Arthur Rubinstein’s Extraordinary Zionism

Although Rubinstein’s maternal grandparents, with whom he and his family lived in Lodz, were strictly Orthodox, his parents were not, and he received little religious education, despite the plethora of Jewish schools in Lodz.

Word Prompt – SCHNAPPS – Martin Bodek

It’s a German word, actually, and plenty of people know exactly what it means, though it means different things to Europeans and Americans.

Dementia Diary – Chapter 87

This morning, I began composing a list of Hubby’s needs which he expresses from moment to moment. Like all sufferers from this condition, he is able to identify what he wants, and yet is unable to resolve his need.

The False Messiahship Of Eva Frank

Frank proclaimed himself Zvi’s successor and the reincarnation of King David.

A Memorable Visit To A Very Different Hospital

As a congregational rabbi, I often see people in hospitals and other health care facilities. While each building may look different, the actual differences are rather minute. It was my privilege recently to visit a hospital that is a definite exception to that rule.

Philipp Lenard: ‘Aryan Physics’ vs. Einstein’s ‘Jew Physics’

Lenard fought hard to ensure that Einstein, the “pure-blooded Jew,” would not win a Nobel Prize; in fact, the decision by the Nobel Committee not to award any physics prize in 1921 was due, at least in part, to anti-Semitic pressure brought to bear by Lenard.

Dementia Diary – Chapter 91

In our home, I have tried many different responses to the questions about a loved one having passed away. Bear in mind that whatever response I decide to utter is forgotten within a couple of minutes by Hubby.

A World Of Surprises

Who wants to read Old News when the Internet is already giving you tomorrow's happenings before they've even occurred?

Word Prompt – MAGEN DAVID – Yonatan Milevsky

I can touch on semiotics and explain how it is a shield that offers protection, but that the identity that it represents is its own protection.

Out Of The Former USSR: A Yeshiva Brings Students To Israel And To Religion

Last week, a quiet revolution took place in the Judean Hills outside Jerusalem. One hundred and twenty parents and children from the Former Soviet Union visited Israel for the first time to participate in a groundbreaking mission. The children, ages 12-14, were all prospective students of Lezion B'rina and its sister school Bat Zion, located in Beitar and Jerusalem, respectively. For nearly 20 years, the Lezion B'rina Institute has been a second home for hundreds of Russian Jewish students who have left their birth land to seek a better future in the Jewish homeland.

A Feud For The Ages: A History Of The Jews And The Church (Part...

The local feud became an international one when the two brothers turned, separately, to the Roman general Pompey for help.

Catch-18: Is Yossarian Jewish?

Even the title of Catch-22 has a conspicuously Jewish angle: it was originally written as Catch-18 because the number 18 (“chai,” or “life”), which has special meaning in Judaism, was relevant to early drafts of the novel, which had a greater and clearer Jewish emphasis.

Word Prompt – BUILD – Rabbi Dovid M. Cohen

Giving honor to another person doesn’t cost anything. Building up another is giving them life.


I have a love/hate relationship with my phone.

The World Of Judaica

Collecting Jewish antiques entails a bit of dedication as well, as there are many different categories of art that we have to deal with.

The Faux Deal

Typically, when a museum discovers that they have a fake of any sort in their collection, it is handled quietly, with the object being removed from display, never to be seen again.

Unsung Heroes: A Behind The Scenes Look At The Jewish Music Business

I know this is supposed to be a consumer column, but let's face it. We have all just spent the last few weeks preparing, cleaning and shopping until our credit cards begged for mercy and our family members have started wondering if Windex is our new signature scent. The last thing anyone wants to be thinking about right now is buying more stuff, making home improvements or otherwise planning ahead.

Word Prompt – SHUL – Yonatan Milevsky

Literary evidence from the time of the Second Temple, such as the works of Josephus and Philo, and even archeology, indicates that it was a place of instruction and learning.

Matzah Ball Soup In Strange Lands

[I]n every generation, our enemies stand up against us to destroy us, but G-d always saves us from their hands.

Shipped To Australia: A Forgotten World War II Saga

The 6th of September marks the 78th anniversary of the arrival of the HMT Dunera – a British passenger ship – into Sydney, Australia...

Silver Lining? Pandemic Pushes Parents To Transfer Their Kids To Yeshiva

With interest in Jewish day schools reaching record-breaking highs, outreach organizations like Oorah and CHAZAQ are stepping up to help parents capitalize on the trend.

Word Prompt – HAMBURGER – Ziona Greenwald

Grilling with our family alongside others of various stripes, brothers and sisters all, filled me with a rush of pride and sense of belonging that Fourth of July celebrations never quite did.

Yeshiva University’s Azrieli School Going Global

A Jewish educator anywhere in the world can now seek the accumulated knowledge available at the The Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish Education and Administration. With the introduction this spring of a degree that can be completed online, geography is no longer a bar to attendance in an Azrieli Master’s program.

The Shidduch World: Seven Lies And Shenanigans

You have to assume everyone is at least two or three notches lower than he or she appears in the profile picture simply because many people will be two or three notches lower in real life.

Freud’s ‘Rabbi’

On his marriage, he wrote: "This is what I believe: something of the core, of the essence of this meaningful and life-affirming Judaism will not be absent from our home" (1882).

Word Prompt – GOLD – Sharona Margolin Halickman

As it says in Tehilim 119:72: The Torah of your mouth is better for me than thousands of gold and silver pieces.


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