US officials know that. They were informed.

Yes, UNRWA spokesman Chris Gunness broke down and cried on camera when interviewed by international media about the humanitarian cost. Who wouldn’t, with countless sleepless nights worrying about what kind of terrorist equipment was going to show up next in your “neutral ground” facilities, and watching people die on camera over and over again? It is true that battlefield scenes are never pretty. And missiles were discovered stored in three separate UNRWA schools in Gaza. A “clinic” was hung with an UNRWA sign to mislead IDF soldiers into believing it was a neutral zone but they checked it out anyway because a tunnel had been found to lead into the building.


Surprise, surprise – even the very walls were embedded with explosives. The entire structure was one big booby-trap. A setup? How did the terrorists get hold of an UNRWA sign?

UNRWA bags which are usually filled with wheat and other foodstuffs for humanitarian aid were found by IDF soldiers filled with dirt instead in terrorist tunnels.

Terrorists are told to stay away from UNRWA sites, and civilians are told to stay away from terrorist areas in order to eliminate this issue. But they don’t always cooperate.

On July 30, Palestinian Arabs were seen in a video posted online working hard to drag the bodies inside the UNRWA property to make it appear as if the attack was aimed at a UN facility.

No one in his right mind living in Gaza would dare to disagree. Hamas makes sure of that. An entire squad of tunnel-diggers was executed just days ago in order to ensure they did not share their knowledge with Israel.

The lesson was clear to Gazans, UNWRA staff and journalists alike.

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Rachel Levy is a freelance journalist who has written for Jewish publications in New York, New Jersey and Israel.