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Jerusalem Leadership Summit

The International Leadership Summit, created by a Croation free market advocate and an Indian-American business, communications and humanitarian leader, in partnership with several other leading economic and civilizational-based think tanks and organizations, is holding its first Jerusalem Leaders Summit in Jerusalem this week.

Why Jerusalem? Because this core collective of thinkers seek to jointly find solutions to the ravaging ills afflicting nations the world over through the shared communal values born of the Judeo-Christian tradition.


“And,” as Joel Anand Samy, co-founder of ILS explained to the, “How better to show our support for the foundation of the Judeo-Christian ethic than to come together in Jerusalem, through this terrible wave of terror?”

The views of the co-founders of the International Leadership Summit were formed by the close range observation of the dramatic fall of the Berlin Wall. When the wall fell it signaled the end of the dreaded dark days of Communism. What it was replaced by, however, was virtually unlimited corruption and government malfeasance.

Srdac, born in Croatia, was studying in Germany, and Anand Samy was in China, developing a human rights initiative through a U.S. company, when the Berlin Wall fell.

Srdac watched as her native Croatia was devoured by corruption, instead of entering into a new phase of political and economic freedom.

What went wrong? As both Srodac and Anand Samy realized, Croatia and the other nations created by the disintegration of Yugoslavia and the U.S.S.R were lacking three critical elements for nation building and freedom: the protection of property rights, the rule of law, and independent judiciaries.

Srdoc and Anand Samy are frontline fighters in the international effort to slash terrorism funding, promote economic reforms and fight corruption. Anand Samy, in particular, has also been focused on promoting America’s partnerships with her allies.

The two, through the International Leaders Summit, and their partnership with the Heritage Foundation, the Alliance for Direct Democracy in Europe, and the Family Research Council, realized the time had come to host a gathering in Israel of like-minded leaders from across the U.S. and Europe.

This summit is an “opportunity to affirm our common civilizational foundations in the rule of law and the principles of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,” Anand Samy said. At the same time, it is a “good opportunity to promote America’s partnership with Israel.”

Srdoc explained that the inclusion of representatives from six European parliaments gives everyone the opportunity to address the common problems such as the rise of radical Islam, the unmitigated explosion of widespread corruption, arms, weapons, drugs and human smuggling – “all these problems which should have been addressed, but because they were not, have led us to the current global crises.”

Natasha Srdoc, co-founder of the International Leadeship Summit

“The rule of law is essential so that nations can control their borders, and stop the flow of arms, drugs and human exploitation.”

Srdoc’s partner, Anand Samy responds: “this Israel Leaders Summit gives us the opportunity to highlight the shared issues and challenges, while promoting the positive side of our common civilizational foundation.”

Joel Anand Samy, co-founder of the International Leadership Summit

“Highlighting Israel’s technological advancements, its innovations in every sector, its desalination discoveries and exporting of that technology gives us the opportunity to reframe the discussion and to develop the important linkages to further strengthen ties between Israel and the other participating nations,” Anand Samy concluded.

The Summit is being held at the Inbal Hotel in Jerusalem, starting Monday and continuing through Wednesday, Nov. 4th.

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Lori Lowenthal Marcus is a contributor to the A graduate of Harvard Law School, she previously practiced First Amendment law and taught in Philadelphia-area graduate and law schools. You can reach her by email: [email protected]