Hitler’s Photographer And The Strange Case Of His ‘Jewish Daughter’
The story of the relationship between Hitler and Bernile had been generally unknown until the Alexander Historical Auction House auctioned this photograph to an anonymous, international buyer for a winning bid of $11,520 on November 13, 2018.
Why Is Tucker Carlson Platforming A Holocaust Revisionist?
The message is that politics come before the safety of the Jews, Sheinkopf said.
Ralph Baer: The Jewish Holocaust Survivor Who Invented The Video Game
Over the course of his life, his inventions and over 150 U.S. and international patents have contributed to the advancement of military defense, including tracking systems for submarines, and to television technology, video gaming, electronic toys, and other electronic consumer products.
Chabad Facial Recognition Software
I couldn’t believe that I found myself among thousands of people and that that moment in time had been preserved, said Stern.
Judge Cassandra Johnson Seeks To Bring Fairness And Efficiency To Surrogate’s Court
With a track record of mentorship, volunteerism, and community involvement, Johnson embodies the values of integrity, compassion, and service that are essential for a Surrogate’s Court judge.
Frum Faces Of Aliyah: The Rosenbergs – From Dallas to Beit Shemesh
The challenges of making aliyah on a short timeline and in the midst of lockdown were many, but Tali says, Once we made the decision, Hashem carried us on His back to our new life...
New Platform Allows Users To Rate Their Beit Din Experience
The idea is to slowly create an operating standard: approved batei din are ones which are transparent, which don’t allow for shady deals, and which recognize abusive behaviors when they present themselves.
‘For These Do I Weep’ – The Hebron Massacre Of 1929
After the massacre had run its course, the police commenced gathering the injured Jews, who were brought to the police station but left on the basement floor to fend for themselves.
A Child Holocaust Survivor’s Recollections Of Kristallnacht, The Night of Broken Glass
Auerbacher told The Jewish Press, “They were always looking for something to hang on the Jews … You always felt anti-Semitism, you felt it in the air, even before Kristallnacht …
Financial Planning For Frum Families: There Is Nothing Average About An Orthodox Lifestyle
If you explain to a gentile friend or co-worker the concept of making a Thanksgiving feast twice a week (Shabbos dinner and lunch), they will think you are out of your mind.
Tribeca Synagogue On 9/11: The Untold Story Of the Shul Near Ground Zero
Rabbi Glass still didn’t know what happened to his wife. He rushed over to the neighborhood police station, the 1st precinct, to get advice about what to do. “I can’t give you any guidance,” the police officer said. “But if you want my personal opinion: get out of New York.”
Twenty Years Later: 9-11 Remembered
The most prevalent anti-Semitic 9-11 conspiracy theory at the time was that 4,000 Israelis received advance warning not to report for work at the World Trade Center on September 11.
Yes, One Is Halachically Obligated To Get The Covid Vaccine
If one perceives that, rather than seeing his own decisions as determinative of his fate, Divine providence is guiding the result, then considering that there’s a halachic mandate to follow professional medical advice (see Taz, YD 336), the conclusion is most clearly in line with the dominant medical consensus.
Tech-Savvy Jews Help Seniors Secure Vaccination Appointments
Why don’t we open this up so we can help more people? Because the evidence was pretty clear. This is not like ordering from Amazon. This is way harder.
My Mother, Irene Klass – 10 Years Later
Speaking of her feelings for Israel, Irene says, ‘my heart always beats a little faster, and I experience a moment of inner joy, when I land in Lod Airport and feel the ground of Israel under me.’
Israel’s Black Panthers
In the wake of its election loss, the Black Panther movement essentially ended. It had failed to radicalize most Mizrachim. Nonetheless, the issues and needs of Mizrachim subsequently took a front and center position in Israeli politics.
How Do We Know Froot Loops Is Kosher? What Does a ‘K’ Really...
“You have to ask a reliable kosher agency who stands behind the ‘K’ on the product,” said Rabbi Moshe Berger, operations manager at the Orthodox Rabbinical Board.
The Halachic History of the Expanding Kezayis
He points out that medieval Ashkenazic authorities never saw an olive. Olives do not grow that far north; they only grow in the Mediterranean region.