Photo Credit: Hillel Maeir / TPS
MK’s Ahmad Tibi, Aryeh Deri, Ayman Odeh, and Aida Touma-Suleim

Joint List Chairman Ayman Odeh said Sunday that attacks on Israeli soldiers in Judea and Samaria fall under the category of legitimate struggle against “occupation.”

“Israeli soldiers shouldn’t be in Judea and Samaria and people under occupation have the right to fight,” Odeh told Israel Broadcasting Cooperation (Kan) Radio.


“A people under occupation has the right to struggle. The red line for me is harming civilians,” Odeh continued

The chairman of the 13-strong Knesset faction, comprised of Hadash, the United Arab List and Balad, said it was up to citizens in the Palestinian Authority “to choose what is legitimate and what is not.”

“I do not call on the Palestinian people how to resist, but certainly support any struggle that will not harm civilians,” Odeh said.

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