Q & A: A Sabbath Desecrator Leading Services (Part III)

Question: May someone who desecrates the Sabbath lead the services if he has yahrzeit? If yes, may he replace someone else who has yahrzeit? Hayim Grosz (Via E-Mail)

Q & A: Did Abraham Daven Minchah?

Question: We are taught that the Patriarchs kept the entire Torah even before it was given to the Jewish nation on Mount Sinai. If so, why do our Sages say that Abraham was the originator of Shacharit, Isaac was the originator of Minchah, and Jacob was the originator of Maariv? That seems incongruous given the fact that the Patriarchs kept the entire Torah. S. Friedman

Q & A: Praying For The Government During Tefillah

Question: Should we be reciting the prayer for the welfare of the government? Is it a hefsek during the tefillah, or is it important during wartime? Martin Kahn Via email

Q & A: Arabs Circumcise At 13 (Part VI)

Question: If Abraham was commanded to circumcise his descendants on the eighth day, why do Arabs – who claim to descend from Abraham through Yishmael – wait until their children are 13 to circumcise them? I am aware that this is a matter of little consequence to our people. Nevertheless, this inconsistency is one that piques my curiosity. M. Goldman (Via E-mail)

Q & A: A ‘Minyan’ Minus Some (Part I)

Question: If the tefillah begins with an exact minyan and some individuals insist they have to leave, what is to be done – May the tefillah continue as though there were still a minyan? Is there any solution? Zelig Aronson Via email

Q & A: A ‘Minyan’ Minus Some (Part II)

Question: If the tefillah begins with an exact minyan – a quorum of ten – and some individuals insist they have to leave, what is to be done, may the tefillah continue as though there was still a minyan? Is there any solution? Zelig Aronson Via email

Q & A: When The Entire People Is In Need Of Prayers

Question: Is there a special prayer or specific role for prayer when the totality of the Jewish people is in danger?

Q & A: Saying ‘Amen’ Right Before Shema (Conclusion)

Question: Should the congregation say “Amen” after the berachah of “habocher b’amo Yisrael b’ahavah” (right before Shema)? I have seen different shuls do different things. M. Goldman

Q & A: Attending Weddings During Sefira (Part I)

Question: My friends are getting married on Rosh Chodesh Sivan. I tried to convince them to do otherwise, as many people have a minhag (custom) not to attend weddings until three days before Shavuot. They told me they spoke to rabbis who allowed it. Is this right? May I attend? Name withheld by request

Q & A: Tzedakah (Part XV)

Question: When a stranger approaches a congregant in shul asking for tzedakah, should the congregant verify that the person’s need is genuine? Furthermore, what constitutes tzedakah? Is a donation to a synagogue, yeshiva, or hospital considered tzedakah? Zvi Kirschner (Via E-Mail)

Q & A: Proper Ritual At Netilat Yadayim (Part III)

Question: Should we wash our hands in the bathroom with soap and water, or by pouring water from a vessel with handles three times,...

Q & A: L’David Hashem Ori (Part II)

Dear Rabbi Klass, As most of us know, now that it’s the month of Elul, we say the 27th chapter of Tehillim until Shemini Atzeret (“L’David Hashem Ori – [A Psalm] of David: The Lord is my light”). The second verse states: “Bikrov alay me’rei m le’echol et besarai… – When evildoers approach me to devour my flesh….” Why does it not say “reshaim – wicked ones” or “anashim raim – evil people?” Tzila Kleinbart Brooklyn, N.Y.

Q & A: Moses, The Haggadah, And Yetziat Mitzrayim (Part II)

Question: First, why aren’t we obligated to recite Shema on Pesach night? Second, why doesn’t the Haggadah mention Moses, who was instrumental in rescuing us from Egypt and was the greatest Jew of all time? Zvi Kirschner

Q & A: A Missed Torah Reading (Part X)

Question: If a person was ill on Shabbos and unable to go to shul to hear Keri’at haTorah, must he have someone read it to him in shul upon his recovery? Sincerely, Isaac Greenberg

Q & A: A Missed Torah Reading (Part IV)

Question: If a person was ill on Shabbos and unable to go to shul to hear Keri’at haTorah, must he have someone read it to him in shul upon his recovery? Sincerely, Isaac Greenberg

Q & A: ‘The Scepter Shall Not Depart From Judah’ (Part II)

Question: As Shavuot is fast approaching – a holiday on which we dwell on the story of Ruth and the origins of the royal house of David – I was wondering if you could help me resolve something. Some people say that Rabbi Yehudah HaNassi, the redactor of the six orders of the Mishnah and a scion of King David, purposely kept any mention of Chanukah and the Hasmonean kings out of the Mishnah because the Hasmoneans improperly crowned themselves and ignored the rule that all Jewish kings are supposed to come from the tribe of Yehudah. Is this true? Menachem (Via E-Mail)

Q & A: The Chanukah Candles And Danger

Question: We learn that the proper placement is by the side of the outside door, but if there is danger one may place them on his table inside the house. If the danger is that hostile gentiles might persecute him, isn’t there the same worry if the menorah is placed indoors?... How would one light in such a circumstance? Menachem Via e-mail

Q & A: Should We Stand Or Sit For The Second Ashrei? (Conclusion)

Question: Should one stand or sit for the Ashrei recited after Keriat haTorah, and is the answer to this question affected by the requirement to show kavod, or respect, to the Torah scroll, which is being wrapped up as Ashrei begins? Anonymous

Q & A: Preparing One’s Home For Passover

Question: Must one spend great sums of money and invest much effort in making one’s home kosher for Passover? Not all of us have such unlimited funds. Name Withheld (Via E-Mail)

Q & A: Shnayyim Mikra Ve’echad Targum – Torah Twice And Onkelos Once (Part...

Question: I’m told that it is meritorious to complete the reading of the weekly Torah portion during the week and that it is a segula bestowing the blessing of long life. Does this apply even if one has no understanding of the text? Shmuel B. Via Email

Q & A: ‘Tal U’Matar’ When a Person Leaves Israel After the 7th of...

What does a person do if he left Israel after the 7th of Cheshvan (October 11, 2013), where they already commenced saying "Ve'ten tal u'matar", but before they start saying it in galut?

Q & A: On The ‘Evergreen Tree’ In A Jewish Home

QUESTION: I am active in kiruv work in a neighborhood where there are many Jewish immigrants from the former Soviet Union. Unfortunately, these people were kept ignorant of their Jewish heritage.Lately I've noticed a new phenomenon. At this time of year, many of them seem to be bringing evergreen trees into their homes. They claim that they always did this in Russia in celebration of the "winter festival".What should my attitude be as a kiruv professional?Name WithheldBrooklyn, NY

Q & A: Animal ‘Rights’ And Sacrifices Without Sin (Part I)

Question: I understand that in the time of Moshiach we will return to the offering of animal sacrifices. But on the other hand, if, as we are told, those will be times without sin, then what will we sacrifice? In this modern world, some also argue that animals have rights and thus animal sacrifice is wrong. How do we answer them as well? Menachem Via Email

Q & A: Kiddush Levanah And Repeating Verses Three Times (Part II)

Question: I have numerous questions about Kiddush Levanah. First, why is this prayer called Kiddush Levanah? Shouldn’t it be called Chiddush Levanah considering that the prayer concerns the renewal – not the sanctification – of the moon? Second, why do we greet each other with the words Shalom Aleichem at Kiddush Levanah and why do we repeat the greeting three times? Is it because we have not seen a new moon for a whole month? Third, why does Kiddush Levanah – and other prayers – contain verses (aside from the Shalom Aleichem greeting) that we are supposed to say three times? Please elaborate on this mitzvah. Ira Warshansky (Via E-Mail)

Q & A: Noy Sukkah – Sukkah Decorations (Part II)

Question: Is decorating the Sukkah part of the mitzvah, or does the mitzvah only require the Sukkah itself? Moshe Jakobowitz Brooklyn, NY

Q & A: Standing During Birkot Keriat Shema (Part III)

Question: I have noticed that some people stand during the Birkot Keriat Shema. I was always under the impression that one is supposed to sit for Shema and its berachot. Is there a source that allows one to stand during this part of the prayer? Menachem (Via E-Mail)

Q & A: Prayer And Its Origins (Part II)

Question: The Gemara in Berachot teaches that the Sages authored our prayers. If so, it would seem that we did not pray before this time. Did we pray before their innovation or not? Menachem Via Email

Q & A: Selichot Restrictions (Part III)

Question: The Kitzur Shulchan Aruch states that an individual praying selichot without a minyan is not allowed to recite the Thirteen Midot or the Aramaic prayers. What is the rationale behind this halacha? Moshe Jakobowitz Brooklyn, NY

Q & A: Sinat Chinam Destroyed Our House

QUESTION: Our Sages strongly condemned sinat chinam - yet at times, good resulted from it. For example, when the sons of Yaakov went down to Egypt many years after selling their brother, they were treated royally.Shlomo FeivelsonCoconut Creek, FL

Q & A: Elul – A Time To Repent

Question: Where does the name Elul come from? How can Elul be both the last month of the year and the prequel of the holidays (Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur) that occur in the following month, Tishrei? Finally, can you please discuss the religious practices of Elul? M. Goldman Miami Beach, FL


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