Baseball Is Dull Only To Those With Dull Minds

We'll leave the serious stuff - the situation in Israel, the shidduch crisis, and other issues of concern to the Jewish community - to the other qualified Jewish Press columnists.

These Six Players Died In 2019

The biggest name who died in 2019 was a superstar as a player and a trailblazer as a manager.

The Late, Great Frank Robinson

He was intelligent and a commanding presence, though much softer than his reputation as a player.

The Great Careers Of Jake Pitler & Max Patkin

Max Patkin had a long career in baseball as an entertainer. His trademark was wearing a baggy uniform with a large question mark on his back instead of a uniform number.

Lou Gehrig, The Brothers Pipp And Henry Ford

He died 44 years ago and even though he wasn't a Hall of Famer his name will always be linked to one of the greatest players of all time.

Yanks Will Make Playoffs, But Astros Will Win It All

The rivalry between fans of the Boston Red Sox and New York Yankees will heat up as the season progresses.

Forty Years Ago In The MLB

The coming days and weeks provided even better post World Series news. I would be getting a World Series ring with my name on it and a check with a nice amount and my name on it.

Congrats To The Cubs

Ed Mierkowicz, 92, is the last surviving player from the 1945 World Series between the Cubs and the Detroit Tigers.

The Grand Old Game’s Grand Old Man

He's older than any radio station and spoke before movies did. My legendary friend Ernie Harwell will be 90 years old soon.

The Post-Cheating Astros

The sign stealer could be on the phone with his accomplice and relay what pitch is coming by raising the beer to his lips for a fastball, adjusting his cap for a curveball, etc.

Two Strikes For Rob Manfred

Come on Mr. Commissioner, do what you have to do to get the station carried on cable again, at an affordable price. You'll make the oldsters happy again and will gain some youngsters as lifelong fans.

Baseball 50 Years Ago

Jewish baseball fans were still missing Sandy Koufax, who retired after the 1966 season at the age of 30 because of risk of permanent damage to his arthritic arm.

Remembering The Moonwalk, Anticipating Kosher Fantasy Camp

When Gaylord Perry made it to the major leagues with the San Francisco Giants in 1962, manager Alvin Dark told him that while he had the makings of being a good pitcher, he would be a terrible hitter. In fact, Dark told Perry that man would walk on the moon before Perry would ever hit a home run.

Spring’s Almost Here

With spring training almost upon us, our attention turns to Arizona (Cactus League) and Florida (Grapefruit League).

Baseball During The War Years

Gray played the outfield better than most players with two hands.

Crystal Ball 2015

The Mets at least have hope for the future with some good young pitchers.

Remembering Bob Fishel

It was Bob Fishel's 20th yahrzeit. Kaddish was said. Fishel never married but left hundreds of admirers.

Israel And The World Baseball Classic

For the first time, Israel will participate in the qualifying round of the World Baseball Classic. That's the good news. The bad news concerns the dates they'll be playing in Florida. Earlier in the year it was thought the early rounds would start in other countries before moving to Florida in November. Assuming Israel would still be in the WBC games, the Florida site would be Roger Dean Stadium in Jupiter.

Reliving And Reminiscing The Past

It was a sad day for me when I learned of the firing of Chaim Bloom, who had the title of the Chief Baseball Officer of the Boston Red Sox.

Ball Fields And Battlefields

Cleveland was the center of the baseball universe in 1948, and Hank Greenberg was the spiffiest dresser in its front office.

Kaddish For Barney Dreyfuss

"Who are you saying Kaddish for today?" one of the kollel young men asked.

Special Man, Special Fan

I'm sure readers noticed those full-page advertisements that ran prior to last month's meeting about the situation at the Brooklyn home of Rabbi Moshe Tuvia Lieff, rav of Agudas Yisroel Bais Binyomin. Avrohom chaired the even along with his brother Menachem, a prominent askan and the president of Lubicom.

Designated Hebrew

The year 1973 was an interesting one indeed. Forty years ago, the Conservative movement’s commission on law and standards adopted a new regulation admitting women into the traditional minyan.

Winter Thoughts On The Summer Game

The Boston Red Sox will have three opening days in three different countries. The first will be in Japan on Tuesday, March 25, against Oakland.

Play Ball!

The 2008 baseball season is finally here. These are my predictions:

Play Ball!

The 2012 baseball season should be a most interesting one. Every game is important. No longer can a team just play for the Wild Card spot and have an equal shot with the three division winners at participating in the World Series (as St. Louis did last year).

Baseball’s Back!

Bryce Harper may be the best player in baseball, but Washington can't match the starting pitching depth of the Mets over a long season, so look for the Mets to win the N.L. Eastern Division.

Saluting Murray Franklin

"I had to grow a tough little hide as everybody was fair game to be razzed and needled."

‘Mancation’ In Cincinnati

Two months ago I told you about my "Mancation" (men only, we visit different cities, check out a ballgame and the shuls, etc.).

Remembering The Year Of The Bird

They asked me about him for so long that I didn't get a chance to interview or take any pictures of players.


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