Photo Credit: Roni Ofer / Flash 90
Israeli Arabs waving PA flags in Umm al-Fahm, March 5, 2021.

The funerals of the terrorists from Hadera, the cousins Ayman and Ibrahim Agbaria, took place Monday at dawn in the Israeli-Arab city of Umm al-Fahm, a few miles east of Hadera. Police released the bodies at 2:30 AM Monday, and approved the funerals provided not more than 50 participants were included in each funeral, no flags or inciting posters were raised, and no processions took place.

Two Border Guard officers, one male, and one female, were murdered in the pre-Ramadan attack on March 27. Six civilians were injured. Both terrorists were shot dead on the spot (2 Killed, 6 Wounded in Hadera Terror Attack).


The Hadera attack followed a murderous attack in Be’er Sheva less than a week earlier, in which a Bedouin ISIS sympathizer murdered four Israeli civilians.

According to Makor Rishon, the police objected to releasing the bodies, but the Shin Bet supported it, and after consultation with the heads of the defense establishment, it was decided to return both bodies for burial.

The police cited the 2017 funeral in Umm al-Fahm of the three terrorists who killed two policemen on the Temple Mount. The High Court ordered the state to release their bodies for burial, and they were received with shouts of joy and fireworks. The participants in the funeral praised them as “martyrs” and “heroes.”

The two terrorists arrived in Hadera using a Mazda belonging to one of their five family members who were later arrested on suspicion of aiding the attack. Police found in the car bullet-proof vests, camouflage nets, lights, and binoculars, in addition to the weapons and huge ammunition stash that were found on the bodies of the two terrorists. They clearly planned to carry out a murder spree and were prepared for a protracted confrontation with the security forces. Only the determined and swift response of the undercover force that happened to be in the area prevented a massacre. A total of some 60 bullets were fired at the scene of the attack, most of them by the two terrorists.

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