Word Prompt – ZEALOUS – Ann Koffsky

Today, zealots are the ones who refuse to let the people they disagree with speak. They like to cancel comedians and are banning books like MAUS by Art Spiegelman from public school libraries, and writing angry letters to podcasters.

Calvin Coolidge And The Jews

The official opening of the Community Center was on Washington’s birthday, February 22, 1926, and it went on to become the meeting place for several Jewish organizations, including B’nai Brith, Hadassah, and the American Jewish Committee.

Word Prompt – SHOFAR – JJ Eleff

The previous rebbe of Chabad explains that the main thing is not the content of the cry, Father, save me, but rather the cry itself.

New Washington, D.C. Museum Recounts African American History

It took me 11 years to build the African American Museum of History and Culture. Now they want me to build another two. Well, they won't get me for another 11, Bunch said.

Dementia Diary – Chapter 74

We constantly ask Hubby to tell us when he wants to rise up from the sofa or a chair, so that we can assist him. We remind him because we are programmed to do so. That is what normal people say to others, it is reasonable. What is not easy for caregivers to absorb, is that the person in their care will not be able to process the message.

Dementia Diary – Chapter 65

Of course, I know intellectually that Hubby cannot help what he is saying. His brain is confused. Still the words are coming out of his mouth and this bizarre experience feels much like an out-of-body experience for me, being forced to listen to his comments.

Jewish Communal Fund Sent Out Record-Breaking $536 Million In Grants In Latest Fiscal Year

A leader in the world of Jewish philanthropy, JCF continues to be the largest and most active Jewish donor advised fund in the country with more than $2 billion in charitable assets under management.

Chabad Rabbis Help Kentucky Residents Deal With Aftermath Of Floods

He said a leading area Democrat told them that the Kentucky governor had to cancel a trip to Israel to deal with the floods. She smiled and said, ‘I see Israel came to us,’ he recounted her saying.

Walt Disney, Mickey Mouse, And The Nazis

Walt never met with Hitler, but it is beyond dispute that the Fuhrer adored Disney’s work.

Word Prompt – GLASS – Akiva Kra

Glass is broken at every wedding to remind us to mourn for the Beis HaMikdash. However, people usually overlook that and scream mazal tov because the chuppah is concluding.

The Jewish Community In Shanghai During The Holocaust

Amud Aish takes great pride in these professional workshops, enabling children, each on their own level, to relate to the Holocaust.

Napoleon, Eretz Yisrael, And The Jews

In the summer of 1798, Napoleon conquered Egypt and, leading an army through the Sinai Peninsula into Eretz Yisrael, took control of Jaffa and commenced a siege of Acre (1799), hoping to provoke a Syrian insurgence against the Ottomans and threaten British rule in India.

A Shul With A Story: Rocky Mountain Chai

The shul is not only open to every Jew; it is accessible to every Jew.

The Six-Point Agreement And The Yom Kippur War

Though ostensibly jointly drafted by the United States, Egypt, and Israel, the Kilometer 101 Agreement was criticized by supporters of Israel as driven by the United States and directed by Egypt with Russian prompting.

Engraved For Life: High Holiday Artifacts

The most wide-ranging selections of Jewish postcards in early 20th century America were issued by the Hebrew Publishing Company, which was located on the Lower East Side of New York.

Word Prompt – RUIN – Cheryl Kupfer

Ceaseless, persistent negative speech, lashon hara, can cripple, devastate, and destroy a person’s future and is the verbal equivalent of a barrage of missiles that demolishes a building.

The Life-Long Friendship Of Rabbi Chaim Berlin And Rabbi Shmuel Salant

It is interesting to see how the network developed a life of its own and perhaps due to the distance and slow communications, decisions and the hiring of new emissaries was done without the knowledge of the organization's heads back in Jerusalem.

Word Prompt – HEEL – Rivka Press Schwartz

Thus has it ever been. Jews have been vilifying each other and attacking each other for thousands of years. What's new?

The Top 7 Things I Love About Being Jewish

We are humans, not machines. Perfection isn’t the goal; growth is. Even the greatest leaders in Jewish history, starting from Abraham and Moses, made some serious mistakes. No one is infallible.

New Yeshiva Provides Learning For College And Working Students

We are a yeshiva where you can feel comfortable to learn and to grow and to pursue goals even beyond learning, such as careers, dating and growing in observance. And we want our students to feel comfortable being themselves.

Girona, A Mother City In Israel

During the Middle Ages Girona was one of Europe's most important centers of Kabbalah.

Herzl’s Two Trips To Eretz Yisrael

Herzl never set foot again in Eretz Yisrael during his lifetime, but he did return decades after his death in 1904 at the tragically young age of 44.

Mikveh, Table, Vine: Three Dreams Come True

The kids all dreamed about returning; rebuilding; putting their paradise back together again.

My Dearest Yiddishe Mamme

In loving memory of Sara Altman bas Reb Bentzion Harnik zt"l, great-great-granddaughter of hatzaddik hagaon Chaim Yosef Gottlieb, zt"l, Stropkover Rav - on the occasion of her Shloshim, 29 Shevat.

Word Prompt – BITACHON – Tamir Goodman

Knowing my coach believed in me during the timeout gave me the confidence to make the free throws. Similarly in our daily lives we must remember that everything we need is already within me because Hashem believes in me.

Word Prompt – STICKY – Chani Miller

Eventually the towels weren’t needed anymore, and although the chairs are twenty years old, they mostly remained stain free and we were spared the sticky indignity of the old school plastic covers.

L’chaim: After 83 Years, Brooklyn Liquor Store Closes For Shabbos

They say one mitzvah leads to another, and that is certainly the case with Tops Liquor. Cohen says the place has become a hub with customers now inviting him to their homes for meals, bringing over challah, and he was even gifted with a new pair of tefillin.

Word Prompt – DARK – Sara Pachter

He attributes his mega success to his blindness, but it didn’t seem so at first.

Word Prompt – SINAI – Shira Boshnack

Shavuos is our wedding day, when we recommit ourselves to our relationship with Hashem. We don’t just look at our photo album and videos from the wedding, we re-experience it.

Word Prompt – JEREMIAH – Daniel Finkelman

The narrow strait, however, is not a roadblock; on the contrary, it is a mechanism for increased productivity.


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