Mount - Jul 3, 2015

The anti-Israel voices are growing louder in Europe, and now France is trying to convince the United Nations to internationalize the Temple Mount. Israel has politely told Paris to go jump in the lake.

Hundreds of anti-Israel demonstrators protested in front of the Israeli Embassy in London on Saturday, led by former British parliament member George Galloway, known for his bigoted, anti-Semitic hatred of Israel.


The protesters yelled pro-Palestinian Arab slogans and waved picket signs that said things like “Global Intifada has begun” and “Don’t Touch Al Aqsa.” Some were waving the flags of the Hamas and Hezbollah terrorist organizations.

A demonstrator interviewed by Channel 2 News about recent Palestinian Arab terror attacks appeared to having no criticism of the terrorists; rather, the protester declared it was “the Zionists” who should not have “taken over” the “Palestinian land.”

Meanwhile French ambassador to the United Nations Francois Delattre said Friday he would circulate a draft of a French proposal to place international observers at the Temple Mount.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced Sunday at the start of the government cabinet meeting that Israel rejected the initiative, which calls for internationalization of the site while making no mention of Palestinian incitement or terror.

Palestinian Authority leaders and terrorists have deliberately made the site – the holiest place worldwide for Jews, and the third holiest place in Islam – a flashpoint for violence. The Arab leadership has lied to Muslim worshipers, saying Israel intends to “change the status quo” at the site, which it never has and does not intend to do.

The ruse has been successful in whipping up Muslim worshipers into a frenzy of fear and rage that is easily redirected into spontaneous attacks against Israeli men, women and children. This has led to the start of a wave of terror that Arab leaders clearly hope will be the match to ignite a third intifada.

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.