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5 Minute Rocket Update: 3 Dead, Multiple Cities Hit

9:08 AM 2 women, 1 man killed in Kiryat Melachi strike. Baby moderately wounded. Dozens being treated for shell shock. 9:05 AM In the past 5 minutes,...

Truck Carrying Chemicals Hit

A tanker truck carrying potasium bromide was hit by a rocket. No reports of injuries

3 Confirmed dead in Kiryat Melachi. Missiles still falling.

8:52 AM There are 3 confirmed dead in the rocket strike in Kiryat Melachi, and a baby is injured, in moderate condition. The rocket hit...

Latest Rocket Count

As of 10:44 PM, a total of 55 rockets were fired at Israel from Gaza. 10:55 PM Ashkelon hit by rocket in attack from 10:51. No...

Israel Destroys Missiles That Could Have Hit Tel Aviv

Israel has achieved a  major success by taking out Hamas's Fajr-5 rocket capabilities which could have hit Tel Aviv. IDF is reporting that Hamas wanted to...

In Gaza, Arab-on-Arab Injuries Are a Daily Reality, but Rarely Reported

In a small effort to correct that distortion, here is a status report from the Gaza NGO Safety Office.

IAF Takes Out Two More Terrorists

Palestinians report that the IAF took out 2 more terrorists in Beit Lahia that were about to launch a rocket at Israel.

Exclusive: Grad Lands In Naveh, Near Shocked Yeshiva Students

JewishPress.com received an eye witness account of a Grad missile that landed in Naveh, a mere 100 meters from the Otzem (Atzmona) Premilitary Academy. Shocked...

Life in Southern Israel: A Student’s Blog

Greetings to all, my name is Nachalah, I am a 24-year-old student. I am studying communications and graphic designing at Sapir College… Sapir College in Southern Israel is under fire, situated near Sderot and the surrounding Kibbutzim, where the bravest children in the world live.

Hamas Gathers Gaza Terrorist Factions over ‘Israeli Threats’

Hamas called the meeting to try and avoid further casualties.

Dramatic Sunday in Southern Israel

For hundreds of thousands of Israelis living in the south, yesterday was tumultuous in the worst way. Unstemmed rocket attacks have been conducted by one or another of the terrorist groups based in Hamas-controlled Gaza at all hours of the day and night. While it's tempting to look at the absence of deaths on the Israeli side, the reality is any one of these rockets and mortars can easily have exacted the heaviest of prices. It's our great fortune that this did not happen today.

Netanyahu Weighing Military Options Against Hamas

Angry and frightened Israeli civilians in southern Israel are imploring Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to unleash an IDF military strike against Hamas and its terrorists allies in the Gaza Strip in response to the recent spate of rocket and mortar attacks emanating from there. Those attacks have caused damage to commercial and residential structures and have sent thousands of residents to local trauma centers.

Life with Rockets

When something outrageous goes on for a long time, people stop being outraged. It is boring to hear or read about things like genocidal wars in Africa, Europe’s collapse into poverty, or the complaints of Israelis about being the targets of thousands of rockets, day in and day out. I’m in Israel now, so a few words about the rockets. Everyone I talk to says the same thing: how can this be allowed to continue?

100 Hamas Rockets Targeting Israeli Schoolchildren

It was a daunting, dismal weekend for Israel’s south, particularly for Israelis living in communities bordering the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip. Along with the rain, more than 100 Gaza rockets struck the south, wounding four Israelis and sending countless others into shock and trauma, while damaging homes, businesses and vehicles.

Updated: Sunday’s List of Rocket Launches, Strikes, Injuries, and Damage

We've decided to open up a new list of rocket launches/strikes for Sunday. For all the previous launches up to Sunday morning  go here. Watch a...

30 Rockets Strike Israel, Israeli Tank Shells Kill 4, Wound 30 in Gaza

According to the IDF Spokesperson, in response to recent events, overnight IAF aircraft targeted a weapons manufacturing facility, two weapons storage facilities, and two rocket-launching sites in the northern Gaza Strip, as well as a weapons storage facility and a terror activity site in the southern Gaza Strip. Direct hits were confirmed. The Ma'an Palestinian news agency reported that Israeli tank shells killed 4 Palestinians and wounded 30 in the Gaza Strip on Saturday, according to medics and other witnesses.

Rockets Injure 3 in Sderot

Radio Darom (South) reports that 3 people in Sderot were injured from shrapnel from a rocket launch. The injuries are listed as light to...

Morning Rocket Attack On Eshkol Region

Not that anyone is paying attention, but this morning a rocket was fired on the Eshkol Region, yet another rocket attack from Gaza.

Drumbeat of Terror Goes On But Most Don’t Realize

It's just after ten in the morning here on a bright, warm Autumn morning. A delightful, breezy day. Unless you are very determined, and even if you feel very connected to events, it's near impossible to get a meaningful sense of the sheer terror of living within range of the rocket men of Gaza. The thugs of the Hamas-dominated enclave are armed to the teeth with a rocket arsenal that numbers in the tens of thousands... and growing.

Update on Sunday Night Rockets

At least twenty Kassam rockets were fired at Israeli civilians in southern Israel late Sunday night, after Israeli Air Force jets struck terror cells in Gaza.

IDF Targets Terror Activity Sites in Gaza Strip

In response to the incessant rocket fire at southern Israel, IAF aircraft targeted a rocket launching site and a terror activity site in the...

Sderot Mayor Collapses from Hunger Strike

David Buskilla, mayor of the beleaguered town of Sderot collapsed on Sunday. Buskilla has been holding a hunger strike opposite the Prime Minister's office to protest...

IAF Hits Rocket Squad, But 4 Rockets Fall in Be’er Sheva

Two more rockets were launched at the Be'er Sheva area at 7:40 Sunday morning. The rockets fell in an open area. No injuries or...

The Rocket Barrage on Southern Isael

Earlier, I took part in a briefing with Lt. Col. Avital Leibovich of the IDF Spokesman’s unit regarding the intensified rocket fire upon the south of Israel over the past few hours, which –at the time of writing – the Guardian has not yet seen fit to report. Lt. Col. Leibovich reported that 68 rockets have been fired from the Gaza Strip in the past twelve hours. Two foreign nationals – farm workers from the Kissufim area – were critically wounded by rocket fire and three or four additional civilians are suffering from lighter injuries. Several homes have been damaged.

Liberman: ‘We Are Facing a Serious Escalation in the South’

In a meeting with Vice-President of the European Commission Catherine Ashton, who is visiting Israel, Liberman said: "We will not tolerate this situation for many days."

First Blood: Rocket War Intensifying on Israel’s South, 3 Injured, Hamas Claims Responsibility (Photos)

More than 60 rockets and mortars were fired at civilian targets from the Gaza Strip on Tuesday night and throughout Wednesday morning. Two foreign workers were critically wounded by a direct rocket hit, while working in chicken coops on a farm in the Eshkol region, which was badly hit.

Rocket Hits Ashkelon

A rocket from Gaza hit Hof Ashkelon on Tuesday evening. Two people were treated for shock, and a house was lightly damaged after the rocket...

Hell’s Playground

These are seven rocket launchers, one loaded with a rocket, discovered after the IAF thwarted a terror attack in Gaza. Last week, in response to...

IAF Drone Kills Additional Gaza Terrorists Sunday Morning

Following multiple rockets launched overnight from Gaza at Israel, Palestinians are reporting that an IAF drone took out a Gazan rocket team that was...

IAF Kills Global Islamic Jihad Terrorist in Gaza

IAF killed at least one Global Islamic Jihad terrorist on Saturday night and injured two in strikes on Gaza. The targets were members of...


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/news/breaking-news/5-minute-rocket-update-3-dead-multiple-cities-hit/2012/11/15/

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