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Inquisitors setting people on fire.

Remember five days ago, when Spain was going to formally recognize a Palestinian State on Tuesday, May 28, 2024, even though there’s no such thing as a “Palestinian” in terms of history and culture, other than when it comes to murdering Jews? Well, on Monday, May 27, 2024, Israel brought a little bit of the Holy Inquisition to bear on the Spaniards and their “Palestinian” buddies.

At the direction of Foreign Minister Israel Katz, a diplomatic note was issued on Monday prohibiting the Spanish Consulate in Jerusalem from carrying out consular activities or providing consular services to the residents of the Palestinian Authority, following the recognition of a Palestinian State by the Spanish government and a series of antisemitic statements that were made by its leaders.


The letter sent by the foreign ministry to the Embassy of Spain in Israel, said, among other things: “Following the decision of the Government of Spain to recognize the ‘State of Palestine,’ and following the incitement and hateful antisemitic statements of senior officials in the Government of Spain, headed by Deputy Prime Minister Yolanda Diaz, we would like to inform the Embassy that the Consulate General of Spain in Jerusalem is authorized to provide consular services to residents of the consular district of Jerusalem only, and is not authorized to provide services or perform consular activity vis-à-vis residents of the Palestinian Authority.”

According to the letter, the ban on Judea and Samaria Arabs setting foot in the Jerusalem consulate will come into effect as of July 6, 2024, and if these instructions are not complied with, – the foreign ministry will take additional steps.

A video surfaced on Friday showing Spain’s Deputy Prime Minister Yolanda Diaz joining the chant “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,” which calls for the elimination of Israel between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea.

The Federation of Spanish Jewish Communities (FCJE) issued a statement criticizing comments made by Spanish Deputy Prime Minister Yolanda Díaz in a video where she chanted “Palestine will be free from the river to the sea.” The FCJE called Díaz’s statement “unacceptable” seeing as the slogan is advocating for the elimination of Israel.

The FCJE statement noted that the “from the river to the sea” phrase has been used by Hamas, in calling for the dismantling of the Jewish state. The FCJE accused Díaz and another minister, Sira Rego, of promoting antisemitism and hatred towards Spanish Jews by using this slogan. Rather than working to defend and secure Spanish Jews, the FCJE accused the ministers of encouraging rejection and hatred towards the Jewish community through their statements.

Foreign Minister Israel Katz stated, “Whoever rewards Hamas and tries to establish a Palestinian terrorist state will not have contact with the Palestinians. This is the year 2024 – the days of the Inquisition are over. Today the Jews have a sovereign and independent state and no one will force us to convert to another religion or threaten our existence – whoever harms us, we will harm them.”

In 2022, Israel exported $1.14B in goods to Spain. The main products Israel exported to Spain were Cyclic Hydrocarbons ($96.7M), Refined Petroleum ($89.4M), and Mixed Mineral or Chemical Fertilizers ($62.1M).

In 2022, Spain exported $2.32B in goods to Israel. The main products Spain exported to Israel were Cars ($383M), Unglazed Ceramics ($185M), and Non-Knit Women’s Suits ($86.9M).

Spain’s annual per capita income is $46,550. Israel’s annual per capita income is $49,330.

I recommend getting your unglazed ceramics from Italy.

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