Photo Credit: Khaled Abu Toameh
Injured Palestinian children

Israeli Arab Award winning journalist, lecturer and documentary filmmaker Khaled Abu Toameh on Saturday tweeted that “Palestinian policemen broke arms and legs of children during protest against power cuts in Yamoun, Jenin.”

Abu Toameh is a staunch defender of freedom of speech and has criticized the Palestinian Authority for arresting and harassing Palestinian journalists in the West Bank.


In the Durban Review Conference, Abu Toameh criticized Israeli Arab Knesset members for supporting extremism and calling Israel a “state of apartheid” rather than fighting for the rights of Arab citizens of Israel.

Abu Toameh says he is routinely subject to condemnations, and is often threatened. He notes, however, that more threats are coming from outside the Middle East than from within the Palestinian Authority, and that those who threaten him “roundly acknowledge” that he is telling the truth and don’t question his reporting, but merely want him to “shut up.”




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