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Tag: Chanukah

President Trump Hosts his First Chanukah Reception in the White House

President Trump talks Jerusalem, Israel, Jews, America and Chanukah.

The A&H Hot Dog Chanukiah

Get in the Hot Dog Chanukah spirit.

Gershon Bar Kochba on Jewish Heroism in Those Days and Now

How did a small group of Maccabees defeat the huge Seleucid Greeks army?

The Story Of Chanukah (Continued from last week)

Yehudis understood that her only hope lay in her willingness to risk her very life.

Liberman: Shaming Hareidi Soldiers For Military Service Akin to Idolatry [video]

Defense Minister Liberman pointed out that King David fought, as did Joshua bin Nun, saying they also had an understanding of Torah and Judaism.

Shiloh Musings: Chanukah, The Real Story, Then and Now

Hopefully,Netanyahu has gotten sufficiently angry and disgusted to recognize that his trying to be a reasonable "Centrist" isn't working. We need a zealot who only tries to please G-d. A Maccabee.

Proper Response to UN Hostility: Dutch Israel Lovers Visit Hebron, Gush Etzion

'Our answer to the great darkness emanating from the UN is to increase the light.'

A Very Special Chanukah Party

It seems the Chanukah party co-hosted in Washington by the country of Azerbaijan and the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish organizations was THE Chanukah party to attend in the Capital

Netanyahu, Putin Speak by Phone on Eighth Night of Chanukah

PM Netanyahu spoke with Russia's Pres. Putin about the situation in Syria, security coordination between the two nations, and about "peace."

Public Menorah Vandalized by Teens in South Orange, NJ

Vandals damaged a public menorah in South Orange, New Jersey on the sixth night of Chanukah, but were spotted by security cameras.

The Story Of Chanukah (continued from last week)

Many long hours were spent carefully planning for the Greek attack. Finally, all that could be done was done and the city waited tensely for the Greek hordes to come.

Are Women Obligated To Say Hallel On Chanukah?

The mitzvah to recite Hallel that Chazal instituted regarding Chanukah was in fact a direct result of the miracle of Chanukah; however, its essence is not to publicize the miracle but rather to give thanks for the miracle.

The Flame Of Chanukah

Yossi settled down with some chocolate coins to study for a test on hilchos Chanukah. Suddenly, there seemed to be a commotion in the street.

Chanukah and Divine Emanations

The Maccabees knew logically there was no chance of their revolt succeeding, but God created a notion of revolt in the minds of the Maccabees and correctly they followed this heavenly directive.

Candle Lighting in Nachlaot

Families in the Nachlaot neighborhood of Jerusalem light their Chanukiot.

The History Of Chanukah (continued from last week)

Mattisyahu knew that Antiochus would be enraged when he heard what had happened, so he and his sons fled to the Judean Hills.

Sderot Police Officers Bring Chanukah Joy to Seniors in Southern Israel

Local police in the southern Israeli city of Sderot came to spend Chanukah with seniors this week, singing and sharing sufganiyot together.

Netanyahu: ‘According to UN, Maccabees Did Not Liberate Jerusalem, They Occupied Palestinian Territory’

PM Netanyahu says with sarcasm that according to the United Nations, the Maccabees did not liberate Jerusalem, but rather "occupied Palestinian territory."

Netanyahu Summons US Ambassador to Israel, Dan Shapiro, For ‘Clarification’

PM Netanyahu summoned US envoy to Israel Dan Shapiro for talks in the wake of American's betrayal of her "closest ally" in the Middle East.

This Makes Up for Everything: Happy Hanukkah! Chag Sameach from the White House!

He did not mention that, had the Maccabees redeemed the Holy Temple today, they would surely have been condemned by the UN Security Council, with the US abstaining, because said Holy Temple stood in 'Occupied East Jerusalem.'

Chanukah Guide for the Perplexed, 2016

A joyful and Happy Chanukah to all from your friends at The Jewish Press Online.

Q & A: Forgetting Al Hanissim On Chanukah

Question: If someone forgot to recite Al Hanissim in Shemoneh Esreh or Birkat Hamazon on Chanukah, does he have to go back and repeat them? Moshe Jakobowitz Brooklyn, NY

Chanukah And The Home

Tosafos points out that this answer is not fully satisfactory since there are other mitzvos, such as affixing a mezuzah, that require having a house.

Forward Editor Announces He Hates Chanukah

The simple fact is the Forward hates everything Jewish except left-wing Yiddish protest chants.Its editor's latest rant is entitled, "Why I Detest Hanukkah, and Why All Right Minded Jews Should Too"

ABC’s of Chanukah (Hanukkah)

The Hebrew word Chanukah means "dedication." When the Greeks challenged Jewish life, a few courageous Jews took to the hills of Judea in open revolt against this threat.


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/multimedia/video-picks/president-trump-hosts-his-first-chanukah-reception-in-the-white-house/2017/12/08/

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