Photo Credit: Staff Sergeant Rotem Ben Hamo, IDF Spokesperson's Unit
Kfir Brigade soldier

The Likud party’s Haredi faction will hold a special memorial ceremony this Monday on Yom HaZikaron, Israel’s Memorial Day, commemorating the Haredi IDF soldiers killed in Israel’s wars.

This is the second year that members of the Likud Haredi faction are organizing the ceremony, at the Ponevezh Cemetery in Bnei Brak, where a number of fallen Haredi soldiers are buried. Last year, the ceremony was interrupted by Haredi extremists who attempted to prevent it from taking place and succeeded in chasing away many participants.


This year, the ceremony will be attended by Likud Minister Ayoob Kara, Chairman of the Likud’s Haredi faction Yaakov Vider, representatives of the IDF’s Military Rabbinate, IDF soldiers, wounded veterans, and bereaved families.

The Zionist organization Im Tirtzu also announced its plans to attend the ceremony, which, they declared, represents a true bridge between different factions of Israeli society.

Organizer Vider noted the importance of the event, “specifically now when there is a wave of anti-IDF incitement and violence from extremists within the Haredi sector, there is growing importance to remember the Haredi soldiers who gave their lives fighting for Israel.”

“I am grateful to the Israeli government and to Im Tirtzu for the help,” continued Vider, “and call on the Israeli public to attend the ceremony and honor the memory of our holy brothers who fell fighting for Israel.”

Matan Peleg, CEO of the Im Tirtzu movement, which is a leading advocate for integrating all factions of Israeli society in the IDF, said: “We salute the brave Haredi soldiers of the IDF and together will remember those who gave their lives fighting for the country. These soldiers represent the very essence of unity and serve as a prime example of what it means to be a scholar and a warrior.”

The ceremony will take place at 3:30 PM on Monday, May 1st, at the Ponevezh Cemetery in Bnei Brak.

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