Tefillin, Haircuts And Chatzitza

A mourner whose hair grows long as a result of the prohibition against taking a haircut, or one who decides to become a nazir, is excused from any halachic concerns related to long hair or chatzitza.

Yosef And The Battle For True Beauty

The conception of beauty was a fundamental point of contention in the battle between the Jewish People and the Greeks. The Greeks did not believe in using the physical to reflect anything higher; they viewed physical beauty as an end unto itself.

In light of the war in Israel and antisemtisim rising worldwide, which approach to...

In light of the war in Israel and antisemitism rising worldwide, we must make every effort to broadcast our Judaism proudly in the public square and to communicate to the world at large that we will not be intimidated into hiding our religion or religious practices.

Light In The Darkness

During these times we have the ability, the power, and the energy to see and merit the miracles that Hashem did back then during the miraculous stories of the Maccabees, unto our very days today.

A Chanukah Story

Wishing all a Happy Hanukah!

A Friend In Need

The volunteering spirit overcame his hesitations, and he left his unfinished job to answer the call for help. Danny was pleasantly surprised when he arrived at the scene of the vehicle on the side of the road. It was a Hatzalah ambulance that had conked out!

‘If You’re Here By 10, That’s Okay’

Even if I said then that it would be okay, that was to placate you, so long as it didn’t make a difference, but it doesn’t grant you rights beyond the contract when I need you at 9.

Daf Yomi

Honoring A Father’s Wishes ‘ He shall give it to whom he has trespassed.’ (Bava Kamma 40b)

The Purpose of Mashiach – Parshat Vayeishev

When Tamar's life was threatened, she did not save herself by throwing Yehuda "under the bus".

Q & A: Ner Ish U’Beito – How Many Light The Menorah At Home?...

Question: My husband and I are Ashkenazi, yet my children go to school with Sefardim. My son came home and said that only my husband is to light the Chanukah candles. In my parent’s home, we all lit our own candles on Chanukah to celebrate the great miracle that saved our people for all future generations. Who is correct? Name Withheld Via E-Mail

Yud Tes Kislev

Torah teaches us that time is extremely precious, and every moment must be used to its fullest advantage. Why then do we use time to repeat things already known?

Candles In The Dark

The lighting of the menorah was one mitzvah among many mitzvot, arguably not even the most important mitzvah, that had come to be neglected under the oppression of the Seleucid Greeks.

‘Tis The Season To Be Thankful

We can say Modim for our health. What about for our car and for our phone? Most of us would be crippled, so to speak, if we were missing just one of these. We could also incorporate into our Modim prayer that we are able to pay the mortgage or pay the rent.

Vayeishev: Yosef & Yehuda

As internal conflict over the Hebrew clan's direction leads to tragic consequences for Yosef and Yehuda, each must discover his own messianic potential.

Drafting Yeshiva Students

Unfortunately today we find ourselves embroiled in a milchemet mitzvah, a national security situation which threatens our very existence and demands everyone’s participation.

TORAH SHORTS: Parshat Vayeshev: Transcending our Nature

To become fully alive a person must have goals and aims that transcend himself. -Herbert A. Otto

Speech Therapy

In the end Joseph and his brothers had to live through real trauma before they were able to recognize one another’s humanity, and much of the rest of their story – the longest single narrative in the Torah – is about just that.

Divine Protection

The potency of a mitzvah lies in the individual’s optimal and enthusiastic execution of the mitzvah with all the proper kavanos (intentions), including mastery of the laws pertaining to this particular mitzvah, and consummating the mitzvah to fulfill the will of Hashem.

The Synogogue: A Mikdash Me’at

Before one prays, one must prepare for the experience. There must be a meditative time in which the individual focuses on the significance of the act that he is about to perform.

Lights, Candles And Action

One excellent way to combat cognitive bias in relationship communication is to constantly work on not jumping to conclusions. No matter what we think we hear, or what we believe we know, we should be careful to ask for clarification before reacting.

Mercantile Man

The prophet Zecharia foretells of the Messianic Era – which will occur long after the Canaanites had ceased to exist as a nation – when there will no longer be any c’naani in the Holy Temple (Zecharia 14:21).

Playing With Dreidels And Cards On Chanukah

The rules of the dreidel game require each player to contribute some coins to a central fund, the proceeds of which are used to pay out the winners.

Should Our Chanukah Celebrations Be More Muted (Or Otherwise Look Different) This Year Because...

In essence the manner that we relate to tragic events is by empathizing with those who are affected as if it is us who are personally affected. This is called carrying the yoke of others upon ourselves.

Solving Sinat Chinam

We often choose to avoid confronting those who offend us. We are too hurt to speak it out, and doing so is uncomfortable. Unaddressed, though, our feelings fester and grow, and the hatred, distance, and demonization intensify.

Live It

To be honest there were many Shabbos mornings when I fell back to sleep without saying Kerias Shema, but it made a deep impression on me. Now, years later, I still try to be particular to say Shema before the earlier time.

Re-Examining Our Chanukah Mission

How do we understand and perceive Hashem? Is Hashem within time and space, limited to this world alone, as Pantheists believe? Or is Hashem completely transcendent, beyond time, space, and this physical world, as many of the ancient philosophers believed?


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