Seven were arrested Sunday in clashes between a “Jews for Trump” caravan that was passing through Times Square in midtown Manhattan and a march of anti-Trump protesters who arrived from Brooklyn. The anti-Trump protesters blocked the cars in the convoy and clashes began as some drivers got out of their cars to confront their attackers.


Former mayor and President Trump’s attorney Rudolph Giuliani was riding on the passenger’s side of one of the cars with the window rolled down as anti-Trump protesters screamed at him. Giuliani said he joined up with the caravan going down Fifth Avenue.

“I would love to have had a campaign commercial of it and put it on in the middle of America and say, ‘Who would you prefer for the next four years?’” the former mayor said. “This group of foul-mouthed people who don’t seem to have a vocabulary beyond three words, or these very nice Jewish people who are driving in the car and not saying anything back and not doing anything other than exercising their right to say they’re for Donald Trump.”

The two sides called each other “fascists” and “anarchists,” and attacked one another physically. Police arrived just as the anti-Trump protesters were trying to yank away the Trump supporters’ flags.

A group of anti-Trump protesters cursed out their opponents and threw eggs and stones at their passing cars. They also yelled, “New York hates you.”

The caravan of Jewish-owned cars traveled across Manhattan and Brooklyn starting around 10 AM Sunday. The clashes spread beyond midtown Manhattan. One protester was throwing eggs at the caravan on the Prospect Park Expressway, yelling: “I got a bunch of these, baby,” “I can do this all [expletive] day, all [expletive] day. Little [expletive] heads. Learn your [expletive] place.”

According to Police, at least seven were arrested and two cops were injured. One protester was arrested for pepper-spraying a Jewish family of seven inside their car.

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