Photo Credit: Asher Schwartz

Twenty French and European parliamentarians and French mayors who planned to arrive in Israel to show their support for imprisoned Arab terrorists, and specifically meet with convicted terrorist Marwan Barghouti, canceled their flight from France at the airport at the last minute, according to a report in NRG.

The flight was scheduled to leave at 8:00 pm on Saturday.


The anti-Israeli parliamentarians were informed that nine of their more prominent BDS-supporting members would be denied entry into Israel, so they made the group decision that none would go.

Instead they decided they will hold a protest outside the Israeli Embassy in France on Sunday afternoon.

The anti-Israel group of Europeans had planned to meet with mass-murderer Marwan Barghouti to show their support for all the Arab terrorists currently in jail.

Internal Security Minister Gilad Erdan and Interior Minister Aryeh Deri prevented the entry of the European Parliament members and mayors from France due to their active support of the boycott against Israel. Deri announced that he had adopted the recommendation of Minister Erdan and would refuse to admit nine of them.

Erdan said, “The new policy is producing results, and more and more boycott activists understand that we have moved to offence mode and they will no longer be able to enter Israel in order to harm it.”

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