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Palestinian leaders would rather have France, Sweden, Norway and Belgium oversee a peace process with Israel than any of the Arab countries. Palestinians simply do not trust their Arab brothers. Pictured: French President François Hollande (L) hugs Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas during a press conference in Ramallah, on November 18, 2013.

A group of 154 French Members of Parliament on Sunday sent a letter to President Francois Hollande, demanding that he recognize a Palestinian state.

“France must demonstrate its determination to break the deadlock in the conflict by solemnly reaffirming, in the name of the inalienable right of self-determination, that the Palestinian people are entitled to a state,” the MPs wrote. “This is the way to respect international law as well as the security of Israel.”


The MPs are reported to come from across France’s political map. They called on the French president Hollande to prove that he is “up to the challenge and not miss this rendezvous with history.”

On Monday, Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas addressed the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) at its 34th session in Geneva, that since, in 2012, the UN recognized Palestine as an observer state, and since that observer state has already acceded to and joined international treaties and agencies, and since 138 states, including most recently the Vatican, have recognized the State of Palestine, and since a special ceremony was held at the UN Headquarters in New York to raise the Palestinian flag, it would be “impractical for the sake of peace and justice to discuss temporary solutions or merge the question of Palestine within the framework of regional affairs,” as the Trump Administration and Israel would like to do.

“In this respect we call on countries that have recognized Israel and believe in the two-state solution to defend and support this solution by recognizing the State of Palestine,” Abbas stated.

“Bearing this in mind,” Abbas jumped to the natural conclusion of his argument, “we call on the High Commissioner for Human Rights to issue a list of companies that violate human rights.” Which is code for asking the UNHRC to publish a blacklist of companies doing business with the Jews of eastern Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria.

Soon at a parliament near you.

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