Title: Yaakov and the Secret of Acra Fortress

How many people know the lineage of King Antiochus, known formally as Antiochus IV Epiphanes?

Tevye in the Promised Land, Chapter Eight: The Holy Land

Who knew what new disasters would arise on the way to Alexandria, Tevye thought? Eretz Yisrael was so close, they could almost reach out and touch it. Jews were already pushing and shoving to climb down the ladder of the ship. They jumped into the small rowboats as if the chance might never come again.

Title: Wisdom From All My Teachers: Challenges And Initiatives In Contemporary Torah Education

It is rare to find a book notable for its area of concern, its contributors, its sponsorship, and its publisher. But Wisdom From All My Teachers rates high on each level.

Koren Shavuot Mahzor Reveals Surprise

"According to the written sources, biblical and post-biblical, there was intense debate as to when Shavuot is celebrated and why."

Title: Ask Rabbi Jack

One question is about Marie Kondo’s cleaning philosophy... Does the animism that underlies Kondo’s philosophy invalidate her overall method?

Title: Here Comes Shabbos!

The book Here Comes Shabbos! is about a family baking, cooking, polishing silver, shining shoes, shopping and cleaning for Shabbos. The activities begin on Friday morning and only conclude shortly before lighting the Shabbos candles. During that time span, it covers everything you need to do in order to get ready for Shabbos.

Understanding Teshuvah

He begins with a general overview of Teshuvah discussing topics such as Teshuvah rooted in fear vs. that rooted in love, how we establish our true identity through the process of Teshuvah, the need to maintain a positive attitude through the process, and creating a real connection with Hashem.

Title: G.I. Jews; How World War II Changed A Generation

More than a half-million of all Jewish citizens of the United States, nearly ten percent, served in the U.S. armed forces during World War II.

Masterful Mysteries

Even after the reader sits back contentedly on the couch with a smile, mystery solved, he is left with much more than a typical fast-paced kid’s read because the book contains very gripping and relevant information about the historical events and sites on which the stories are based.

Title: Everyone’s Got a Story

Who doesn't love a good story? And who hasn't said to themselves, "I wish I could write this one down"?

Fooling G-d?

I greatly enjoyed studying all of these works, and I especially enjoyed reading them together. Each offers something important that the others do not, and each is an outstanding example of a different subgenre within contemporary halachic/Talmudic literature.

Title: The Haftara Handbook: Lessons from the Prophets for the Contemporary Jew

This 381-page paperback belongs in Jewish homes and libraries. It would make a nice textbook for classrooms, too. Rabbi Jonathan Shooter's skill at interpreting archaic language, then presenting it in contemporary parlance, is a gift from Heaven.

Tisha B’Av Kinnos Made Accessible

It’s not just the language barrier that poses a problem. I consider myself to be proficient in Hebrew when it comes to ordinary tefillos, but I routinely find myself stumped by the extremely difficult Hebrew of the liturgical poets.

A Darker Side Of Jewish History

The author shows that when it comes to Jewish involvement in theft, the Jews themselves were not typically the ones engaged in stealing or robbing. Rather, they often served as fences, acting as middlemen between thieves and the eventual buyers of stolen goods.

In The Beginning… A New Chumash Workbook Helps Build Basic Skills

Rabbi Yakov Horowitz, founder and director of Project YES, an organization dedicated to guiding troubled teens, is trying to put himself out of business.

On Friendship And More

Rebbetzin Twerski does spend many pages considering the dynamics between friends, but she also includes chapters and anecdotes with more of a focus on the relationship between parent and child, grandparent and grandchild, husband and wife, siblings, and more.

Title: Annie’s Ghosts, A Journey into a Family Secret

As any psychologist can tell you - no two people who see an event come away with the very same experience. Criminologists and detectives who question people who may have witnessed a crime experience the fact that several different people will report various versions of the event.

Title: Principles Of Spiritual Activism

Rabbi Avi Weiss has become legendary for his heroic activism on behalf of Jewish causes where others are content with private lamenting.

Seeing Hashem’s Hand Through The Pain

Rabbi Rosenblatt is a rabbi in London who is also the founder of Tikun, a chesed organization with many activities and programs.

Title: Yaakov and the Treasures of Timna Valley

Yaakov lives in the year 2025. He and his sister, Rachel, find in the data bank of one of their robots cryptic data sent by a pirate in Djerba, which leads them onto the trail of their second adventure.

The Spice Of Success

For Rabbi Dovid Hoffman what started as a modest weekly newsletter 12 years ago has evolved beyond his greatest expectations. That unassuming publication known as "Torah Tavlin" is now distributed to thousands of Jewish readers around the globe. It has emerged into the form of a new full-length book of the same name, published by Israel Book Shop.

Title: The Fugu Plan: The Untold Story of the Japanese and the Jews during...

Title: The Fugu Plan: The Untold Story of the Japanese and the Jews during World War IIBy: Rabbi Marvin Tokayer and Mary SwartzPublisher: Gefen...

Good Things Come In Threes

Rabbi Klapper grounds our Orthodoxy in a commitment to a halachic process in which poskim and a community of faithfully observant Jews exercise joint responsibility over the shape of halacha.

A Haggadah For Fans Of The Bard

It is clear from the start that this is not your bubbe's Haggadah.

Food That Is Simply Gourmet

If you’re the type of home cook who wants a collection of no-fail, impressive, easy-to-make recipes that you can pull out for any occasion, this book will be of interest.

Title: The One Minute Coach: Change Your Life One Minute at a Time

The curse of thinking in "victim" mode can be removed with the author's advice to forgive yourself for human errors (goodbye to a lingering, crippling sense of shame) so that your energies can be used productively.

Title: The Genie In Your Genes

Endorsed by bestselling author and scientist Bruce Lipton, The Genie in Your Genes provides documented proof that your state of mind can override your genetic code. The author explains that "epigenetic healing," the use of imagination, will be the next wave of the healing professions.

Books To Curl Up With

This time of year, there is little pleasure greater than cozying up with a good book. The problem is, of course, that there is a lot to do.

The Fascinating History Of An Unknown Jewish Community

The first Jews of Eastern Europe were of a distinct variety who spoke a Judeo-Slavic dialect known to scholars as Knaanic. This dialect was later rendered obsolete by the arrival German/Yiddish-speaking Ashkenazim, whose language became somewhat influenced by Knaanic, but also essentially caused it to fizzle out


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