Q & A: The Hereafter – Olam Haba (Part XII)

Question: How do we know that there is an olam haba – a world to come? L. Papirmeister

Q & A: Brit Milah – A Unique Mitzva (Conclusion)

QUESTION: Why did Abraham originally not observe brit milah? I have heard that he observed the whole Torah based on his own understanding.Arye Reed(via e-mail)

Q & A: Sefirat HaOmer – When To Start Counting (Part III)

Question: Why do we start counting sefirat ha’omer in chutz la’aretz on the second night of Pesach when the omer in the times of the Beit Hamikdash was cut on Chol HaMoed? M. Goldman (Via E-Mail)

May Two Siblings Share A Name? (Part II)

Question: Is it possible to give two of one's children the same name? I’ve seen this more than once where a later born child was given the same Hebrew name as an older sibling; however, their English names are different. A Reader Los Angeles, CA

Q & A: Replacing A Monument (Part III)

Question: Is there anything in Jewish law that prohibits replacing an old, existing matzeivah (tombstone) with a new, better one? I would greatly appreciate your response to this question. A Reader Tucson, AZ

Q & A: A Missed Torah Reading (Part II)

Question: If a person was ill on Shabbos and unable to go to shul to hear Keri’at haTorah, must he have someone read it to him in shul upon his recovery. Sincerely, Isaac Greenberg

Q & A: Three Chanukah Divrei Torah

Rabbi Senter is the founder of KOF-K Kosher Supervision, one of the largest kosher certification agencies serving the Jewish community worldwide.

Q & A: Sidra Or Parasha?

QUESTION: I have noticed that some refer to the weekly Torah portion as Parashat Hashavua while others refer to it as the week's Sidra. Which is correct?Eliyahu TewelVia E-Mail

Q & A: Ayin Hara (Part VI)

Question: I know there is a dispute in the Gemara regarding ayin hara, the evil eye. Can you discuss the origin of it? Ben Glassman (Via E-Mail)

Q & A: Standing During Birkot Keriat Shema (Part III)

Question: I have noticed that some people stand during the Birkot Keriat Shema. I was always under the impression that one is supposed to sit for Shema and its berachot. Is there a source that allows one to stand during this part of the prayer? Menachem (Via E-Mail)

Q & A: Pinchas Not Always Zealous? (Conclusion)

QUESTION: Recently, as I was studying the weekly portions of the Torah, I noticed a seeming anomaly. In Parashat Balak, Pinchas does what Moses did not do and zealously killed Zimri, a tribal prince who had sinned. We find in the following portion, Parashat Pinchas, that Pinchas was rewarded for this act. Yet after that, in Parashat Mattot, Pinchas is rebuked for not fulfilling Moses' command. Can you reconcile this apparent contradiction in the way Pinchas is described?M. Goldblumvia e-mail

Q & A: The Prayer Shema Koleinu (Part II)

Question: When Shema Koleinu is recited during the High Holidays season, the cantor skips several lines during the responsive repetition. What is the reason? A Reader Wilkes Barre, PA

Q & A: The Mantle Of Leadership (Part II)

Question: As we now read Sefer Devarim, the Torah tells us that Moses was instructed by Hashem to appoint a successor. Moses wanted his sons to succeed him but Hashem tells him to appoint Yehoshua as the next leader. Why was this request of the greatest and most righteous of men denied? Also, were Yehoshua and Caleb the only named leaders or personalities to enter the land of Canaan? M. Gorin Via email

Q & A: How To Treat A Ger (Conclusion)

QUESTION: The Rambam unequivocally states that a Jew by choice should be treated as an equal to any other Jew in all respects. In our synagogue we had a serious rift regarding this issue and many members left the synagogue. What happened was that a proselyte, a ger, ran for the position of president of the congregation. He had served as the secretary of the congregation and he was respected and liked by the members of the congregation. The rabbi of the congregation ruled that since he was not a Jew from birth, he could not run for the position of president of the congregation or occupy a position as an officer of the congregation. I would like to know, from your perspective, what the halacha is on this important issue.Name withheld by request(Via E-Mail)

Q & A: Sabbath Shuttle? (Part IV)

Question: Is it permitted on the Sabbath or holidays to take a shuttle to synagogue? The neighborhood shuttle runs from 9-5 daily, is driven by a gentile, has a designated stop schedule, and is free of charge.

Q & A: Incongruous And Unbecoming (Part III)

Question: Lately I have seen some young men who though they wear a yarmulke have ponytails or other long unruly hair – I’ve even seen some ear piercings. Somehow I find this behavior to be incongruous.

Q & A: Do Women Count The Omer?

Question: Are women supposed to count Sefirat HaOmer? S. Feldman

Q & A: Why Does Hallel Come Before Keriat HaTorah? (Part I)

On those days that we recite Hallel, why do we do so before Keriat HaTorah? Shouldn’t the Torah reading come first based on the rule that whenever two matters face us, we do the more frequent one first (tadir v’she’eino tadir, tadir kodem)? Menachem

Q & A: Tanach’s ‘Hidden Women’

Question: At work, people sometimes argue that the Torah doesn’t regard women highly, only mentioning them in passing, almost begrudgingly at times. They cite, for example, the Torah’s treatment of Serach bat Asher and Yocheved bat Levi. I would appreciate very much if you could provide me with “ammunition” to refute them. Mrs. C. Grosz

Q & A: Unforgiving

Question: A while back I wronged someone. When I realized my error and the pain it caused, I made restitution and also offered a sincere apology. While the restitution was accepted, the party still continues to bear a grudge even though I have made repeated entreaties to him. I am sure that if the situation were reversed, the individual would expect me to forgive him. Is it possible for you to discuss the concept of “loving your fellow man as yourself”? I am sure it will be helpful to me and many other readers. M.G. Miami Beach, FL

Q & A: Sabbath Shuttle? (Part VIII)

Question: Is it permitted on the Sabbath or holidays to take a shuttle to synagogue? The neighborhood shuttle runs from 9-5 daily, is driven by a gentile, has a designated stop schedule, and is free of charge.

Q & A: Crowns On Letters Of The Torah

Question: We find coronets on top of certain letters in the Torah – namely shin, ayin, tet, nun, zayin, gimmel and tzaddi. What purpose, if any, do they serve? Menachem (Via E-Mail)

Q & A: Questions On Counting The Omer (Part II)

Is there a requirement to recite “Hineni muchan u’mezuman” before Sefirat HaOmer, also, if one arrives late for Maariv, does one count sefirah first with the minyan or proceed immediately to Maariv? Moshe Jakobowitz Brooklyn, NY

Q & A: Praying In Other Languages (Part VI)

Question: When reciting a berachah in English, does a person fulfill his obligation if he says “Hashem” instead of “L-rd” or “G-d”? Yosef

Q & A: The Four Parshiyot (Conclusion)

Question: Why there are four special Torah readings between Purim and Pesach? Also, why do we call each of those four Shabbatot by a special name, e.g., Shabbat Shekalim, Shabbat Zachor etc.? Additionally how did the division of weekly parshiyot we read every Shabbat come about? Celia Gluck

Q & A: The Connection Between Hallel And The Shacharit Amida

Question: Why, if on Rosh Hashana the shofar is blown during Musaf, is Hallel on the festivals and Rosh Chodesh read during Shacharit? L. Freund Via Email

Q & A: Sefirat HaOmer In The Synagogue (Part I)

Question: In my synagogue, and I assume in most others, we all stand at attention as the rabbi or chazzan recites the blessing of Sefirat HaOmer and then proceeds to count the Omer. How can we recite the blessing afterwards when we already clearly heard it before (and thus, presumably, were yotzei with it)? M. Goldblum Miami Beach, FL

Q & A: They Live In The Land (Part IV)

Question: I was recently discussing the sorry state of religion in Eretz Yisrael with some friends, noting that unfortunately a majority of the population consists of non-observant Jews. I expressed my view that this fact explains why Moshiach has not yet come. I avidly read your column and am anxious to learn your view of this matter. No Name Please (Via E-Mail)

Q & A: Birkat Sefirat HaOmer

QUESTION: What if one counted the Omer but forgot to utter the blessing - has the obligation been fulfilled? Why do we recite a blessing for this counting, when we find that for the zayin nekiyim - the seven clean days - there is no such blessing? Is the counting not similar?M. GoldmanMiami Beach, FL

Q & A: A Missed Torah Reading (Part XII)

Question: If a person was ill on Shabbos and unable to go to shul to hear Keri’at haTorah, must he have someone read it to him in shul upon his recovery? Sincerely, Isaac Greenberg


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