9 Landfills for Lapid

Which policies will Yair Lapid choose to adopt during his time as PM? Here are my nine “landfills” — policy suggestions for the period in which Lapid fills-in for Bennett.

Israel at 75: The Sun is Shining

On the 75th Yom Haatzmaut, focus on the brilliance bursting forth from the nation of Israel in realms galore.

Biden Spares Iran and Scolds Israel

The US president is neighing about Israeli democracy and stiffing Netanyahu to counter Israel’s insistence on acting against Iran.

Targeting the “Head of the Octopus”

The tectonic threat of Iran to Mideast and global stability must be countered head-on.

Israel Needs a Strong Spine

Israel has no choice but to stiffen its spine; and in some matters to grow a spine. More than ever before, Israel must reject impossible international dictates and demands.

Honoring Henry Kissinger at 100

Dr. Kissinger is most consequential figure in US foreign policy of the past century. His record regarding Jews and Israel remains controversial, but I think that on balance Kissinger deserves respect.

Zionist Strategy for Israel

I do not believe that the Saudi-Iran agreement closes the door on Saudi-Israeli entente, nor on a renewed pro-Western regional alliance involving Israel and the Saudis

Sacks, Carlebach, and Kahane

Remembering 3 Remarkable and Relevant Rabbis

When the Going Gets Tough…

… the tough get going. When this country is under attack, Israel’s friends need to be more determined than ever to defend it.

Beware: Another US Sellout to Tehran?

Alas, coming soon: More American goodies for Iran in exchange for more pious and empty Iranian pledges.

 Embrace the Abraham Accords Already! 

Western progressives are dissing rather than embracing the Abraham Accords. This is a tragedy

Israel: A Tale of 2 Parallel Universes

Israel seems to exist in two parallel, contradictory worlds. One is a false, hackneyed, out-of-date, and threatening universe where recalcitrant and violent Palestinian leaders are venerated, and admirable Israeli leaders are criminalized. The other universe is real, promising, forward looking, and stabilizing, and is marked by a peace dynamic that runs from Jerusalem to Dubai, Manama, Rabat, Cairo and Amman; and from Jerusalem to the most important leaders in the world.

Erase Jordan’s False Claims in Jerusalem

Israel has good reason to fear that Abdullah and Biden are cooking-up an attempt to impose new pro-Arab “arrangements” on the Temple Mount, with Biden coming to Israel in late June to ride herd on this issue. Note: King Abdullah has no claim to “custodianship” over Muslim and Christian holy sites in Jerusalem.

Reawakening to the Iranian Threat

A comprehensive picture of Iranian belligerence and its tectonic threat to Mideast and global stability.

Butt OUT!

Washington and Brussels have no business second-guessing Israel’s security operations.

Abdullah Attacks Abraham Accords

Jordan seeks to influence the Biden administration to ice the Abraham Accords in favor of the Palestinians. That would be a mistake. Expansion of the accords can only improve, rather than impede, prospects for an Israeli-Palestinian peace agreement. The accords need not “sideline” the Palestinians if the Palestinians don’t sideline themselves.

Save the Bennett Government!

The Bennett-Lapid government answered the desire of many Israelis for leadership that is neither radical left nor radical right. And it has real achievements.

The Nasty Sport of Second-Guessing Israel

In Washington and other capitals, an ungenerous spirit has set in.

Israel’s Supreme Court Needs Democratic Checks on its Power

Restoring the pre-Aharon Barak juridical culture of restraint is a necessary process.

Celebrating Cynthia Ozick at 95

The illustrious Jewish-American novelist is a penetrating and courageous critic of contemporary society and its attitudes to Jews and Israel.

Where is King Abdullah’s Moderation on the Temple Mount?

One would think that Jordan’s “special role” means it has a responsibility to maintain the site as a place of prayer, brotherhood and tolerance.

Arab Israelis: Opportunity or Threat?

Two new studies warn of radicalization among Arab Israelis and urge robust government action.

The ‘Refusal-to-Serve’ Festival

Lost in the anti-Netanyahu netherworld are manifold affirmations of commitment to IDF service despite the judicial reform juggernaut.

Tisha B’Av: Repeat Reflections

Tisha Be’Av, the mournful commemoration of Jewish national destruction and self-destruction which falls this weekend, hasn’t quite reached the status of Yom Kippur as a day of reflection and repentance. But it should.

Ascending the Temple Mount for the First Time

My first “aliyah” this week to “Har HaBayit” was scary, emotional, fascinating, and infuriating. And necessary.

Seeking Jerusalem

We are obligated to be doresh Yerushalayim, to spiritually refine ourselves and draw closer to He who truly owns Jerusalem; to long for God’s revealed presence, seeking to encounter Him with the tools at our disposal. Already today, the Divine Presence peeps at us through the cracks of the Temple Mount retaining walls, there to be seen and experienced, if we only seek it.

Protecting the Eternal

Israel must act to halt Palestinian destruction of Jewish archaeological sites in Judea & Samaria.

Judea and Samaria are on Fire – Literally

Escalating Palestinian terrorism, surging illegal Palestinian construction in zones of strategic importance to Israel, and wildly out-of-control arson attacks must be stopped.

The Myth of Escalating Settler Violence

An ugly, fringe phenomenon being falsely puffed up to "balance" the crimes of Hamas.

Who Actually Violated Temple Mount Status Quo?



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