Photo Credit: Facebook
Netanyahu with rope

Bezalel – the Israel Academy of Art and Design in Jerusalem, on Sunday night displayed an image of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu next to a hangman’s noose, according to Eli Hazan, Likud’s Director of Communications and International Relations.

Hazan wrote on his Facebook page Monday: “This is what’s being displayed, as of last night, at Bezalel – the Israel Academy of Art and Design in Jerusalem. It’s presented as Art, right? Exchange the image for a representative of the left and it would be condemned as incitement, right? Pathetic.”


Netanyahu was accused before and after the 1996 elections of giving his tacit approval to virulent anti-Rabin demonstrations and posters, including a Likud rally with a hangman’s noose in front of then Prime Minister Rabin’s residence. Netanyahu has been denying any connection to those displays and has issued several documents proving his public condemnation of the phenomenon.

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