Sukkot (the Feast of Tabernacles) Guide for the Perplexed, 2017

Sukkot has played a key role in the reconstruction of the Jewish Homeland and the ingathering of Jews – and their transition - to the Land of Israel.

Seeing 20/20, Even In 2020

Be a visionary-Happy Chanukah 2020

Reflecting on Kol Nidre

Sometimes terrible things – things like the Akeidah – actually unlock our potential and make us far greater than we otherwise would be.

The Missing Shul

I daven that this will be the last Shavuos we will be forced to be socially distant from each other. Missing you all and pining to get back home.

The Israel–Passover-USA linkage

The Passover legacy contributed to the foundation of the culture, justice and liberty of the USA, and the support of the American people towards the Jewish state.

What?! A Passover Seder in a Rural Village in ZIMBABWE?!

The Lemba tribe (Southern Africa) have an oral tradition they're descendants of Israel's Lost Tribes

What is the Meaning Behind the Hoshanot Prayers on Sukkot?

The Torah emphasizes the joy of Sukkot, for after a season of labor, we celebrate our prosperity.

Chanukah Scheduling Conflicts: The Time Frame For Lighting Menorah

Nowadays, however - thanks to artificial light - most peoples' workday or school day extends well beyond twilight during Chanukah... Must one leave work or school early to light Chanukah candles on time?

When Tisha B’Av falls on Shabbat or Sunday

What are the main changes when Tisha B'Av falls on Shabbat or Sunday?

Keep the Fire Burning

Like all of the holidays since Simchas Torah, each community and individual needs to navigate how to observe and experience Lag B’Omer while a war rages in our homeland.

9 B’Av: The Chain of Events that Led from Bar Kamtza to Titus

( Tisha B’Av (Heb: 9th of the month of Av) is a fast day according to rabbinic law and tradition, commemorating the destruction of...

Make Resolutions, Not Wishes

The secret to change is to stop wishing and to start making real resolutions

Chanukah And The Secret Of Jewish Existence

A congregant once told me that he was spending a large amount of time trying to explain Judaism to a coworker. His colleague thought that all Jewish holidays had the same theme, and he proudly summarized this theme at his family's two-minute Seder: "They tried to kill us, Hashem saved us, we won, now let's eat!!" He proudly bragged that this sentence was the family's personal, abbreviated Haggadah.

Make Seder Out Of Chaos: Kosher ADHD And The Pre-Pesach Web Series

Recognizing the need for targeted support during the holidays, Kosher ADHD offers pre-chag events to go over the aspects of the holiday that are most challenging for individuals with ADHD and their caregivers.

From Pesach Fear to Pesach Cheer

I polled my kids to find out what stood out in their minds, hoping that their recollections went beyond a cranky mommy who wasn’t always at her best.

The Most Calamitous Jewish Day of the Year

The 9th Day of Av Guide for the Perplexed

Suggestions for the 17th of Tammuz

Suggestion: Along with not eating and drinking let us "fast" today from other indulgences...

Mimouna: The Very Opposite of Social Distancing

As sundown falls on the holiday of Passover, Sephardic Jews everywhere will celebrate the centuries-old tradition of Mimouna—but this year, things won’t be the same.

The Purim Press

Our Purim Supplement for 2020

Is it Time to Abandon Kitniyot?

Rabbi David Bar-Hayim argues it is time for Ashkenazim to abandon the prohibition against Kitnyot. What do you think?

The Making of an Enemy; The Birth of a Nation: Amalek

Amalek is seared into Jewish consciousness as the ultimate enemy of Israel and the source of Haman


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