Dementia Diary – Chapter 61

Hubby was in bed when “M” left. When I returned from seeing her to the door, he smiled at me and said “I am sorry.”

Word Prompt – HEEL – Rivka Press Schwartz

Thus has it ever been. Jews have been vilifying each other and attacking each other for thousands of years. What's new?

Meeting Alexander Imich, 111-Years Old

Imich was born in 1903 in Poland, where he later earned his Ph.D. in 1927, despite the best efforts of anti-Semitic professors to sabotage his thesis

Word Prompt – WAXY – Jordana Baruchov

This can be a wonderful metaphor for an interesting life lesson. How at times life can sting and burn you, and before you know it, it begins to take shape.

Rabbi Oscar Z. Fasman

The 30th of Cheshvan is the yahrzeit of Rabbi Oscar Z. Fasman (1908-2003).

Before The Deluge: Jews Of The Mediterranean Islands (Part II)

In biblical times this island was known as Kaftor. It had close relations with the Philistines, who already swelled in the Land of Canaan when the Jews migrated in, and this Kaftorland is conceivably the Philistine homeland.

World War II – A Turning Point For American Jewry: Marking 75 Years Since...

Henry Kissinger, who had fled to America when he was 15, served in the Army during the war, and later noted that his service had made him into a real American.

Rav Zvi Pesach Frank’s Haskama To A “Frum” Tanach

Best known for his publication of many works of the Vilna Gaon, he was also the first to publish a Jewish edition of the Bible that was published by religious Jews and for religious Jews in Eretz Yisrael.

Police Prepare For Passover

Police Commissioner Raymond W. Kelly held his annual pre-Passover meeting with rabbis and community leaders Tuesday to discuss preparations for the upcoming holiday.

The ‘Brazilian Wallenberg’

Luis Martins de Souza-Dantas was a Brazilian diplomat who illegally granted Brazilian diplomatic visas to Jews in Vichy France during the Holocaust, saving a...

Taking A Page From Har Sinai

The one strength of Har Sinai’s response as portrayed in the Midrash is that she references the other candidates. Reminding your interviewer in a subtle way that they're free to choose is a psychological strategy that has powerful persuasive powers.

NY Issues Guidance For Religious Schools

A communication system must be developed with the school’s plan. The “responsible parties” will have to organize communication between the school’s administration, teachers, parents and the students.

A Show Without a Camera

On my third visit to the annual New York Botanical Garden Orchid Show, I did not take any pictures.

Word Prompt – APPLES – Pesach Lattin

The common apple (Malus pumila) doesn't quite fit the Eretz Yisrael native bill. Some even propose that these apples might've gone through a Cinderella-like transformation over time, evolving from their humble origins into biblical superstars. Talk about a fruit with a story!

The Widow Who Mourned For 10 Years

A widespread custom at the time among Syrian Jews was to have a pizmon written and composed in honor of major life-style occasions such as bar mitzvahs and wedding celebrations.

Word Prompt – GREEK – Moish Warsawsky

Historically, Greece wasn't precisely the antagonist during the Maccabean era; instead, it was the Assyrian Greeks, a faction of the Greek Empire based in Syria.

Star Six13 Singer Explains The Miracle of Making Music

Weinstein said one thing that sets Six13 apart is their ability to perform original songs using texts from the Torah or words from the siddur.

MusiCare: Therapy, Lipa Style

"One minute I sing a song and they go back in time to their youth."

A Secret Jewish Past: Genealogist Genie Milgrom’s Multinational Journey to Uncover Her Roots

Milgrom decided to investigate her lineage strategically by employing the help of Fernando Gonzalez del Campo Roman, an ex-priest in Spain who is also an expert genealogist.

Bonjour, Goodbye: Is French Jewry Headed Toward Its Final Expulsion? (Part II)

There were many French Jews who jumped at the chance to shed their ancient identity and assimilate.

The Critical Role Of The Panama Canal Scandal In The Dreyfus Affair

The public, furious that the very source of their confidence in its investment – the government’s backing of the loans – turned out to be a crucial factor in the Panama Canal Scandal, was eager for a scapegoat. Drumont came along and gave them one: the Jews.

Ben Gurion And The Yossele Schumacher Affair

After the Affair, the Neturei Karta lost much of its public support and it never again tried to kidnap Jewish children to save them.

Word Prompt – FLEISHIG – Jordana Baruchov

No one will ever get to the bottom of why we are meant to not eat milk and meat together since it’s a chok. So why have commandments we don’t get?

The Birth Of The Dementia Diary – Chapter One

I have chosen to release the chapters in the order they were written, to fully explain the changes which occur with time both for the patient and for the caregiver.


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