Q & A: May A Girl Share Her Mother-In-Law’s Name?

Question: I am seriously dating a girl who has a similar name to my mother. My mother’s name is Pischa and the girl’s name is Pesha. Since both names arguably derive from the word Pesach, would it be a problem for me to potentially marry this girl? Name Witheld Via E-Mail

Is It Proper To Build A Sukkah In Your Front Yard, Near A Public...

In the United States the issue might be that such action might provoke people to acts of anti-Semitism which has spiraled in the States.

Q & A: Chazzan And Congregation (Part III – continued from May 18)

Question: I understand that at a minyan, the chazzan is required to repeat Shmoneh Esreh out loud so that people who may not know how to daven can fulfill their obligation to daven with the chazzan’s repetition. What, however, should the chazzan do when he reaches Kedushahh and Modim? I hear some chazzanim say every word of Kedushahh out loud and some only say the last part of the middle two phrases out loud. As far as the congregation is concerned, I hear some congregants say every word of Kedushahh and some say only the last part. Finally, some chazzanim and congregants say Modim during chazaras hashatz out loud and some say it quietly. What is the source for these various practices? A Devoted Reader (Via E-Mail)

Q & A: The Sandak (Part I)

Question: I was at a brit where the father and grandfather of the boy argued over who should be sandak. The grandfather had served as sandak once before, but he persisted and, as they say, “might makes right.” I am curious as to your view on this matter. M. Renkin (Via E-Mail)

Q & A: When All Of Humanity Are In Need Of Prayer

Question: How should we regard the current pandemic with Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur upon us? Is there a special prayer or specific role for prayer when the totality of humanity is in danger? M. Sorkin

Q & A: Amen (Part VI)

What is the exact meaning of amen and where does the word come from? David H. (Via E-Mail)

May Two Siblings Share A Name? (Part II)

Question: Is it possible to give two of one's children the same name? I’ve seen this more than once where a later born child was given the same Hebrew name as an older sibling; however, their English names are different. A Reader Los Angeles, CA

Q & A: Offering Tefillin To Passersby (Part II)

Question: Where I live, I see Chabad Shluchim offering Jewish passerby to put on tefillin, is this of any value if they are otherwise non-observant, additionally is doing so in a street – a public thoroughfare proper kavod for the tefillin? Menachem Via email

Q & A: Can You Eat The Purim Se’udah At Night?

Question: Can a person eat the Purim se’udah at night if he will be traveling on Purim day? Anonymous

Q & A: Brit Milah – A Unique Mitzva (Part I)

QUESTION: Why did Abraham originally not observe brit milah? I have heard that he observed the whole Torah based on his own understanding.Arye Reed(via e-mail)

Q & A: Shemittah And IOUs (Part VI)

Question: I recently loaned money to a friend who has been able to repay only part of it. This was an interest-free loan. We exchanged a signed IOU, not a proper shtar with witnesses, since I have always trusted her integrity and only wanted a document that confirms what was loaned and what was repaid. Now that shemittah is approaching, what should I do? Should I forgive the loan? And if my friend is not able to repay it, may I deduct the unpaid money from my ma’aser requirement? Name Withheld

Q & A: Preparing Home And ‘Kashering’ Utensils For Pesach

QUESTION: We are ba'alei teshuva in the process of becoming more observant. We wish to "kasher" our home and utensils for Passover with minimal expense. Do you have any suggestions? Names withheld by request

Q & A: A Sabbath Desecrator Leading Services (Part VIII)

Question: May someone who desecrates the Sabbath lead the services if he has yahrzeit? If yes, may he replace someone else who has yahrzeit? Hayim Grosz (Via E-Mail)

Will The Real Adar Please Stand Up? (Part II)

Question: I have numerous questions that relate to the Jewish leap year when a full month is added to our lunar year every couple of years. Why is Adar the month that is picked for this addition? Why do we call it Adar Alef? Why is Purim celebrated in the second Adar? Also, while both are named Adar, only of them one must be the real Adar – which one? Shea Aronovitch Via e-mail

Q & A: Shemittah And IOUs (Part VII)

Question: I recently loaned money to a friend who has been able to repay only part of it. This was an interest-free loan. We exchanged a signed IOU, not a proper shtar with witnesses, since I have always trusted her integrity and only wanted a document that confirms what was loaned and what was repaid. Now that shemittah is approaching, what should I do? Should I forgive the loan? And if my friend is not able to repay it, may I deduct the unpaid money from my ma’aser requirement? Name Withheld

Q & A: Treating A Parent Medically And Causing Blood To Flow

Question: My mother-in-law, who was visiting her son (my brother-in-law), a medical doctor, had an accident. When she requested her son to remove the shard, he refused to do so...

Q & A: Prayer And Its Origins (Part I)

Question: The Gemara in Berachot states that the sages authored our prayers. Does that mean we didn’t pray beforehand? Menachem (Via E-Mail)

Q & A: The Law Of The Land

Question: I’ve been told that I should follow all the directives of the government during the current pandemic even though these directives seem to impinge upon our religious lifestyle. I’ve heard that dina d’malchuta dina is the overriding factor here. Is that so? Zelig Aronson

Q & A: Prayer And Its Origins (Part III)

Question: The Gemara in Berachot states that the sages authored our prayers. Does that mean we didn’t pray beforehand? Menachem Via Email

Q & A: The Connection Between Hallel And The Shacharit Amida

Question: Why, if on Rosh Hashana the shofar is blown during Musaf, is Hallel on the festivals and Rosh Chodesh read during Shacharit? L. Freund Via Email

Q & A: Lenient Or Stringent Ruling From The Rabbi (Part I)

Question: My rabbi recently ruled leniently in a certain matter relating to the laws of mourning. Am I disrespecting my late mother if I follow this advice? Name withheld on request Via email

Q & A: Selling One’s Chametz

Question: Please explain why we sell our chametz. Wouldn’t it simpler to just discard it before Passover? Why do we go through this charade every year? Malka Berg

Q & A: Netilat Yadayim (Part III)

Question: Does one wash one’s hands in the bathroom with soap and water, or is it required to pour [fresh] water from a vessel with handles three times on each hand alternatingly? I have heard it said that a vessel is used only in the morning. A Reader New York, NY

Q & A: Offering Tefillin To Passersby (Part X)

Question: Where I live, I see Chabad Shluchim offering Jewish passerby the opportunity to put on tefillin; is this of any value if they are otherwise non-observant? Additionally, is doing so in a street – a public thoroughfare proper – kavod for the tefillin? Menachem Via email

Q & A: Why Don’t We Say Tachanun During Nissan? (Part II)

Question: After the Amida on most mornings we recite Tachanun. It seems that there are many days, including the entire month of Nissan, when such is not the case. My question is, what are those days and why don’t we recite on those days? M. Solow Via Email

Q & A: The Hoopoe

QUESTION: Why is the hoopoe (lapwing) bird, known in the Bible as the duchifat, considered unclean (see Leviticus 11:19 and Deuteronomy 14:18)? It does not seem to be a bird of prey or a carrion- eating bird. There's a purpose for everything G-d commanded us and I would like to understand the reason for this law.Robert A. WeilerBlue Grass, IA

Q & A: The Leap Year At Adar (Part IV)

Why does the Jewish leap year always consist of two Adars? Why specifically Adar? Menachem (Via E-Mail)

Q & A: Replacing A Monument (Part II)

Question: Is there anything in Jewish law that prohibits replacing an old, existing matzeivah (tombstone) with a new, better one? I would greatly appreciate your response to this question. A Reader Tucson, AZ

Q & A: Praying In Other Languages (Part II)

Question: When reciting a berachah in English, does a person fulfill his obligation if he says “Hashem” instead of “L-rd” or “G-d”? Yosef

Q & A: Sitting In A Sukkah

Question: Why do we sit in a sukkah? Is one allowed to travel during Sukkos to a place where no sukkah is available? Moshe Jakobowitz Brooklyn, NY


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